Festival Snack Stand Volunteers & Donations

On Friday, March 17th, the Instrumental Music Program will be hosting Festival. Our 7/8 Band and Orchestra and our 9-12 Band and Orchestra will participate. 
We will also welcome groups from other local schools to our campus to participate.
Of course, these students will be hungry, so we will host a snack stand and sell yummy food and snacks. 
This year we are asking for several items to be donated for the snack stand. Please click on the link to sign up to bring items. Please bring items to the band room prior to or on the evening of the Festival concert (Wednesday, March 15th).

We are also still looking for some helpers on Friday at the snack stand. You can sign up to volunteer using the same link.

Click and sign-up! 🙂

If you have any questions, please email Yvonne Lim.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

We have two performances this week! Our Festival Concert is Wednesday, March 15th at 7pm in the high school auditorium. The 7/8 Orchestra and the 9-12 Orchestra will perform the pieces that they have been practicing for the Festival on Friday.

Call time for the High School Orchestra is 6:30pm Wednesday evening, in the band room, wearing concert dress.

I encourage the parents to come and listen to these two groups. They have really explored these pieces in depth, and I think they all sound great! As a performer, I can say that it’s way more fun to play for a full auditorium rather than an empty one. Come out, if you can, and support our musicians! 

MPA Meeting – Wednesday

MPA Meeting
Wednesday, 3/8
Band Room
Please join us for the March MPA meeting on Wednesday, March 8th at 7pm in the Band Room. All Instrumental Music parents are welcome to join us.
It’s time to start filling our positions for the 2017-18 school year. If you are interested in or curious about the different positions, please contact Monica Bachner and Tom Reynolds, our current MPA Presidents.
Please don’t hesitate to jump right in… Volunteering with this group is a wonderful experience!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Yesterday, I took both Naomi and Alex to go see the drum line perform at the Monrovia show. We had a great time watching shows, hanging out, and the highlight of riding the truck’s lift gate.
The fun we had at the early season show was trying to figure out the show’s theme or concept. Some were easy — a clock ticking time, others we still have no clue what was going on. La Canada’s show was great and I’m excited to see it as it becomes complete.
Early season is always a work-in-progress type of show and I personally love seeing the journey of developing shows and skills to get to the final destination of a great show. I love that about music, it’s always a journey!
Have a great week and enjoy the journey!

Festival Snack Stand Volunteers Needed

On Friday, March 17th, the Instrumental Music Program will be hosting Festival.

Our own 7/8 Band and Orchestra and our 9-12 Band and Orchestra will participate. We will also welcome groups from other local schools to our campus to participate.
Of course, these students will be hungry… So we will host a snack stand and sell yummy food and snacks. We are looking for several people to help with the snack stand. If you are interested in organizing or helping in the stand that day, please let Sandy know.
We have just a short time to get this up and running, so please don’t delay!

Last Call – Marching Band Photo Books

Cindy and Tom Huynh have made two incredible hardcover photo books for the 2016-2017 Marching Band season. Hopefully, you were able to see them at the Dinner Show. This is the last call for orders.
If you are interested in ordering one or both photo books you must:

  1.  Contact Gita Singh with which book you want and how many.
  2. Gita must receive your check in the mail (made payable to “LCHS MPA”) by Friday March 10th – no exceptions

The photo books are $40 each. The first focuses on the graduating senior class. The second one is more generalized and just as wonderful. Don’t let this wonderful opportunity pass you by. For those orders already placed, they should be available for pick up in approximately three weeks.

Festival Concerts

Orchestra Festival Concert
Wednesday, March 15th
7pm, LCHS Auditorium
Featuring 7/8 Orchestra & Advanced Orchestra

Band Festival Concert
Wednesday, March 15th
8pm, LCHS Auditorium

Please join us for these concerts!

Thank You and Dinner Show Wrap Up

WOW! What an evening!

Many thanks to our Dinner Show committee, parents, staff, and students for making Saturday night a successful and enjoyable event!
Many nice compliments were received from LCHS teachers, grandparents, neighbors, alumni, and of course, parents!
You are all greatly appreciated! THANK YOU!

Dinner Show Wrap-Up…
If you purchased any items at the Dinner Show (pledge, silent auction items, photo book, etc.), receipts were sent to your email address. If you didn’t receive one, please check your spam folder.
If you need to pick up or pay for items, please contact:
Pick up: Gita Singh (cell: 323-333-3585) – Monday February 27th after 4pm.
Pay: Patricia Quon (email: patriciasquon@hotmail.com)
Let’s help to get this wrapped up and in the books! Thanks!

7/8 Band and Orchestra – Disneyland Workshops

Thursday, March 2

  • 7/8 Band and Orchestra to Disney!

    • Meet in the Band Room at 7:30 a.m.
    • Make sure Field Trip form/money turned in
    • Bring:
      • instrument
      • spending money for lunch/dinner/shopping
      • wear comfortable clothes/shoes for a day at Disney
    • Return to HS at approximately 8-8:30 p.m.

Ms. Munday’s News and Notes

Last Friday, the orchestra trekked down to Anaheim to play a concert at California Adventure. What a great experience! The students played beautifully and they were all very polite and attentive! They represented LCHS at the highest level. I would like to thank our chaperones, Hillary Bhaskaran, Michelle Lynskey. Tanya Pereira, Patricia Quon, Mamiko Toda, and Gayle Wilkinson for doing a super job!
This coming Friday, we will go up the mountain to our first ever Orchestra Winter Retreat! Almost everyone has their forms in — please get them in asap. I have posted the schedule and what the students should bring on Google Classroom. There was an email sent to you last week about the particulars. Please email me if you have any questions. The weekend promises to be a good learning experience and lots of fun!
This Monday evening, January 30, at 7pm in the Band Room, is the first Ireland Tour meeting. The band and orchestra are scheduled to travel to Ireland over St. Patrick’s Day, March 2018. The band marches in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin, while the orchestra performs at other great venues. Come and learn about the trip, fundraising opportunities and other pertinent matters.

Orchestra Retreat Sign-Up Info:

  1. Click on the link to register online.
  2. Print out the liability form, complete it, and return.
  3. Bring a check in the amount of $175 (covers all food, lodging, etc.). Please make check payable to, “LCHS MPA.”
  4. Put completed liability form and check in the black box in the band room.
  5. Form and checks are due NOW.