Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Yesterday, I walked in a Labor Day Parade in Wilmington. I am a member of the AFM (American Federation of Musicians), Local 47. It was a lot of fun to see many people I hadn’t seen for a while and meet lots of new people from the Actor’s Guild and other unions. The musicians are working towards negotiating a contract that has provisions to pay for streaming. This is such an important aspect to a new contract since how media is presented today is so different than it was only a few years ago.

It struck me, also, what a great community there is of performing artists and that I am so glad to be a part of that community at large and at La Cañada High School. Many of the people I spoke to reminisced fondly and specifically about their high school band and orchestras and you could hear how important these school programs were to them and their subsequent careers. Music is taught and handed down from one generation to the next. It’s a great tradition!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

There now, that wasn’t so bad! We have completed a full week of school and we are all back on that bicycle… You never forget how to ride it! The orchestra has their seats, music folders, and has nearly learned one piece already! I’m so pleased by their musicianship and work ethic! More music and fun to come.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 16th… the Orchestra will perform at California Adventure. We will hope for a dry day!

Also… for ALL LCHS instrumental students, the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra has made $8 tickets available to us for the first concert, Saturday, September 28th at 8pm at the Alex Theater in Glendale. Save the date! More info to come next week.

As summer winds down and school winds up, I wish all of you a wonderful week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

It was great to see the orchestra students on Friday! Super great energy! Playing will begin Monday, August 19th, at 7:30am. Your name will be on your chair, so come in and have a seat! All Orchestra parents please come tomorrow evening to the Instrumental Music Parent Meeting in the Band Room at 7:30pm. Everything you need to know for the year will be explained, along with opportunities to sign up for volunteering and meeting lots of cool parents! I look forward to seeing all of you then!
Here’s to a new school year filled with lots of music!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

Hello again after our summer break! I am looking forward to seeing you and your students again and hearing about your fantastic summer adventures!

We will meet the first day of school, Thursday, August 15th, 0 period, 7:30am. On that day and also the next day, Friday, August 16th, we will not be playing, so no instruments are needed. We will begin playing on Monday, August 19th.

We are going to have a great year with so many fun activities and amazing music! We are the lucky ones at LCHS because we get to start every school day with music! See you very soon!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Here we are, the last week of school! So much has been accomplished this year by all the instrumental music students. Now we can take some well-deserved relaxation and contemplative time. Something exciting to contemplate about next year is our trip to NYC and playing at Carnegie Hall! You do not want to miss this amazing experience of performing in one of the world’s most iconic halls!

I wish you all a great summer vacation and many mornings to sleep in! See you in August!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

We are well into Orchestra Juries and I am so happy to see the improvement the students have made over the past year. One of my central goals for the class is for everyone to improve from where they started. I would love for each student, after they leave LCHS, to be able to enjoy playing music with others.

Please come this Tuesday, May 21st at 7pm to our annual Orchestra Awards Ceremony in the auditorium. We honor our Seniors and wish them well! Even if you are not a Senior, please come as we recount the past year, and look forward to the next! There are also class awards given and also some special awards. Hanna Park is making a video highlighting our year. It will be an hour of fun and memories. Parents too! See you there!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Thank you to the amazing soloists, all musicians, and parents for a really great Concerto Concert last week! I heard many complimentary comments about the playing, but the one I heard the most was how much the orchestra has improved! I think that’s really great! Because I’m with you every day, I didn’t realize the progress, but what a compliment to all of the musicians! Practicing every day, with focus, really makes a difference. Bravo!

Good luck on the next two weeks of AP exams. We are rooting for you and know that you all will do a great job!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Congratulations to the performers in Mamma Mia! It was great!

No time to slow down though, as this week on Thursday, May 2nd at 7pm in the LCHS Auditorium is our annual Concerto Concert. I encourage you to come and hear the wonderful soloists and full orchestra in a beautiful musical trip around the world. You will be amazed and proud of these students! Stay afterward for a delicious reception prepared by our amazing parent volunteers! I look forward to seeing you there!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Last Thursday was Open House, and I want to give a super big thank you to Ellie L., Sonia B., Ian B., and Sydney W. for coming and playing quartets. It was such a nice way to showcase what we do!

The Orchestra celebrated Spring last Friday with a Spring breakfast. We took a bit of time off from preparing for the Concerto Concert and had a yummy breakfast with an egg hunt. Lots of fun!

The school musical, Mamma Mia!, begins this week and we are looking forward to seeing it! The music sounds great, and even though there are no violins, violas, cellos, or string basses in it, we still can’t wait to see and hear it! See you there!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Congratulations to Sonia B., Ellie L., Alexis S., Lisa T., Trinity C., Jared C., and Jasmine G. on a beautiful string quartet concert yesterday. Congratulations and thank you to their wonderful coach, Emily Gregg, for guiding and teaching them! This is such a wonderful way to experience some of the most beautiful music ever written.

Any string player in the orchestra can be a part of this chamber music program and I want to encourage everyone to sign up next year!

Have a great week!