Color Guard Workshops

Color Guard Workshops
Thursday, May 18th & Friday May 19th
After School until 4pm
Interested in learning more about Color Guard and trying it out? Attend the workshops, and find out more. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Stone.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Happy Mother’s Day to all you hard-working, deserving, Instrumental Music Moms! I hope that your children waited on you hand and foot! It’s almost summer break, but before that…

This Tuesday evening, May 16th at 7pm in the LCHS Auditorium, will be the Orchestra Music Awards Ceremony. Please come and relive the glories of the past year with awards and a slide show! It will be my privilege to sing your praises! The Band Awards begin at 8pm.

On Friday, May 19th, from 7pm to 9pm, Neville and Tanya Pereira will be hosting a dinner at their home to celebrate this year for Orchestra. Members of the Orchestra, along with myself, will be on hand to perform. This will be a very festive way to end our year!

And speaking of next year…
Friday, August 11th
Orchestra Day
Time: TBA
In the planning stages. This would be an opportunity to see everyone before school starts and to welcome our new members into the group with some activities, music, etc. We would then piggyback onto the BBQ later that day with the band. 
More details to come!

An Invitation to 7/8 and 9-12 Orchestra Parents and Students…

Friday, May 19th
7pm to 9pm
Dinner provided by Neville and Tanya Pereira
(A donation to LCHS PTSA is suggested)
Ms. Munday & Orchestra Members Will Perform
RSVP to Tanya Pereira
You are invited to attend an evening with our Orchestra to celebrate a very successful year.

Friday, May 19 — 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Dinner provided by Neville and Tanya Pereira
(A donation to LCHS PTSA is suggested.)
Ms. Munday & Orchestra members will perform
RSVP to Tanya Pereira

2017-2018 Band Meeting

2017-2018 Band Meeting
Monday, May 8th
7pm, Band Room
(Parents & Students)
All members of the 2017-2018 Band, and their parents, are required to attend the May 8th meeting at 7pm in the Band Room. This includes the current year’s juniors, sophomores, freshmen, and 8th graders.

Dates and requirements for the marching season will be presented… And the 2017 field show will be revealed!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

It takes an amazing number of dedicated performers, parents, and teachers to put in effort for the concerts to be at such a high level of accomplishment. I’m constantly amazed and excited by the instrumental music community at LCHS and am thankful to be a part of it. 
Thank you to the parents who put in many hours of behind the scenes planning and working to provide such wonderful support for our students. 
Thank you to all the students who put in so much of their limited free time to pursue and improve their musicianship and musicality in order to perform great music beautifully. 
And lastly, thank you to my two colleagues, Jennifer Munday and James Myers, for bringing your heart, soul, and energy to our program and continue to inspire our students to achieve greatness. 
Thanks to all of you for making my job the best job on campus and beyond.

Shopping on Amazon for Mother’s Day?

Please select La Canada Music Parents as your donation choice when placing your orders on Amazon Smile. For each purchase you make, Amazon donates to our organization. It’s easy — give it a try!

The Habit Fundraiser

The Habit Fundraiser
Wednesday, May 3rd
4pm to 9pm
Stop by The Habit on May 3rd and support the Instrumental Music Program! Invite your friends and family! Be sure to take the flyer with you, either on your phone or printed. See you there!

Ms. Munday’s News and Notes…

This week, the orchestra performs our last concert for this year! I hope everyone will come and hear this special concert with our wonderful soloists, Averi S. and Lisa T. You will certainly enjoy the beautiful music that these students create. I am so proud of them!

Our dress rehearsal is Wednesday, May 3rd from 5pm to 8pm in the LCHS Auditorium. Dinner will be provided to the students, courtesy of our amazing parents!

The concert is Friday, May 5th in the LCHS Auditorium. Please invite your family and friends! Refreshments will be served after the performance. If you would like to bring some goodies for this please sign up here.