Advanced Orchestra Concert Wear Fittings

Wednesday, August 30th
0 Period
Mrs. Cheng will be fitting freshmen and new members. ALL orchestra members should try on their concert clothes before Wednesday morning to see if your concert wear still fits and that you have all the parts including vest, tie, etc. Now is the time to get new/slightly used items. If you have questions, please contact Cecilia Cheng.

Volunteer Needed – First Aid Kits

Our two first aid kits are missing. We take these with us whenever we travel, to rehearsals, to competitions, etc.
We need someone to help us and gather all the things necessary so we can replace them.
If you’re interested, please let Sandy Miller know. Thanks in advance for your help!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

I’m sitting at a kid’s birthday party where the UCLA National Champion Quidditch team is showing the kids how to play Quidditch (the non-flying broom type). It’s truly the silliest looking game as kids run around with their brooms between their legs (a PVC pole), trying to avoid bludgers (dodgeballs), trying to score points with the quaffel, while waiting for the snitch (someone wearing gold shorts with a flag attached to the back) to come out and end the game. It’s silly but crazy fun.
As I look at this game, I see the hard work it would take for the UCLA team to be so successful and I think about how that compares to our process. The skills required to be successful in band, color guard, orchestra, and quidditch all boil down to hard work and being present. Hard work is the only way our skills get better and being present allows the wisdom of those who have done the hard work (and still continue that work) to teach and share their insights on what it takes to be the best you can be. I love that about music and magical/non-magical sports! Have a great week, be present, and enjoy the hard work!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

We have made it through the first week of school! Everyone is getting used to playing in the group, old-comers and new-comers alike.
Our new music folders arrived this week and they are beautiful. We are 77 strong this year and are already making music together. Very exciting!
Tomorrow night, Monday, August 21st, 7-8pm in the band room is our first meeting of the Music Parents Association, or the MPA. This is the parental support group for instrumental music at LCHS. I invite all orchestra parents to come and meet other parents and get involved in your child’s music program. Our instrumental program is very large and needs lots of support from many people, and Mr. Stone, Mr. Myers, and I would not be able to do everything that we do without this support. Last year, the MPA was hugely important with the orchestra being able to go on the first Winter Retreat. Please come!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

So, it’s here! Start of school! Always fun to start the school year (and a little sad to see summer pass). It has been a great summer of relaxation and preparation for the coming year. The last two weeks has seen the marching band and color guard working hard to finish the first movement of their fall show “Rapunzel.” Friday’s BBQ and Preview Show was a huge success and the band is off to an amazing start. I’m looking forward to continuing the work that we have begun and to see the final product develop over the next few months.
The music program is thriving and growing. Advanced Orchestra is meeting at zero period with 77 members, and the two 7/8 groups are growing and starting on their way to being amazing musicians and performers. It is going to be a great year. Parents you can come and get involved in the Music Parents Association by coming to the first meeting on Monday, August 21st, at 7pm. It’s a great way to get involved and be connected to the music community at LCHS.
I love the first day of school! Looking forward to a great beginning to an amazing year!

Handbook, Travel Permission Slip, Donation Sheet, and Camp Costs

If you haven’t had a chance to complete online registration, please do so. This form will give us up-to-date contact information as well as provide you with an opportunity to financially support the LCHS Instrumental Music Program. Please make all donation checks payable to “LCHS MPA”.

Transportation donations for Band and Color Guard are now given to the MPA, and not to the ASB. Only pay the ASB if your child plays a sport in addition to Band and Color Guard.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers Needed for Return from Band Camp
(Update: We are still looking for one bus rider to get the students home)
The shuttle driver will meet the bus riders and truck driver at the high school at 1pm on Friday, August 11th. The shuttle driver will drive all the volunteers to Cal Poly to meet the band and truck for the return trip home. You will be back to the high school in plenty of time for the Family BBQ Dinner and Preview Show. The ride home will be a little “toasty,” but the students will be tired — an easy ride. Please let Sandy Miller know if you are available and willing.

Volunteers Needed for Family BBQ
We’ll need a couple helpers to set up, serve, and clean up at the Family BBQ starting at 4pm. Please contact Nadia Ali if you’re available.

Band Camp Info &  Preview Night

Band Camp
Tuesday, August 8th – Friday, August 11th

Overnights at Cal Poly Pomona
Depart LCHS at 12pm – Tuesday, August 8th
Return to LCHS about 4pm – Friday, Aug. 11th
Pack List:

  • Clothes
  • Bathing Suit
  • Hat
  • Good Cross Trainer Shoes
  • Sunglasses
  • Your Instrument
  • Music
  • Drill
  • Sleeping Bag or Sheets
  • Pillow
  • Lyre
  • Towel
  • Toiletries
  • Sun block
  • Water Bottle (Mandatory, thank me later)
  • Props for “Talent Nite”
  • Cell Phone to call your parents and tell them how much you love and miss them

 Do Not Even Think of Bringing:

  • TVs
  • Video Game Systems
  • Laptops

 All your items must fit in ONE BAG since we are limited on space. And yes, it is possible to fit it in one bag.
While at band camp we will be working hard to begin the long process of learning and perfecting our show. It is vital for everyone to attend and participate to the fullest. We will also be having a lot of fun during and outside of rehearsals as well. It will be a great beginning to our show.

Preview Night & BBQ
Friday, August 11th
5pm – Family BBQ Dinner (ticket info coming soon) – Front of North Gym
6pm – Preview of Rapunzel  – LCHS Stadium
Upon our arrival home from Cal Poly, we will be giving everyone a sneak peek of the opening number to “Rapunzel.” We will also be having a wonderful time of community and food with our BBQ cookout cooked by LCHS’s own Mr. Dan Yoder.
Be sure to buy your tickets soon. You can find the ticket order form in the online registration or at the check-in table just outside the Band Room during workshops. Band and Color Guard Members do not need to buy a meal, but all others do. Come welcome your children home and have a delicious tri-tip sandwich (or vegetarian alternative) from Grillmaster Yoder.