I always think that marching season is the busy time of year, but there is so much going on in the program now that I feel like this season rivals the marching season.
- Dinner show preparations are underway. Please support our program to make this the best dinner show ever! I know I am looking forward to a fun night.
- Orchestra is heading out to the winter retreat in the snow and I know they’re are all looking forward to a time to bond with each other through music and fun.
- Drumline and Color Guard are busy learning their winter shows in anticipation of the season starting next month.
- Jazz Band and Musical Orchestra are working hard to fine tune their music as they are working on hours of music for Club LC and the Musical “Mamma Mia!”
- Symphonic Band, Advanced Strings, 7/8 Concert Band and 7/8 String Orchestra are working on Dinner Show and Festival music.
It’s a great time of year for music, learning, and fun. Thank you all for your support of this amazingly vibrant and active program.
See you at all the shows!