Dayton Meeting

We will have a Dayton Trip Parent Planning Meeting right after the MPA meeting on Monday, September 9th at 8pm in the Band Room.

Please plan on attending. We need to start making the reservations for flights and hotels as soon as possible, and we want to make sure everyone is up-to-date with the plans.

We plan on sharing a lot of the details about the trip… You don’t want to miss it!

See you there!

Volunteers Needed

9-12 Band/Guard

Friday Night Football Games:

Parents are needed to help cover bleachers, set-up water, plume, gauntlet, and push equipment at the game Friday night.

If you are interested in helping, please let Shannon Berry or Genna Kern know.

We will meet in the band hallway at 6pm. Please join us!

Ayala Field Show Competition – Saturday, October 12th

Click here to sign up.

7/8 Band Parents

We will need several helpers to serve the Pizza Dinner to all 7/8 and 9-12 students prior to the football game on Friday evening, September 6th.

If you are available and willing, please contact Nadia Ali. We will start setting up at 5pm.

Weekly Schedule – 8/19

Monday, August 19th

  • 6:30pm: Parent meeting for all 7/8
  • 7:30pm: Parent meeting for all 9-12

Tuesday, August 20th

  • 3:15pm: 9-12 Band Uniform fittings for Seniors & Juniors
  • 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal

Thursday, August 22nd

  • 3:15pm: 9-12 Band Uniform fittings for Sophomores & Freshmen
  • 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal

Friday, August 23rd

Away Game – Marching Spartans

  • 5:15pm: Call time
  • 5:30pm: Load bus
  • 7pm: Game time
  • Approx. 10pm: Return to LCHS, unload, go home

Parent Meetings – August 19th

All parents of students in the Instrumental Music Program are asked to attend a Parent meeting on Monday, August 19th.

7/8 Parents will meet at 6:30pm.
9-12 Parents will meet at 7:30pm.

Please plan on attending to find out all the details of the program, information from the Music Parents Association, and to answer any and all questions you may have.

See you there!

Marching Spartans Information Update

Note: forms and other information can be found here, for future reference.


Click for Online Registration


  • Please read:  it has all the info and program requirements that you will want to know including grading, performances, and needed donations.
  • Please complete, sign, and return the Handbook Agreement Form.
  • Please put all the dates on your calendar — all the football games, concerts, competitions, etc. are on that list for the 2019-20 school year.

Volunteers Needed

Family BBQ/Preview Night

We will need several helpers to help setup and serve at the Family BBQ on Friday, August 9th. Please contact Nadia Ali, our Special Events Coordinator, and let her know if you can help. Setup time will be at 4pm in front of the North Gym.

Uniform Fittings

Uniforms will arrive back on Monday, August 12th. We will start uniform fittings on Tuesday, August 13th at 3:30pm for Seniors and Juniors, and on Thursday, August 15th at 3:30pm for Sophomores and Freshmen. We’ll hopefully be moved back to the Band room by then, keep your fingers crossed.

If you are available to help fit uniforms – it’s easy, no experience required and no sewing required – but maybe a little ironing… Please let Sandy know. The more helpers we have, the quicker the fittings go.

Marching Spartans Information

All of these items need to be completed and returned PRIOR to Band Camp Departure on Wednesday, July 31st!

Please click on the link to fill out the registration, input the email you would like to use for communications, click the box to say you’d like to help and note the contributions necessary to make this program successful.

Thanks for your help and continued support of the Instrumental Music Program. We’re excited for the season to begin and can’t wait to work with your students (and you too!).

Note: forms and other information can be found here, for future reference.


Click for Online Registration

All registration links and donation forms are online for Marching Band and Color Guard. Please feel free to donate with a credit card or a check. You can also request financial assistance on the form as well. If you are paying by check, you can bring that with your paperwork. Make all checks payable to, “LCHS MPA.”

All parents/guardians of Marching Band and Color Guard students should fill out the form. The information will serve as our database to contact and inform you throughout the year.

Transportation donations for band and color guard are now given to the MPA. If you play a sport, then you need to pay into ASB’s transportation donation. Please do not pay ASB for Band and Color Guard’s transportation donation.

The donation sheet lays out the needed financial support to make our program work. The Instrumental Music program receives minimal district funding and we rely heavily on your generous hearts and keen investment in your child’s musical experience.

We will be having a collection table by the Auditorium to help collect all the paperwork and donation checks beginning Monday, July 29th at 12:45pm. Please make all donation checks payable to “LCHS MPA.”


  • Please read:  it has all the info and program requirements that you will want to know including grading, performances, and needed donations.
  • Please complete, sign, and return the Handbook Agreement Form.
  • Please put all the dates on your calendar — all the football games, concerts, competitions, etc. are on that list for the 2019-20 school year.

Field Trip Form

  • Please complete, sign, and return.
  • We will need an original signature on this form.

Note: The Handbook form and the Field trip form can be dropped off to Sandy at the District Office anytime Monday through Thursday from about 7:30am to about 4pm from now until July 29th. If not, please bring them the first day of workshops! We leave for Band Camp on July 31st, so there’s not much time to remember when we return.

Volunteers Needed in July

Uniform Fittings

Due to the uniforms not being back from the summer cleaning, we will fit uniforms prior to evening rehearsals on August 13th, 15th, and 20th.

Band Camp

We will need two bus riders and a shuttle driver to get the students to Band Camp at Cal Poly Pomona on Wednesday, July 31st. The shuttle driver will need to follow the buses to Band Camp and then bring the bus riders and truck driver back to LCHS. We will leave at 9am on Wednesday, July 31st, and return around 11:30am. The shuttle driver should have a car/van that seats an additional four adults.

Note: We NEED a shuttle driver and bus riders TO band camp, and bus riders for the RETURN trip!

We will need the same number of adults on the return trip coming back from Band Camp on Friday, August 2nd. Adults will need to meet at LCHS at 6:30pm, and return to campus around 9pm.

If you have never been to Band Camp, now is the time to check it out and see where your student will be spending their time.

If you are interested in volunteering for one of the above, please let Sandy Miller know.

2019-2020 Field Trip Form

We will be collecting Field Trip Forms this week. By completeing and returning it now, it’ll save you and us some time when we return for Workshops and Band Camp in July.

The field trip form for 2019-2020 is now available. Please take a moment to complete the fillable PDF form, print, and sign.

These forms can be turned into the Black Box in the Band Room at any time.

7/8 and 9-12 students in the entire program are required to turn this form in annually. Do it now, and save yourself time at the start of the year!


2018-2019 Housekeeping


If you have not paid for “stuff,” now is the time. Have you paid for your students’:
• Yearly Donation?
• Concert Wear?
• Instrument Rental?
• Drumline?
• Color Guard?
• Disneyland?
• Dinner Show meal?

If you’re not sure if you paid – or not sure on the amount owed – please contact Accounts Receivable Treasurer Jason Northrop and he will be happy to check for you.

Instrument Rental Returns

If your student has rented/borrowed an instrument this school year, now is the time to return it.

Parent Wear

We have just a few parent shirts and jackets still available. Please let Sandy Miller know if you are interested.


  • $35 – shirt
  • $45 – jacket

Sizes Available:

  • Women’s shirt: 1 L
  • Women’s jacket: 1 S
  • Men’s jacket: 1 XXL

Concert Wear Donations

If your student is graduating, please consider donating the concert wear back to the program for use by future students. Please have it cleaned prior to donating. Students may place all donated items (jackets, pants, vests, ties, dresses) on the rack in the hallway.

7/8 Orchestra Jacket Returns

Please return your borrowed tux jackets prior to the end of the school year. Please have the jackets cleaned prior to returning and mark your student’s name on the plastic cover so we know who has returned their jacket. Students may return the jackets to Mr. Myers.