Weekly Schedule – 1/21

Monday, January 21st

  • 10am-7pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Tuesday, January 22nd

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, January 23rd

  • After School: Concerto Auditions
    • Contact your instructor to arrange time
  • 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal

Thursday, January 24th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 7pm: Dinner Show Committee Meeting
    • Sheryl Madonna’s Home

Friday, January 25th

9-12 Orchestra Winter Retreat

  • Bring gear to school to store during the school day
  • Approximately 4pm: Depart LCHS
  • Approximately 5pm: Arrive at camp

Saturday, January 26th

  • 9-12 Orchestra at Retreat

Sunday, January 27th

  • Approximately 1:30pm: 9-12 Orchestra arrives at LCHS

9-12 Orchestra Retreat


We will be at Angeles Crest Christian Camp. The camp is located at 20075 Angeles Crest Highway, about an hour’s drive north of La Canada.

Please note: there is no cell service and no wi-fi for campers. The office number, in case you need to reach your child in an emergency is 626-449-3339.

Map of camp location.


We will travel to camp on buses and will leave from LCHS directly after school on Friday, January 25th. Your student can bring their gear to school in the morning and we can store it for them during the day in the Band Room.

We will leave LCHS at approximately 4pm, and arrive at the camp at about 5pm.

After a weekend of music and camp activities, we will arrive back at LCHS at approximately 1:30pm on Sunday, January 27th.


If you haven’t already, the waiver form and fee of $225 is now due. Please make checks payable to “LCHS MPA” and have your student return the form and the check to the black box in the Band Room.

Snack Donation SignUp

We’re looking for some snack donations.

The kids will be having rehearsals as well as time in the outdoors which means that they will be HUNGRY in between meals! We will have s’mores, a nacho bar, popcorn, hot cocoa, whole fruit, and other assorted goodies.

Sign Up to Donate


  • There are several students with nut allergies, so please send snacks that are NUT-FREE.
  • Have your student bring a reusable water bottle for the duration of the trip. We don’t want them to get dehydrated up in the mountains and we will not be stocking very many disposable water bottles. They will be able to fill up with good, clean water at the campsite.
  • All snacks need to be individually wrapped.
  • Please have your student bring their snack item to the Orchestra Room by Wednesday, January 23rd during 0 period. Label it “ORCHESTRA CAMP DONATION.”

Packing List:

  • Instrument
  • music
  • folding stand
  • water bottle
  • lip balm
  • sleeping bag
  • pillow
  • towel and washcloth
  • toiletries
  • 1 bag for clothes
  • warm, good coat
  • good shoes
  • sweaters
  • hat
  • gloves

Weekly Schedule – 1/14

Monday, January 14th

  • Gift Card Orders Due Today
  • 7pm: MPA Meeting

Tuesday, January 15th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, January 16th

  • 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal

Thursday, January 17th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

9-12 Orchestra to Disneyland

  • Please bring spending money for food and other goodies
  • 7am: Load Truck/Call Time
    • Arrive in Concert Wear
    • NO Tennis Shoes! Girls must wear closed-toe nice black shoes – This is a Disney Requirement.
  • 7:30am: Depart LCHS
  • 8:40am: Check in at Security
  • 9am: Backstage drop off/Restroom/Unload/Warm-up
  • 10:30am: Performance
  • 11:15am: Load truck, change
  • 12pm: Released into Park
  • 7:30pm: Meet at Esplande between the parks
  • 8pm: Depart
  • 9pm: Arrive at LCHS, unload truck

9-12 Orchestra Winter Retreat

Payments for the 9-12 Orchestra Winter Retreat are now due, if you haven’t already paid ($225 payable to LCHS MPA).

The money collected for the Winter Retreat covers the actual costs of the retreat – it is not a fundraiser – we just need to pay for the transportation to the camp, the lodging and food at the camp, and the coaches who will help with instruction at the camp.

If you’re not sure if you have paid, please contact our Accounts Receivable Treasurer, Jason Northrop.

Chaperones are needed. Please contact Yvonne Lim if you are available.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Marching Band & Guard Championship Refunds

Despite the last-minute cancellation of Championships, we were successful in getting full refunds on lodging and transportation.

Therefore, we will be allocating to each student’s MPA account $200 for those that paid the Championship donation. If you did not pay the donation, your student will not receive an amount in their student account.

The $200 can be used against any fees currently owed or future fees, including next year.

If you have any questions please contact MPA President, Elizabeth Bohannon.

Weekly Schedule – 11/26

Tuesday, November 27th

  • 5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Parent Meeting – Band room
  • 7:30pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline & Winter Guard Parent Meeting – Band Room

Friday, November 30th

  • Marching Band & Guard takes home uniforms and instruments for the parade on Saturday.
  • 9-12 Band Concert Wear Distribution – 1st Period

Saturday, December 1st

Montrose Christmas Parade

  • 5:30pm: Call Time
    • Full Uniform, no shako, yes gloves, holiday hat
  • 6pm: Parade start time
  • 8pm: Approximate end time

Helpful Hints:

  1. Please drop off your student at the parade staging area at the corner of Honolulu and La Crescenta Ave. at 5:30pm. Please leave instrument cases in the car as we will not be returning to the staging area at the end of the parade.
  2. Students will be dismissed at the end of the parade at the corner of Honolulu and Verdugo Blvd. All instruments and uniforms should be returned to the band room on Monday, December 3rd.
  3. Students are encouraged to wear holiday hats instead of their shakos.
  4. Instrument decorating (lights, tinsel, holly, etc.) is fine as long as the instrument can still be played properly.

Weekly Schedule – 11/12 – 9-12 Band & Guard

Tuesday, November 13th

  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Thursday, November 15th

  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Friday, November 16th

  • 3:15-5:30pm: Rehearsal on the field
  • 5:30pm: Change into full uniform
  • 5:50pm: Plume & gauntlet
  • 6pm: Friends & Family performance
  • 6:30pm: Greet guests, take photos, change, dismissal
  • Parent Helpers: We will need just a few helpers to plume and gauntlet in the band room at 5:50pm. If you’re available, please be there.

Saturday, November 17th

WBA Championships

Hotel Address:
Homewood Suites
1505 Mill Rock Way
Bakersfield, CA 93311

Performance Address – SATURDAY:
West High School
1200 New Stine Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 93309

Saturday Dinner Location:
Round Table Pizza
4200 Gosford Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 93313

Performance Address – SUNDAY:
Bakersfield College
1801 Panorama Dr.
Bakersfield CA 93305

  • 8am: Rehearsal on the field
  • 10am: Load truck
  • 11am: Lunch is served on campus (meal provided)
  • 11:45am: Load bus
  • 12:15pm: Depart LCHS – Championship Bound!
  • 2:15pm: Arrive in Bakersfield, CA at Hotel
  • 3pm: Depart Hotel
  • 3:15pm: Arrive at Championships (light snack provided)
  • 5pm: Begin Warm-Up
  • 9:20pm: 1/2/3A Awards
  • 10pm: Group Dinner at Round Table Pizza (Meal Provided)
  • 11pm: Return to Hotel. Lights Out.

Sunday, November 18th

  • 7-9am: Free Hot Breakfast in the Hotel
  • 11am: Grand Championships Begin
  • TBD: Performance Time
  • 2:38pm: Grand Championships Full Retreat and Awards for 1/2/3A
  • 3pm: Depart Bakersfield – Lunch on the Road (on your own)
  • 6pm: Arrive LCHS! It’s been a wonderful journey!

Tickets: $25 each – good for both Saturday and Sunday

Helpful Hints:

  1. Friday is a regular school day with a rehearsal and performance right after. The students will not have a chance to “run home” to get stuff for performance. They should bring rehearsal clothes, water jug, long black socks, marching shoes and performance wear to school in the morning.
  2. Saturday morning, they should come to rehearsal with everything they need for the trip. We will leave after rehearsal and a quick lunch. We will only be gone for one night… So there shouldn’t be too much luggage, right? However, we may perform twice this weekend, so please pack accordingly and that includes shirts, shorts and long black socks.
  3. The kids will need spending money for the competition if they want to purchase t-shirts, hoodies, etc. They will also need money to cover their lunch on Sunday on the way home. Other than that, they should be good.
  4. Please remind your student that all school rules apply on the trip.
  5. Congratulate your kid for a wonderful season and acknowledge all their hard work and effort.
  6. Thanks to all the parents for their support throughout the season!

Click this link to volunteer and donate. If you have questions about participating, please contact Deb Parker.