This Tuesday evening, May 16th at 7pm in the LCHS Auditorium, will be the Orchestra Music Awards Ceremony. Please come and relive the glories of the past year with awards and a slide show! It will be my privilege to sing your praises! The Band Awards begin at 8pm.
On Friday, May 19th, from 7pm to 9pm, Neville and Tanya Pereira will be hosting a dinner at their home to celebrate this year for Orchestra. Members of the Orchestra, along with myself, will be on hand to perform. This will be a very festive way to end our year!
And speaking of next year…
Friday, August 11th
Orchestra Day
Time: TBA
In the planning stages. This would be an opportunity to see everyone before school starts and to welcome our new members into the group with some activities, music, etc. We would then piggyback onto the BBQ later that day with the band.
More details to come!