Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Let the performances begin!

Congratulations to our band, who on Saturday, performed brilliantly at the Ayala Competition!

On Wednesday evening, the 7/8 and 9-12 Orchestras plus Symphonic Winds and Percussion, will perform the Fall Concert, Forte of the Silenced. You will be amazed and proud of your children as they perform several pieces in many different styles.

I look forward to seeing you there this Wednesday evening! Have a great week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Last Friday, there was a reporter from the La Canada Outlook who came and listened to the rehearsal and interviewed Mr. Myers, several students, and I about our concert on October 17th, Forte of the Silenced. Look for the article this week! He seemed to be quite impressed by the music and the intelligence and the musical abilities of the students. We look forward to seeing all of you at the concert to join in this event with us! Tell everyone! Please have an exciting week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

For the past two Friday Orchestra classes, we have been joined by the 7/8 Orchestra plus many wind and percussion players from the Band. One of the pieces for our upcoming Orchestra Concert on Wednesday, October 17th, is from a video game and this is what the students are practicing on Friday mornings. The kids are enjoying playing a piece with all of their buddies. I get to walk around and listen to all the different sections, since Mr. Myers is conducting. I love seeing this – because this is such an important aspect of playing music – making great sounds with friends! I hope everyone has a fun week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

I love waking up late on the weekends! Actually, for the last four Saturdays I have had to get up early and attend an 8-hour class so that I can earn my clear California teaching credential. I have to say, this is not what I would choose to do with my Saturdays!

However, getting to come to school each day and getting to interact with your kids more than makes up for my busy Saturdays! I wish you all a great week filled with laughter and music!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Our first concert has a name! It is Forte of the Silenced. The students came up with many choices and voted for the name they wanted. I think it’s beautiful and poetic, outlining the former fate of women composers and the voice that they enjoy today. I hope that everyone will come Wednesday, October 17th at 7pm and hear these beautiful, diverse pieces of women composers.

As always, thank you, parents, for your steady and patient support for the Instrumental Music Program!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

I find that the cooler days and nights are turning my mind away from summer and to the fun that is fall. Also, I understand that Starbucks is now serving the Pumpkin Spice Latte, so summer must be on its way out! I am listening to the band practicing their show, and it’s great! I see the 7/8 groups learning all about notes and scales and see the more advanced kids helping beginner kids — so awesome! In the high school orchestra, we are planning for the Fall Concert, determining the concert name, making posters, having sectionals figuring out this year’s sweatshirt design, and learning how to listen and play music with each other! I wish you all a wonderful week of fall anticipation.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

We are officially in the Orchestra groove. Everyone has an instrument and we are getting used to being awake for zero period. I actually had a student come up to me this week and tell me that she was glad to have orchestra first thing in the morning because it was a great way to start the day! I agree!

It was great to see you at the parent meeting last Monday night. Mr. Stone, Mr. Myers, and I are so grateful to all of you and the incredible support that you provide to the program. You are the wind beneath our wings!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

What fun to start Orchestra this week greeting familiar faces and welcoming several new students into Orchestra! I felt an overall sense of gladness from the group and a sense of eagerness to get this thing going!

Monday, I will be listening to some students play individually, and Tuesday the whole Orchestra starts playing!

If your student wants/needs to rent an instrument, make sure that you and they sign the instrument rental form that went home with them last week. Bring the form along with a check for $200 payable to “LCHS MPA,” and come get the instrument Monday at 3:15pm in the 7/8 room.

Monday at 7:30pm is a mandatory parent meeting for 9-12 Instrumental Music parents in the band room.

I look forward to seeing/meeting you tomorrow evening!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Welcome back Orchestra! We are about to begin a new school year filled with great music and lots of fun! I can’t wait to see everyone again and meet our new members.

Along with our concerts, the Elementary Tour, Disneyland Trip, Winter Retreat, and Festival, we are adding a trip to San Diego, March 22nd-24th, for concerts, clinics, and fun. Our first class will be zero period, 7:30am on Thursday, August 16th. NO INSTRUMENTS on that day, however, it is important for you to come to class. See you then!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

Happy First Unofficial Day of Summer! I can’t believe that I’ll be able to sleep in for a while! We had fun at our Awards Ceremony last Tuesday night. We sent off our Seniors in style, and I know that they have many great adventures in their futures! (Please come back to visit!) I wish for all a restful, fun, adventurous summer! I am starting to work, with the help of Orchestra Leadership and Orchestra members, on music and projects for next year. Some new items include a mentoring program for students new to Orchestra, summer sectionals, a workshop with Derrick Spiva (a wonderful LA composer), performances by guest artists, an Advanced Ensemble that will meet during STEP, and a weekend trip to San Diego in March! We still have all of our concerts, elementary tour, Winter Retreat, Festival, Concerto Concert, and Pops Concert. Whew!

Thank you, parents and students, for a fantastic year! I could not be prouder of you! Next year will be another great one!
Parents! We have had some wonderful responses from some of you to volunteer to help with Orchestra. Know that we can use YOU and value your contribution. Please let Yvonne Lim or Cecilia Cheng know if you can help us.

Have a GREAT summer!