Mar 9, 2020 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Color Guard, 7/8 Drumline, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, Concerts, Drumline, Fundraising, HS Band, MPA Board, Parents, Rehearsals, Trips, Weekly Schedule
Monday, March 9th
- Gift Card Orders Due
- 7pm: MPA Meeting – Band Room
- 8pm: NY Trip Meeting – Band Room
Tuesday, March 10th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Beginning Drumline
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal
Wednesday, March 11th
Festival Concerts
- 6:15pm: Call time for 7/8 Orchestra
- Concert Wear, per Mr. Myers’ instructions
- 6:30pm: Call time for 9-12 Orchestra
- 7pm: Orchestra Concert Begins
- 7:15pm: Call time for 7/8 Band
- Concert Wear, per Mr. Myers’ instructions
- 7:30pm: Call time for 9-12 Band
- 8pm: Band Concert Begins
Thursday, March 12th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Beginning Drumline
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal
Jan 21, 2020 | 7/8 Color Guard, 7/8 Drumline, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, Drumline, Fundraising, Jazz Band, Parents, Rehearsals, Trips, Volunteers, Weekly Schedule
Monday, January 20th
Tuesday, January 21st
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Winter Concert 7-12 Percussion Rehearsal
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching 9-12 Percussion Rehearsal
Wednesday, January 22nd
- Concerto Concert Auditions after School
- 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal
- 7pm: Dinner Show Committee Meeting – Thuss House
Thursday, January 23rd
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Winter Concert 7-12 Percussion Rehearsal
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching 9-12 Percussion Rehearsal
Friday, January 24th – Sunday January 26th
Jan 21, 2020 | Advanced Orchestra, Trips
9-12 Orchestra Winter Retreat!
Friday, January 24th
- Come to school with gear & store in Band Room till after school
- After school: load buses, leave approx. 4pm for Angeles Crest Christian Camp
- Approx. 5pm: Arrive at camp
- Get settled in cabins
- 5:30pm: Dinner
- 6:30-9:30pm: Evening activities; s’mores, games
- 9:30-10pm: cabins, lights out
Saturday, January 25th
- 8:30am: Breakfast
- 9:30-11:30am: Sectionals
- 12pm: Lunch
- 1:30-4:30pm: Afternoon activities
- 5:30pm: Dinner
- 6:30-7:30pm: Full rehearsal
- 7:30-9:30pm: Evening activities
- 9:30-10pm: cabins, lights out
Sunday, January 26th
- Cabins must be cleared by 10am. After waking up, pack your belongings and bring them to the rehearsal room
- 8:30am: Breakfast
- 10-11am: Full rehearsal
- 11:30am: Lunch
- 12:30-1pm: Load buses, leave camp
- 1:30-2pm: Arrive LCHS
Retreat Location
Angeles Christian Camp
Weather Information
What to Bring
- Instrument
- music
- folding music stand
- water bottle
- lip balm
- sleeping bag & pillow
- towel & washcloth
- toiletries
- 1 bag for clothes: good coat, good shoes, sweaters, hat, gloves
What NOT to Bring
- weapons
- anything flammable
- drugs
- alcohol
- vaping
- food
Jan 20, 2020 | Advanced Orchestra, Trips
Payment Due at End of 1st Semester
It’s time to start thinking about the Winter Retreat! The dates will be after school on Friday, January 24th through Sunday afternoon, January 26th.
There will be lots of fun in the mountains, practice of upcoming Festival music, have special coaching sessions, lots of good food and snacks, and super fun times with your friends.
The cost is $325 per student. If you haven’t already paid, now is the time. Checks should be made out to “LCHS MPA,” and put in the black box in the Band Room.
If any parents would like to volunteer to chaperone, please contact Yvonne Lim.
Jan 20, 2020 | Advanced Orchestra, Parents, Trips
As we prepare for the Winter Retreat, we’re looking for families to sign-up to help out with the snacks. Please click on the link and sign-up! The students are always so appreciative of the snacks!
Also, if you still need to pay for the Winter Retreat, please do so. It just makes everything easier if you are paid and ready to go.
Please click on the link check the box for Winter Retreat and pay online or with a check made payable to LCHS MPA and placed in the black locked box in the Band Room.
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Munday or Yvonne Lim.
Dec 18, 2019 | Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, HS Band, Parents, Trips
Encore Tours, the company arranging the New York trip, has indicated that some participants have only paid the deposit of $200. Please go to the website and make a payment of $1000 prior to December 22nd to be sure your student has an airline seat.
After December 22nd, all participants that have not paid a total of $1200 will be dropped from the trip.
If you are planning on using funds from your student’s account, please email Mr. Stone and let him know so he can communicate that to the tour company. (And be sure to let Mr. Bohannon know that you are planning on using the student account. The deadline for that is December 19th.)
For questions, please contact Mr. Stone.
Dec 16, 2019 | 7/8 Color Guard, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, Drumline, Parents, Rehearsals, Trips, Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, December 17th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal (9-12)
Thursday, December 19th
- Deadline to use Student Funds for NY Trip
- Orchestra Retreat Payment Due
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal (9-12)
Friday, December 20th
- 10am-5:30pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal (9-12)
Dec 15, 2019 | Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, HS Band, Parents, Trips
If you are planning to use any of your student funds for the NYC trip you MUST:
- Email Marshall Bohannon by December 19th!
- Please put Attn: STUDENT ACCOUNT – NYC in the subject line!
The MPA has to mail the check with all students funds to ENCORE TOURS before the end of the year.
We will not be able to apply any student funds to the NYC Trip after December 19th. Thank you for your cooperation!
Dec 1, 2019 | Advanced Orchestra, Trips
It’s time to start thinking about the Winter Retreat! The dates will be after school on Friday, January 24th through Sunday afternoon, January 26th.
There will be lots of fun in the mountains, practice of upcoming Festival music, have special coaching sessions, lots of good food and snacks, and super fun times with your friends.
The cost is $325 per student. If you haven’t already paid, now is the time. Checks should be made out to “LCHS MPA,” and put in the black box in the Band Room.
If any parents would like to volunteer to chaperone, please contact Yvonne Lim.
Nov 18, 2019 | 7/8 Color Guard, Color Guard, Concerts, HS Band, Parents, Rehearsals, Trips, Volunteers, Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, November 19th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal
Thursday, November 21st
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal
Click Here for Printable Itinerary
Your students will need to bring all their luggage and items they will need for the Championship trip to school with them on Friday morning. We will store the luggage in the back room throughout the day.
Students will have rehearsal immediately following the school day and then perform at the Friends & Family show, load the truck and bus and head to Championships in Clovis.
Please note that over the weekend, we will have two, maybe three performances. For each of these performances they will need long black socks, clothes for under the uniform, and their marching shoes. Please pack accordingly.
A special note about long black socks… Your student will need long black socks for the Friends & Family performance. Please be sure they have their socks easy to get to and not in their luggage. We will not have 92 extra pair of black socks because their socks are packed. Just throwing that out there. 🙂
PLEASE invite your friends, families, teachers and the community to the Friends & Family Show! Here’s a link to the event you can share.
Spending Money
Your students will need spending money for In-N-Out on Friday evening on the way to Clovis, lunch on Saturday at the mall, any souvenirs at Championships, and for food on the way home on Sunday.
Competition Site
Just a reminder that we will be staying in Clovis, but will be performing at Kingsburg High School in Kingsburg. It’s about 30 minutes south of Clovis.
Kingsburg High School
1900 18th Avenue
Kingsburg, CA 93631
$30 – Adults / $20 students
Cash and Credit will be accepted at the gate
Tickets are good for both days at all venues.
Keep your wristband on for access on both days!
1 wristband per person
Price is the same whether you buy on Saturday or Sunday
We will need volunteers to help on Friday evening prior to and after the Friends & Family Show as well as on Saturday at the competition and on Sunday. Please click on the sign-up link to donate food and other supplies or volunteer to help.
Friday, November 22nd
- 3:30-5:30pm: Final Championship Rehearsal, LCHS field
- 5:30-5:50pm: Change into full uniform, plumes & gauntlets
- 5:50pm: Warm-up on the field
- 6:30pm: Greet Family & Friends / Change / Load truck
- 8pm: Load Bus
- 8:30pm: Depart LCHS – Championship Bound!
- 9pm: Stop for food at In-N-Out, Valencia
- 1am: Arrive in Clovis, CA
- 1:30am: Lights Out! Go to Sleep! Performance tomorrow!
Hampton Inn
855 Gettysburg Ave.
Clovis, CA 93612
(559) 348-0000
Saturday, November 23rd
- 7-9am: Free hot breakfast in hotel!
- 9-11am: Rehearsal at Sierra Vista Mall (next to the hotel)
- 11am: Load truck
- 11:45am: Lunch (on your own) at the Mall
- 2:30pm: Load bus
- 3pm: Depart Clovis for WBA Championships in Kingsburg, CA
- 3:30pm: Arrive Kingsburg HS, unload
- 5:30pm: Pre-show Dinner is served (dinner provided)
- 6:45pm: Change into uniform
- 7pm: Warm-up begins
- 8pm: Plume on the way to Ensemble
- 8:05pm: Full Ensemble
- 8:25pm: Uniforms, water and tune
- 8:35pm: Pit at Gate
- 8:45pm: Band at Gate
- 9:20pm: Push back to truck, line up for awards (all seniors & leaders)
- 9:30pm: 3A Awards
- 10pm: Change, load truck
- 11pm: Bus departs Kingsburg HS
- 11:30pm: Arrive at Hotel, pizza is served
- We will be having pizza delivered to the hotel after we return from the competition on Saturday evening. Any parents and families that will be in town are welcome to join us! We’ll be in the hotel lobby of Hampton Inn.
- 12am: Lights Out!
Sunday, November 24th
- 7-9am: Free hot Breakfast in the hotel!
- 12:30pm: Grand Championships Begin
- 6:15pm: Grand Championships Full Retreat and Awards
- 7:30pm: Depart Kingsburg – Homeward Bound!
- 8:30pm: Stop for Dinner (on your own) on the road home
- 11pm: Arrive LCHS, Unload truck
- 11:30pm: Dismissal! Have a great Thanksgiving Break!
**Please note: if we do not qualify for Grand Championships, we will be heading home late-morning on Sunday for an arrival at LCHS in mid-afternoon. An email will be sent late Saturday evening after 3A Awards.**