Drumline & Color Guard – Payments Due

Just a friendly reminder that all payments for 7/8 Drumline ($50), 9-12 Winter Drumline ($500), and Winter Guard ($600 season & $1300 Dayton trip) are now due.

Please make checks payable to “LCHS MPA” and put in an envelope marked with your student’s name and group, and placed in the black locked box in the band room.

The Boosters fundraising money has now been deposited in the students’ accounts. Please contact Marshall Bohannon if you would like to use the funds in your student’s account.

7/8 Elementary Tour – March 22nd

This Friday, both the 7/8 Band and the 7/8 Orchestra will perform at each of the three elementary sites.

Call time for all 7/8 students will be 7:15am to load instruments and load the bus. We will need parent helpers to ride the bus with the students. If you are available and willing, please let Mr. Myers know.

They will perform at PCR and then PCY. At approximately 11:30am the students will have a pizza lunch in Memorial Park. We would appreciate donations of fruit (cuties, apples, etc.), paper plates, napkins, and cookies. We will also need several parents to help serve the lunch in the park. Please contact Sandy Miller if you are available to help or willing to donate.

After lunch, the students will load the bus and travel to LCE to perform. After the last performance, the students will return to LCHS, unload the bus, and be dismissed for the day.

If you have questions, please contact Mr. Myers.

Weekly Schedule – 3/11

Monday, March 11th

  • Gift Cards due today.
  • 7pm: MPA Meeting
    • All music parents invited and welcome

Tuesday, March 12th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, March 13th

7/8 & 9-12 Orchestra Festival Concert

  • 6:15pm: 7/8 Call Time
  • 6:30pm: 9-12 Call Time
  • Concert Dress for all
  • 7pm: Concert begins – Auditorium

7/8 & 9-12 Symphonic Band Festival Concert

  • 6:45pm: 9-12 Call time (Rehearsal in the band room)
  • 7:30pm: 7/8 Call time
  • Concert Dress for all
  • 8pm: Concert begins – Auditorium

Thursday, March 14th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Friday, March 15th


  • 9-12 Orchestra
    • Arrive in concert wear, and bring clothes to change into after your performance.
    • Will be excused from Period 1.
  • 7/8 Orchestra
    • Arrive in concert wear, and bring clothes to change into after your performance.
    • Will be excused from Periods 1 & 2, and be back in class by 10am.
  • 9-12 Symphonic Band (Periods 1 & 3)
    • Arrive in concert wear, and bring clothes to change into after your performance.
    • Will be excused from periods 1 & 2.
  • 7/8 Band
    • Students will be excused from Period 6 to change and warm up for performance.
    • Concert dress.
  • Please join us for the performances in the auditorium on Friday. Admission is free, and you’ll get to hear some amazing performances from our own groups, as well as groups from around the area. Festival begins at 8am and will continue throughout the day.

Festival Volunteers & Donations

Each year we host a Festival for our students as well as students from the surrounding area.

At Festival, each group performs selected pieces and sight reading for several judges. The judges give them comments and a rating. It’s a great learning and performance experience for the students and their directors.

This year we will have 14 area schools coming to our campus to perform at Festival. The MPA will host a snack stand for the students to purchase snacks and drinks.


We need several helpers to get us set up on Friday morning, 7:30am-9am. Please consider helping… Many hands make for light work. Please let Cecilia Cheng know if you would like to help.


Sign Up to Donate Food Items to Snack Stand

Please consider helping in one way or another… The snack stand benefits the Instrumental Music Program, and the visiting school really enjoy the snacks (really, really enjoy the snacks!).

If you have questions, please contact Cecilia Cheng.

Festival Volunteers & Donations

Each year we host a Festival for our students as well as students from the surrounding area.

At Festival, each group performs selected pieces and sight reading for several judges. The judges give them comments and a rating. It’s a great learning and performance experience for the students and their directors.

This year we will have 14 area schools coming to our campus to perform at Festival. The MPA will host a snack stand for the students to purchase snacks and drinks.


Sign Up to Volunteer for a Shift


If you would like to donate items to be sold at the snack stand, we are looking for the following items. Please bring your donated items to the band room Wednesday evening, March 13th, at the Concert. If everyone brings just one item, we’ll have plenty of stuff to sell. Please consider donating.

  • Cup of noodles (chicken is the favorite, but a variety is nice)
  • Candy bars – the full size (ask your student for suggested favorites)
  • M & M’s – plain and peanut varieties (full-size bags)
  • Skittles – several varieties (regular, sour, etc.)
  • Individual packages of cookies (Oreos, Chocolate Chip, etc.)
  • Individual bags of chips
  • Cans of soda (12-pack)
  • Water bottles
  • 200 plastic forks
  • 200 paper plates
  • Napkins
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • $5 donation – and we will purchase for you. 🙂

Please remember that everything has to be individually wrapped so we are able to sell at the snack stand.

If you have questions, please contact Cecilia Cheng.

Advanced Orchestra San Diego Participants

Payment Deadline is due ASAP!

The cost of the trip is $525. Checks should be made payable to “LCHS MPA.” If your student has funds in their student account, they may use those funds for this trip payment.

If you don’t know the balance in your student’s account, please contact our treasurer, Marshall Bohannon and he will be happy to let you know.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Munday.

Advanced Orchestra San Diego Information – TODAY

Payment Deadline is Tuesday, February 19th!

Registration needs to be completed ASAP so hotel rooms can be assigned and reserved. It will only take a few minutes…

Please follow these instructions to register your student:

  • Go to the the trip website
  • In the upper right-hand corner, click on “Register”
  • Enter Trip ID: 166087
  • Verify the school name/teacher
  • Select “student”
  • Enter all requested information
  • Read the Terms & Conditions, click “Accept”
  • If you prefer, download a copy to save and print
  • Submit your completed form

That’s it. Easy.

Payment info:

The cost of the trip is $525. Checks should be made payable to “LCHS MPA.” If your student has funds in their student account, they may use those funds for this trip payment.

If you don’t know the balance in your student’s account, please contact our treasurer, Marshall Bohannon and he will be happy to let you know.

Payment Deadline is Tuesday, February 19th!

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Munday.

Dinner Show – Saturday!

February 9th!

Tickets are still available… But they’re almost gone! Don’t hesitate, purchase now. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.


Silent Auction

The auction is open now, and new items are added on a regular basis!

Bid… Share with your family and friends… Bid again!

Silent Auction


There is still time to Volunteer for part of the evening. There are lots of open slots to choose from.

Volunteer Sign Up

Dinner Show Raffle Tickets

Dinner Show Raffle Tickets are now available for sale. Please Note: These tickets are for the Dinner Show and are separate from the Booster Raffle Tickets.

Students are asked to help sell the tickets… All proceeds going towards the Dinner Show and the Instrumental Music Program.

Tickets are $5 each, or 5 tickets for $20. Student Leadership will be setting up various selling locations in the community, so have your student sign up to help.


  • 1st: DJI Spark Drone Package – Professional compact drone with batteries, chargers, SD card, travel backpack, carrying case AND VR goggles!
  • 2nd: HTC Vive VR Gaming System
  • 3rd: Nintendo Switch with Bonus Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Baskets Needed

If you have some extra baskets that you can donate, please contact Sheryl Madonna. We will be wrapping the baskets on Thursday, February 7th.

Student Meals

Students will be served dinner prior to their performances separate from the ticketed guests. The cost of each meal is $20. Student Leadership will be collecting these funds. Please have your student bring cash or a check made payable to “LCHS MPA”.

This is a fundraiser for the Instrumental Music Program. All students are asked to donate.

Weekly Schedule – 2/4

Monday, February 4th

  • 7pm: MPA Meeting, Band Room

Tuesday, February 5th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, February 6th

  • 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal

Thursday, February 7th

  • 7:30am – Zero Period: Combined 7/8 Band and 7/8 Orchestra Rehearsal
  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 7:30pm: Dinner Show Basket Wrapping at Sheryl Madonna’s Home

Saturday, February 9th

Winter Guard Competition

  • 6am: Call time, load truck with props
  • 6:45am: Depart LCHS
  • 7:45am: Arrive AB Miller HS
  • 8am: Warm up begins
  • 10:32am: Prelims performance
  • Watch other groups, eat lunch
  • TBD: Warm-up for Finals performance
  • 5:32pm-7:08pm: Finals performance
  • Load truck
  • approx. 8:30pm: Return to LCHS, unload truck
  • Competition Location:

    AB Miller High School
    6821 Oleander Ave.
    Fontana, CA 92336

  • Tickets:

    Prelims: $15
    Finals: $18
    Combo Ticket: $28
    (cash and/or credit card accepted)

  • Color Guard Rep Michele Jones will send out info regarding food and snacks.
  • Please consider helping out at a competition by riding the bus and being a chaperone! It’s sometimes a really long day, but just watching your kids and their friends work hard and perform makes it all worthwhile. Michele Jones has sent out a google doc to all of you, so please take a moment to sign-up.

Dinner Show

  • 10am: Students meet at Band Room to load truck
  • 10am: Volunteer parents move Silent Auction items to Country Club
  • 10:30am: Set-up at Country Club
  • 4:30pm: First wave of Volunteers arrive
  • 4:30pm: Call time – Chamber groups and Oscar Band
  • 5:30pm: Call Time – 7/8 Band & 7/8 Orchestra
    • Concert Dress
    • Dinner is served for all 7/8 students
  • 5:30pm: Registration/Doors open for all guests
    • Silent Auction opens
    • Appetizers served
  • 6pm: Call Time – 9-12 Band & 9-12 Orchestra Call time
    • Concert Dress
  • 6pm: Dinner is served for guests
  • 6:15pm: 9-12 Band & 9-12 Orchestra Dinner is served
  • 7pm: Performances Begin
  • 8:30pm: Silent Auction closes
  • 9:30pm: After Party with the Jazz Band begins

Weekly Schedule – 1/28

Monday, January 28th

  • 6:30-9pm: Musical Rehearsal

Tuesday, January 29th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, January 30th

  • 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal

Thursday, January 31st

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Friday, February 1st

  • 7pm: Dinner Show Committee Meeting
    • Sheryl Madonna’s Home

Jazz Band Elementary Tour

  • 7am: Call time, load Truck
  • 7:30am: Depart LCHS
    • Order: PCY, PCR, LCE
  • 11:45am-12:45pm: Lunch in Montrose, bring money
  • 2:30pm: Arrive at LCHS, unload Truck