Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Club LC is my favorite gig of the year! It’s a great time for everyone to relax, listen to some great music, and enjoy the community which surrounds our music program. Everyone is invited to come as it the best night in La Cañada, and I would hate for anyone to miss it!
I also wanted to just say thank you to all the parents for being, as always, tremendous supporters and advocates for our instrumental music program. So many aspects of our program are made possible from your generous support. It makes the teaching team’s jobs so much easier to accomplish and allows our students to make great strides in their musicianship, and their growth as young adults moving into the world of college and beyond.
Thank you all for making this journey for everyone possible.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Today, I want to give a huge shout out to the Music Parents Association. We can all see the support to the Band from MPA; the uniforms, the competitions, the instruments, but I don’t know if their support to the Orchestra is as well-known. In the past two years, the MPA has financially and emotionally supported the Orchestra in many ways. The MPA basically subsidized our first Winter Retreat, ensuring that it would happen and thus, making it into an annual event. This year, the Orchestra bought, through the MPA, beautiful music folders. Throughout this year, I have been getting the school cellos and basses repaired, at a cost of thousands of dollars. This summer, I plan on taking the school bows in to be repaired and rehaired. All the music that I purchase for performance comes through the MPA. Supplies, such as pencils, binders, strings, rosin, technique books, etc. are paid for by the MPA. Patricia Quon, an MPA volunteer, has procured through donations, a violin, viola, and cello for the Orchestra. 
I’m sure I am leaving out many other important deeds that the MPA has done for the Orchestra. We could not exist without the support of the MPA and the volunteers and board members. There are not enough ways to say thank you! I would like to encourage Orchestra parents to look for ways to participate in the MPA, either as a volunteer or an elected member. There are monthly meetings for exactly one hour! Our need is great for parents to volunteer their time and expertise to helping the LCHS Instrumental Music Program thrive! 

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

After our fabulous Ireland trip and Spring Break, I know we are all raring to get back to music making with renewed energy! The Orchestra has the Concerto Concert on Wednesday, May 2nd, to prepare for and look forward to! We have eight wonderful soloists and eight great pieces to work on!  Concerto Soloists include:

  • Elise A.S. – Oboe
  • Jared C. – Cello
  • Julie C. – Cello
  • Michael L. – Violin
  • Michael S. – Piano
  • Jordan S. – Tenor Saxophone
  • Alexis S. – Violin
  • Sydney W. – Piano

 I hope you had a great break!

2018 Winter Drumline – Season Ends

Drumline finished their season at Cal State San Bernardino. As soon as a Friends & Family Show date is set, we’ll let you know. For now… thanks to students, staff, and all the parent volunteers for a great season. Can’t wait for next year!