Volunteers Needed

We’re still looking for volunteers! Please consider helping us out… You’ll get to meet some of the students and staff that your student will be spending time with this year.

Band Camp:

We still need a bus rider or two for the return trip on Friday, August 10th. Volunteers will need to meet at LCHS at 1pm and return to campus around 4pm.

If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know.

Family BBQ / Preview Night:

We will need helpers to set-up, serve, and clean-up at the Family BBQ. Set-up will begin at 3pm. Serving begins at 5pm. Clean-up is when everyone has eaten. If you are available and willing, please let Elizabeth Bohannon know.

Weekly Schedule – 8/6

Monday, August 6th

  • Workshops: 1pm-9pm
  • Last day to turn in forms and payment for Band Camp.
    • Your student will not be allowed to board the bus if the forms are not turned in.
  • Last day for uniform fittings for Marching Band at 12:15pm. Color Guard will be fit at a later date.

Tuesday, August 7th

  • 10am: Arrival to load truck.
  • Pack a lunch to eat prior to departure.
  • 11:45am: Off to Band Camp… Bus Loading
  • 11:45am: Parent volunteers meet in front of school.

Packing List

  • Clothes
  • Bathing Suit
  • Hat
  • Good Cross Trainer Shoes
  • Sunglasses
  • Instrument/Equipment
  • Music
  • Drill
  • Sleeping Bag or Sheets
  • Pillow
  • Lyre
  • Towel
  • Toiletries
  • Sun block
  • Water Bottle (Mandatory)
  • Props for “Talent Nite”
  • Cell Phone to call your parents and tell them how much you love and miss them

Do Not even think of bringing:

  • TVs
  • Video Game Systems
  • Laptops

All your items must fit in ONE BAG since we are limited on space. And yes it is possible to fit it in one bag. Workshops: 1pm-9pm

Wednesday, August 8th

  • Band Camp!

Thursday, August 9th

  • Band Camp!

Friday, August 10th

  • 1pm: Parent volunteers meet at the front of school
  • 4pm: Return from Band Camp
  • 5pm: Family & Friends BBQ
    • We are still taking orders… Place your order for tickets on the online form.
    • The BBQ is a fun night to meet new parents, returning parents, and alumni!
  • 6pm: Preview performance on the LCHS field of the debut of the first portion of the 2018 field show, Altered Perspectives.

Program Registration

In the Student Handbook you will find all the information needed for the entire year regarding grading, performances, and needed donations. Please read through the entire handbook so you know what we expect, and then fill out and sign the Handbook Agreement Form. You will need to bring this along with the Field Trip Form. Anyone who has not paid or registered for band camp will not be allowed on the bus tomorrow.

All registration links and donation forms are online for Marching Band and Color Guard. Please feel free to donate with a credit card or a check. You can also ask for financial assistance on the form as well. If you are paying by check, you can bring that in with your paperwork, payable to “LCHS MPA.”

All parents/guardians of Marching Band and Color Guard students should fill out the online registration form. This information will serve as our database to contact and inform you throughout the year.

Transportation donations for band and color guard are now given to the MPA. If you play a sport, then you need to pay into ASB’s transportation donation. Please do not pay ASB for the Band and Color Guard’s transportation donation.

The registration form lays out the needed financial support to make our program work. The Instrumental Music program receives no district funding and we rely heavily on your generous hearts and keen investment in your child’s musical experience.

Program Registration Etc. Copy

In the Student Handbook you will find all the information needed for the entire year regarding grading, performances, and needed donations. Please read through the entire handbook so you know what we expect, and then fill out and sign the Handbook Agreement Form. You will need to bring this along with the Field Trip Form to Band Workshops no later than August 2nd.

All registration links and donation forms are online for Marching Band and Color Guard. Please feel free to donate with a credit card or a check. You can also ask for financial assistance on the form as well. If you are paying by check, you can bring that in with your paperwork, payable to “LCHS MPA.”

All parents/guardians of Marching Band and Color Guard students should fill out the online registration form. This information will serve as our database to contact and inform you throughout the year.

Transportation donations for band and color guard are now given to the MPA. If you play a sport, then you need to pay into ASB’s transportation donation. Please do not pay ASB for the Band and Color Guard’s transportation donation.

The registration form lays out the needed financial support to make our program work. The Instrumental Music program receives no district funding and we rely heavily on your generous hearts and keen investment in your child’s musical experience.

We will be having a collection table by the senior parking lot to help collect all the paperwork and donation checks beginning Monday, July 31st at 11am. Please make all donation checks payable to “LCHS MPA.”

School Registration for Marching Band and Guard

Due to band camp, the Marching Band and Color Guard will do their school registration for classes on Monday, August 13th at 9am. Please check the high school website for all the forms necessary.

You’ll be able to pay, turn in forms, get your schedule, pick-up textbooks, and speak to a counselor, if necessary.

We’re not sure yet if the photographer will be present for pictures and IDs, but if not, your student can take care of that on make-up picture day which is scheduled for August 30th.

Mr. Lyons, the Assistant High School Principal, is handling registration this year. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact him.

Volunteers Needed

We’re still looking for volunteers in all areas! Please consider helping us out… You’ll get to meet some of the students and staff that your student will be spending time with this year.

Uniform Fittings:

We will need four or five parent helpers to help fit uniforms on the workshop days. We will begin at 11am and go through 12:30pm. We’re hoping to fit one grade level each day, Monday through Thursday. No sewing — only snaps for hemming. If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know.

Registration Table:

We will need one adult helper to staff the registration table collecting forms and payments each day of workshops, Monday through Friday, from 12:15pm to 1:15pm. If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know. No previous experience necessary.

Band Camp:

We will need two bus riders, a truck driver, and a shuttle driver to get the students to Band Camp at Cal Poly Pomona on Tuesday, August 7th. (The shuttle driver will need to follow the buses to Band Camp and then bring the bus riders and truck driver back to LCHS.) We will leave at noon and return around 3:30pm.

We will need the same number of adults on the return trip coming back from Band Camp on Friday, August 10th. Adults will need to meet at LCHS at 1pm and return to campus around 4pm.

If you have never been to Band Camp, now is the time to check it out and see where your student will be spending the next four days.

If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know.

Family BBQ / Preview Night:

We will need helpers to set-up, serve, and clean-up at the Family BBQ. Set-up will begin at 3pm. Serving begins at 5pm. Clean-up is when everyone has eaten. If you are available and willing, please let Elizabeth Bohannon know.

Program Registration Etc.

In the Student Handbook you will find all the information needed for the entire year regarding grading, performances, and needed donations. Please read through the entire handbook so you know what we expect, and then fill out and sign the Handbook Agreement Form. You will need to bring this along with the Field Trip Form to Band Workshops no later than August 2nd.

All registration links and donation forms are online for Marching Band and Color Guard. Please feel free to donate with a credit card or a check. You can also ask for financial assistance on the form as well. If you are paying by check, you can bring that in with your paperwork, payable to “LCHS MPA.”

All parents/guardians of Marching Band and Color Guard students should fill out the online registration form. This information will serve as our database to contact and inform you throughout the year.

Transportation donations for band and color guard are now given to the MPA. If you play a sport, then you need to pay into ASB’s transportation donation. Please do not pay ASB for the Band and Color Guard’s transportation donation.

The registration form lays out the needed financial support to make our program work. The Instrumental Music program receives no district funding and we rely heavily on your generous hearts and keen investment in your child’s musical experience.

We will be having a collection table by the senior parking lot to help collect all the paperwork and donation checks beginning Monday, July 31st at 11am. Please make all donation checks payable to “LCHS MPA.”

Volunteers Needed

Uniform Fittings:

We will need four or five parent helpers to help fit uniforms on the workshop days. We will begin at 11am and go through 12:30pm. We’re hoping to fit one grade level each day, Monday through Thursday. No sewing — only snaps for hemming. If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know.

Registration Table:

We will need one adult helper to staff the registration table collecting forms and payments each day of workshops, Monday through Friday, from 12:15pm to 1:15pm. If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know. No previous experience necessary.

Band Camp:

We will need two bus riders, a truck driver, and a shuttle driver to get the students to Band Camp at Cal Poly Pomona on Tuesday, August 7th. (The shuttle driver will need to follow the buses to Band Camp and then bring the bus riders and truck driver back to LCHS.) We will leave at noon and return around 3:30pm.

We will need the same number of adults on the return trip coming back from Band Camp on Friday, August 10th. Adults will need to meet at LCHS at 1pm and return to campus around 4pm.

If you have never been to Band Camp, now is the time to check it out and see where your student will be spending the next four days.

If you are available and willing, please let Sandy Miller know.

Family BBQ / Preview Night:

We will need helpers to set-up, serve, and clean-up at the Family BBQ. Set-up will begin at 3pm. Serving begins at 5pm. Clean-up is when everyone has eaten. If you are available and willing, please let Elizabeth Bohannon know.

Preview Night and Family BBQ

Preview Night and Family BBQ

August 10th



Upon our arrival home from Cal Poly on Friday, August 10th, we will be giving everyone a sneak peek of the opening number to Altered Perspectives.

We will also be having a wonderful time of community and food with our BBQ cookout grilled by LCHS’s own Mr. Dan Yoder. We will have the meal in front of the North Gym beginning at 5pm. The show will begin on the field roughly around 6pm.

Be sure to buy your tickets soon. You can find the ticket order form in the handbook or at the donation check-in table. Band and Color Guard Members do not need to buy a meal, but all others do. Come welcome your children home and have a delicious tri-tip sandwich (or vegetarian alternative) from Grillmaster Yoder.