Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

We are right in the thick of lots of fun times!

We will travel to Disneyland and perform at California Adventure this Thursday.

At the end of next week, we travel up the mountain for our annual, much anticipated Winter Retreat!

These are fun activities for the students, which I think helps facilitate their musical learning. Fun plus learning, nothing better than that!

I hope everyone has a fun week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

I had a great Winter Break! I hope that everyone did as well! I had time to rest, read, think, and visit with people I don’t get to see very often.

There’s an old saying that goes, “It’s all grist for the mill.” I never knew what grist was, but it originally meant grinding in Old English. Everything that goes in gets ground or used. All of the experiences in our lives get ground together and we use it to make connections in ways we hadn’t done before.

Thank goodness for down-time to give us these new ideas to use and play with in our work and studies. I wish you all a very productive week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Monday is our last orchestra class of the semester. What a wonderful semester it has been. Thank you all for your beautiful playing. I know you will be amazing on your finals and then you’ll have VACATION!

I look forward to seeing you again in January!

Some upcoming dates for January are:

  • January 17th – Disneyland
  • January 23rd – Concerto Concert Auditions
  • January 25th-27th – Winter Retreat

Have a restful, fun break! You deserve it!!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

December is a wonderful time of year filled with celebrations, and celebrations filled with music. Music is so much a part of our holidays. Each year we listen to our favorites and we hear new music that might become favorites. Thank goodness for music and that we are able to make it.

Please come to the Winter Spectacular this Thursday and listen to beautiful holiday music played by our students. It is a wonderful way to start this beautiful season.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Here comes the Polar Express bound for LCHS! We are on the fast track to the Winter Spectacular on Thursday, December 6th at 7pm. The high school Orchestra, Band, and Jazz Band will perform holiday classics and favorites! It’s a wonderful evening of music, goodies, and fun. Please volunteer for bringing food for the reception after the concert!

Winter Retreat payments are now due. This is for each orchestra member. The cost is $225 for a super fun camping/musical weekend in the Angeles National Forest. We will be going up Friday after school on January 25th and coming home Sunday afternoon, January 27th. If you are unsure if you have paid the fee already, please contact Jason Northrop, the MPA Receivables Treasurer  and he can tell you if you still need to pay.

Also, please let Yvonne Lim know if you are interested in chaperoning for the Retreat.

Thanks! Have a fantastic week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Thanksgiving. Turkey. Cranberry Sauce. Pumpkin Pie. My son says that Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday because it’s all about eating! That isn’t exactly true – this time of year gets me to thinking about what I’m thankful for. Good health, family, and friends are high up on the list, but the LCHS Orchestra is right up there, too, on my thankful list. I look forward to class every day and getting to interact with your children. They are my teachers!

I hope that everyone has a beautiful week of vacation, family, friends, and food.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

I would like to invite you to attend an Orchestra parent meeting tonight, Monday, November 12th, at 7pm in the band room to discuss our proposed trip to San Diego March 21-24, 2019. This is a Heritage Festival opportunity. The orchestra will play for a master class, a clinic, and then for a rating. It’s a fantastic opportunity for our orchestra to grow.

I would love to see you tonight so we can discuss this trip. Thank you so much!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Music is so much fun! I think we all had a great time last Friday playing on the Orchestra Elementary Tour.

The Orchestra is a great traveling group! The students were excellent helpers loading and unloading the truck. We also had great student helpers getting the chairs and stands out and then back. Good attitudes were everywhere, and oh yes, they played beautifully!

The elementary students were fantastic listeners and truly enjoyed the concert. A lot of them indicated that they play instruments, and I know that hearing the high school orchestra inspires them and helps to support our program.

Thank you to Brandon T. for help with organizing loading, unloading, and for his awesome performance scream. Thank you to Hillary Bhaskaran for chaperoning for the whole day! And, always thank you to Mr. Stone for his excellent truck driving and all-around support!

I hope that everyone has a great week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

We are looking forward to a really fun week! This Friday, November 2nd, the orchestra will spend the whole day playing at the three elementary schools in the district. It’s always a good time for everyone – the elementary students love to hear some of their favorite songs played by older students, and the high school kids love playing them! We need a few parents to volunteer to spend the day with us. I encourage you to come! Please contact Yvonne Lim.

We are going to continue our tradition of the Halloween Breakfast! It will be Halloween morning during 0 period. See this post for the help we need.

These are good times for all – a needed break from working hard! Please come and join us!

Have a safe and frightfully good week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

Thank you for everyone who participated in and came to support our concert last week. Along with making beautiful music, I think we created art that asked questions, and I believe that is a really important function of art and of our lives as humans.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week and always keeps asking questions.