Information about School Registration, Band Registration & Band Camp

The various sections of the Marching Band (Winds, Percussion, and Color Guard) will not meet together as a group until the start of Band Workshops on Monday, July 31st. Section leaders may call sectional rehearsals throughout the summer.

In mid-July, you will be receiving an email via Constant Contact that will have the Band Handbook and all the information you need for Registration, Band Camp, uniform fittings, Preview Night, and the fall season. If you’re not already subscribed to the Constant Contact Music Department Newsletter, you can subscribe here.
Heads up! ALL Band and Guard students will have their school registration, ID, textbooks, etc. on Monday, August 7th.

The day will start with the Seniors, followed by Juniors, then Sophomores, then Freshmen (Freshmen, note the day change). Mr. Stone has worked with the High School Administration to get the Freshmen registered on Monday so the Band can depart as a group to Band Camp on Tuesday, August 8th.

Summer Activities

Mandarins Leadership Camp
Passion. Confidence. Impact!
Camp Flyer
New for 2017 — Mandarins Leadership Camp registration is now open. “Creating confident student leaders… led by experienced educators in leadership and conducting.”  Camp will be held July 6-8 in Elk Grove, CA. Overnight camp and all meals are provided.

FYI: Sandy will be driving up to Elk Grove at this same time — if your student is interested in attending and would like to have a ride there and back, please let her know.

Bellis Music Camp
Is your student looking for a fun-filled week filled with music this summer? Bellis Music Camp will be held July 23rd – July 29th at Angeles Christian Camp and is open to all outgoing 6th through 8th graders — both Band and Orchestra.

For more information or to apply, please visit the website.

DCI Show at the Rose Bowl
Saturday, July 1st
Pasadena Rose Bowl
Once again, Drums Corps International will host a show at the Rose Bowl Stadium.

What is DCI? “DCI is marching music’s major league… Drum Corps International delivers the message of ‘excellence in performance and in life’ to more than 7.2 million young people, ages 13-22 involved in performing arts in the United States… Each year, more than 8,000 students audition for the fewer than 3,500 positions available in top-tier DCI member corps…”

Corps (brass, battery, front ensemble, and color guard) will perform their 2017 productions, top-notch field shows with amazing sound and sights. It really is an experience not to miss.

Individual tickets can be ordered through Ticketmaster.

Concert Attire Returns and/or Donations

As the school year comes to a close, it’s time to return and or donate your student’s concert wear.
7/8 Orchestra
Boys should have their tuxedo jackets cleaned and return to Mr. Myers ASAP. Please write your student’s name on a piece of paper and attach it to the jacket.

9-12 Band and Orchestra
If your student is graduating this year and you would like to donate their concert wear to the program, please make sure it is cleaned. All donated concert wear may be hung on the rack in the band hallway prior to the last day of school. Future students thank you in advance for your donation!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

It’s here! Last week. Last Days for Seniors… Summer… Well almost for our 2017-18 Marching Spartans.
I can’t say enough about the bitter sweetness of this week. Preparing for the next generation of all of our performing groups, watching our Seniors grow and move on to the next chapter of their lives and knowing that, for many, it will be the last time I see them. It’s the exciting part of growing up. It’s the goals set many years ago seen accomplished. It’s the friends you have all made along the way. Seniors, congrats on all that! Congrats on making an impact on this program and your school. Come back often. Visit even though every student you know on campus has graduated. Keep focused on your goals, be the amazing students of life that I know — and above all — be good to each other and those around you. Good luck and take care!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

Congratulations on a year well done! I look back at all that you have accomplished and I am so proud of you all! Now, just get through finals and you will have a nice long summer vacation, filled with, I hope, fun, rest, and adventure. Oh — and some practice time 😉
I look forward to seeing most of you back next year, minus our seniors, for more music and fun. Have a fantastic summer!

Promotion/Graduation Information

Thursday, June 1st

  • 8th Grade Promotion: 8:30am, LCHS Stadium

    • Call time for 7th grade Band is 7:30am in the Band Room
    • Dress is…nice. Suggested: Girls — dresses; Boys — dress pants and collared shirt
  • Graduation: 6:30pm, LCHS Stadium

    • Call time for HS Band is 5:15pm — with instrument and music, on the field, ready to play
    • Dress is…nice. Suggested: Girls — dresses; Boys — dress pants and collared shirt

Everything you need to know about the Fiesta Days Parade

When is the Parade?
The Parade is held on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29th. The Parade begins at 10:30am.

Where is the Parade?
The Parade is held on Foothill Blvd. It begins at the corner of Foothill and Cornishon (LCUSD District Office), and ends at the corner of Foothill and Gould (Round Table Pizza).

What should your student wear?

  • 7/8 students should wear their band t-shirts and dark shorts.
  • 9-12 students will wear their full marching uniform, but no shakos and no gloves.

Where should I drop off my student?

  • 7/8 students should be dropped off at the corner of Foothill and Cornishon at 10am. The students should go into the parking garage and look for the rest of the band. The 9-12 band will join the 7/8 students after the service in the park.
  • 9-12 students will meet at the LCE playground at 8:15am. Please enter from La Canada Blvd. They will warm-up and then proceed to the park for the Memorial Service.

What about instrument cases?
Your student should ONLY bring their instrument. All cases need to be left in the car. We will not return to the start of the parade.

Where should I pick up my student?
The parade ends at the corner of Foothill and Gould, right by Round Table Pizza. Please make arrangements with your student as to where to meet them. Someone will stay at Round Table until all students are picked up.
Students are dismissed when they finish the parade. We will not know where we are in the parade (beginning, middle, end) until Monday morning.
Usually it’s easiest if parents pick a spot to watch the parade towards the end of the parade route, making it easier for you to meet up with your student after they are finished.
How does my student get their instrument from school?
ALL students should take their instrument home with them on Friday afternoon. For those using school instruments, you may return them on Tuesday morning.
9-12 students should also take their marching uniform home on Friday afternoon. Please return them on Tuesday.
Anything else?
The traditional doughnuts and water bottles will be available for all 7/8 and 9-12 students. If you have another question, please let Sandy know. Did I forget anything?