Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

The concert season has arrived for band, while orchestra has already been working hard this past month in preparation for the Winter Spectacular. Come and see these amazing groups, with the added fun of the Jazz Band, as we set the holiday spirit in motion for everyone! It’s a great gathering of music and community. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Poinsettia Pick-up/Delivery – Thursday – Volunteers Needed

Poinsettia Pick-up & Delivery
Thursday, December 7th
3 – 6pm
Volunteers Needed

Many thanks to Sarah Bartels Nagel, and her team of volunteers, who helped organize the Poinsettia sale!

Thursday is pick-up day. Please be sure to pick up your orders between 3pm and 6pm at the Band Room!

We are still looking for a few helpers:

  1. Late morning for a couple hours
  2. 3pm to help with moving the pick-up process along smoothly.

If you are available and willing, please contact Sarah Bartels Nagel. Thanks in advance for your help!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

The Orchestra and Wind Friends performed at the three elementary schools in the district on Friday. It was loads of fun and lots of really good music-making! A big thank you goes out to our adult chaperones, Yvonne Lim and Sandy Miller, who made sure everyone made it to the bus! Thank you to Mr. Stone and the winds/percussion who added a special dash of spice to our sound!

This coming Friday, December 8th, is our annual Winter Spectacular Concert at 7pm in the LCHS auditorium. CALL TIME for Orchestra is at 6:30pm. This concert is always a holiday favorite and highlights the 9-12 Orchestra and Winds. There is a reception after the concert, hosted by our Instrumental Music Parents! Please plan to attend and bring friends and family for a great start to the holiday season.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

Ahhhh… I have fully enjoyed a week off! Spent lots of time with family and friends and getting reacquainted with the back side of my eyelids! I’m looking forward to the next four weeks of school before another much-needed break. Lots of music, a parade, concerts and a chance for all of us to get in the right frame of mind for the holidays.

I hope everyone has recharged and is ready for the next four weeks of fun and music. Come see at least one (or all!) of the fine performances that your kids will be doing! It’s a great a busy time for our program and we look forward to sharing it with all of you

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Imagination and focus. I find myself contemplating these two states as a wonderful, restful week comes to an end. In the next two weeks we are busy! We perform for the elementary schools this Friday, December 1st. On Friday, December 8th, we play the Winter Spectacular at 7pm in the LCHS auditorium.

I imagine the fun and excitement of all the students at this special time of year. I imagine the music and all of the concert details. I like to focus on these thoughts and all of the students in order to bring out the best performances possible.

We could use one or two more parent chaperones for this Friday’s Elementary Tour. Please come if you have the time, and watch the Orchestra in action!

9-12 Band Concert Wear

If your student ordered concert wear, you should have received an individual email from Sandy Miller.

Payment amounts for the concert attire will be indicated in the email. Remember, the Winter Spectacular is on December 8th… There’s no time to waste!

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Miller.

Fundraising: 2017 Poinsettia Sale – Orders Due Friday!


*Last Chance – Orders are due Friday – We have 300 plants that we need to sell by Friday*
Order Deadline: December 1st
Pickup/Delivery: December 7th (3-6pm)

Download the Order Form

This is a great fundraiser to put money into your student’s account. The Instrumental Music Program has sold these beautiful plants for the past several years and many in the community purchase every year!

Plants sell for $12. (Students get $4 per plant and the MPA gets $2.78). These are farm-fresh poinsettias from Oxnard’s Milgro Farms, in in 6 ½” foil-wrapped pots. All proceeds benefit the Instrumental Music Program.

See the Order Form for more details.

If you have questions, please contact Sarah Nagel.

Fundraising: Student Accounts

Each student in the Instrumental Music Program, grades 7 – 12, has a student account. Funds in these accounts can be used to fund activities, transportation costs, registration costs… Basically anything you need to pay for through the MPA — Including the Ireland Trip.

To check your student’s balance, please email our MPA Treasurer, Cliff Guan.

Volunteers Needed!

7/8 Band & Orchestra
Dinner will be served to all 7/8 students and ALF music students prior to their combined concert on Wednesday, December 6th. Please contact Nadia Ali if you are available to help set-up, serve, and clean-up that evening.

9-12 Band & 9-12 Orchestra
For our reception after the concert…

Click to sign up to help or bring food items.
Band: Please bring desserts/sweets.

All items should be brought to the tables in front of the auditorium prior to the concert.