Gin & Jazz – Fundraising for our Music Program

Exciting music department news, and we need your help for BoosterFest on Saturday, October 21st!

The Spartan Boosters Club is working hard to raise funds to update the LCHS Music / Band Room area to include recording studio equipment, and converting one of the small practice rooms into recording mix room… as well as new carpeting and new paint. This is a HUGE help to our own MPA fundraising for this! The Spartan Boosters and the Music Parents Association working together for the Instrumental Music Program.

Currently, all musicians are taught performance, however a huge part of job opportunities in music are actually in recording. By adding recording studio equipment, students would be exposed to how to perform for recording, how to record music, microphone placements, arrangements for recordings, music composition, music mixing, and post production music for film and television.

Students can learn how to lay down music tracks for them to play along with at home. Students can learn how to work with the LCHS TV class and theater arts departments recording and scoring music for student / school productions. This would allow our music department to grow and be contemporary with how music is performed today and the music industry. It is very exciting!

We’re hoping to raise enough to install the recording equipment that will help our kids learn practical music skills beyond music performance. However, we won’t be able to reach our goals without your help.

PLEASE come to “BoosterFest – Gin and Jazz” on Saturday, October 21st, starting at 5:30pm at the La Canada Country Club. In addition to a dedicated Music Room fundraiser, there will be delicious food, cocktails, dancing, great auction values, and GREAT FUN.

We need MUSIC Parents to be at BoosterFest. Unfortunately, the Marching Band Field Competition at Mission Viejo High School is earlier the same day. If you are not going to the Marching Band event, please come to BoosterFest (or maybe Mom goes to one event, and Dad goes to the other). Please tell your friends to attend as well.

Keep in mind, there are two ways to get tickets to BoosterFest.

1. The easiest way to get tickets (and best value) is to join Boosters at the “Spartan Club Level” ($350) or higher and get 2 free tickets (2 tickets by themselves are $135 x 2=$270).  Join Boosters Now


2. You can purchase individual tickets using the link for $135 each. Purchase your tickets now!
Please support this event that has earmarked specific fundraising and auction items to our mission to improve and update the Music Program facilities, and increase the music educational and creative offerings to our students.

If you have any items to donate to the auction, or any other questions, please contact Wayne Page.

Advanced Orchestra – Winter Retreat

From after school on Friday, January 19th, until early afternoon on Sunday, January 21st, we will be at our 2018 Winter Retreat at the Angeles Crest Christian Camp, about 45 minutes up Angeles Crest Highway. It’s a fun time of rehearsing and having fun playing games and hanging out! This is a group activity and everyone in orchestra should go.

Click Here to Register

The camp also requires a participation form that can be downloaded here, printed out, signed and taken to school and put in the black box. The cost is $185. Super Fun!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

We had our first Marching Competition this Saturday (the band and color guard did amazing), and as I went through the day (8am rehearsal until the last student left around 10pm), I couldn’t help think that there is no way that I could ever do this on my own. I can’t even imagine it. I love seeing everyone’s hand involved in the show’s success. From my staff who works harder than any other staff to push the students to new levels of achievement. To the parents who show up on that day to push equipment, plume and gauntlet, drive a 62′ truck and trailer combo (thanks Robert!), provide a lunch and community before we depart, and those brave parents who ride the bus. To Jim Stilson and his amazing creativity and design of our props. And finally, to each student who gave their best on Saturday and every day we get to perform our show in competition and in rehearsal. Everyone has contributed to the show’s ability to thrill an audience and stun judges (one judge stopped talking mid-sentence when we revealed the 55′ of Rapunzel’s hair). It was a great day of community and I look forward to more fun and connections as we continue through our season. Thank you all for getting involved and supporting our program at all levels. Have a great week!

9-12 Concert Wear

Before you know it, marching season will be over and we’ll be in concert season! Please have your student try on last year’s concert wear and see if it fits.

Sandy will be fitting concert wear for girls on Wednesday, October 11th during 1st and 3rd periods. Please discuss with your student if you would like new concert wear or slightly used. (We do have some donated concert wear items in limited sizes from our alumni that we can give to you at a discounted price.) Please bring any cleaned concert wear that doesn’t fit on Wednesday.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

Winter Retreat:
From after school on Friday, January 19th, until early afternoon on Sunday, January 21st, we will be at our 2018 Winter Retreat at the Angeles Crest Christian Camp, about 45 minutes up Angeles Crest Highway. It’s a fun time of rehearsing and having fun playing games and hanging out! This is a group activity and everyone in orchestra should go.

Click Here to Register

The camp also requires a participation form that can be downloaded here, printed out, signed and taken to school and put in the black box. The cost is $185. Super Fun!

Fall Concert
Wednesday, October 25th
LCHS Auditorium

Our first concert of the year is coming right up and it would be great to have a full house to see and hear all the amazing work these musicians have done!

Please join us and the 7/8 Orchestra for an evening of beautiful music created by your students!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Performance is what we work hard for. Playing for a crowd is the best. As we work this week to get ready for band’s first competition, and orchestra works toward their first concert, keep in mind that performance level rehearsals produce performance level performances. We only get better by working harder and performing each time we approach our music. It’s what makes rehearsals more fun than the performance sometimes. Performances are amazing because we finally get to share our music and show all within earshot. Have a great week preparing and performing!

Fundraising: Scrip – ORDER DUE DATE NEARING

The holidays will soon be upon us… Now is the time to give the Scrip program a try! Order due date is OCTOBER 6th.

  • Go to this site
  • Enter the following LCHS MPA enrollment code: FCLF89D229312
  • Follow the prompts to set up your account (takes about 5 minutes) and you’ll be ready to make your purchases!

 If you have questions, please contact Sarah Nagel.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

We will have our first performance in a few weeks – our 7/8 and 9-12 Orchestra Concert. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 25th at 7pm in the LCHS Auditorium. The two groups will perform together and separately. It would be great to have a full house watching and listening to these amazing musicians perform!

It’s time to start preparing for the SCSBOA Honor Groups audition. You must apply online by November 3rd. The auditions will be held on Sunday, December 10th, at Hoover High School in Glendale. Rehearsals are Friday, January 26th, and Saturday, January 27th in Garden Grove. The concert will be held Sunday, January 28th at the fabulous Musco Center for the Arts at Chapman University. Audition materials are online. Consider applying and auditioning for this group – it’s always a great experience!

Have a great week!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Seven weeks into the school year.

Two weeks until the Marching Spartans first competition.

Four weeks until the Fall Concert.

October has arrived!

This is one of my favorite months since it is the cumulation of everyone’s hard work coming together in amazing performances. It’s also when warm night rehearsals cool off and sweatshirts, not t-shirts, become the norm. You must come and see one or all of these great events and support our students’ display of all the hard work they have been doing since the beginning of school. It is truly remarkable seeing the transformation of the orchestra’s initial sight-reading rehearsal, or band’s first run with drill and music together, until a polished performance.

I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing all of these great events and hoping to see all of you there. Have a great week