Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Here we are in April! I hope that everyone is safe and well and keeping their spirits up! I hope everyone has been able to watch the great video of the Band remotely performing the Alma Mater! Time and togetherness has taken on a new feeling and meaning for all of us.

As school starts up again after Spring Break, we are moving to graded assignments, so I want you to know what that means for Orchestra.

The students are tasked with practicing their instrument at least 30 minutes a day. As it would be impossible for me to monitor this, at regular intervals, they will be required to record a video of themselves showing me what they have practiced and upload it to the Orchestra Google Classroom.

Each morning at 7:30 am, I send a “Good Morning” text to the students. Later in the day, I post on Classroom. Your child should check Remind and Classroom each day for assignments and info.

My goals for the students with distance learning are to keep them playing their instrument and to have a daily practice become a comforting habit for them.

Please email me if you have questions or need to talk.

I don’t want Orchestra to be a burden for you or your children. I see it as a wonderful addition to the students’ lives. We will also have opportunities to be creative with music. As much as you can, encourage them to play, listen to them and be cheerleaders for them!

Be well.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

I hope all is well with all of you and your loved ones. This is a trying time, and I believe it is especially trying for parents. Suddenly, children are at home and every age has its unique set of challenges. You are all on my mind and in my thoughts. If you have any questions, contact me.

This coming week, the orchestra students have been asked to upload a video to Classroom of themselves playing. They are playing what they worked on last week.

Encourage your child to use playing their instrument each day as part of their daily schedule. Maybe they would like to do a FaceTime duet or trio with their friends. Maybe they would like to write some music. There is so much music online. One student told me that they downloaded some video game music to play. Brilliant!

Yo Yo Ma has started #songsofcomfort. There are some really nice videos on YouTube that regular people have made. I have enjoyed listening to them.

My goal for the students is to have them keep playing and to enjoy what they’re doing. I’m going to attach a banjo video from Steve Martin, it’s wonderful to hear.

Take care!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

I wish everyone a healthy and happy week and I look forward to seeing you at our festival concert on Wednesday where you can hear all of our instrumental groups play the music they will take to Festival and New York.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

What an amazing Dinner Show last week! It was a great evening! From the food to the auctions to the gorgeous tables and organization, everything was beautifully executed.

The musical prowess of the students was on full display throughout the evening. It’s super exciting to see their musical development from year to year. Michelle Lynskey and her band was jaw-dropping and I want to say a big thank you to them for their generous gift of time and talent.

The Festival Concert is right around the corner on the evening of Wednesday, March 11th. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Thank you for your loyal support!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

It’s always good to get away in nature. Last weekend, the Orchestra spent a beautiful and rewarding few days at our annual Winter Retreat high in the San Gabriel mountains. It’s a great opportunity for the students to get away from everyday life and focus on music and the great outdoors. I was heartened to see lots of students enjoying nature and also enjoying each other’s company.

I want to thank our Courageous Chaperones! They are the backbone of this adventure! Thank you to Julia Dixon, Yvonne Lim, Rose Malmberg, and Julie Pao. Also, thank you to Glenn and Robert Torres for driving the truck!

I hope that you have a wonderful week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

We had a wonderful time performing at California Adventure last week! I was very proud of our performers for being so flexible and proficient! I received many nice comments from the audience and the staff. Thank you to our chaperones, Yvonne Lim and Julie Pao, and to Mr. Stone, who drove the truck and provided moral support!

We have a busy upcoming week. The Concerto Concert Auditions are being held after school on Wednesday. If you want to play and haven’t signed up, please do so now.

We go up to the Winter Retreat this Friday after school! See the schedule post, what to bring, weather report and map.

Have a wonderful week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Do you ever feel that there is so much coming at you that you start going in circles (either metaphorically or in my case physically)? Of course you do! You’re parents! Instead of standing in the middle of the room and screaming, which is my first reaction, I am learning to breathe deeply and check in with my shoulders (which at this point are nearly where my ears are from tension). In class, we also on occasion, practice deep breathing and shoulder relaxation. Everything, including music, is better when we are relaxed, calm and happy.

We are headed to Disneyland on Thursday for music and fun! Reach out to Yvonne Lim if you would like to chaperone.

Have a calm, happy week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Welcome back Orchestra! I hope that everyone had the most wonderful break and that you are all charged up for 2020! My head is spinning with all that is happening just in January! We will hit the ground running on Tuesday, January 7th with new music for Festival and New York.

Our Disneyland performance is coming right up on Thursday, January 16th. Any parents who would like to chaperone for this fun trip, please contact Yvonne Lim.

Concerto Concert Auditions will be held after school on Wednesday, January 22nd. All Instrumental Music students are welcome and encouraged to audition.

Then on Friday, January 24th, we make our annual trek up the mountain for the Winter Retreat! So much fun to look forward to!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Bravo to all for a fun and well-played Winter Spectacular! Thank you parents for the yummy and plentiful food at the after-concert reception.
It’s such a wonderful way to end the first semester of school.

Good luck to all with finals-just remember that you are all beautiful and brilliant and you got this!

Have a restful holiday filled with time with your family and friends and special activities.

Thank you for your support and commitment to the LCHS Instrumental program. See you next year!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Please join us for a fun and festive holiday concert featuring all the high school instrumental students this Thursday, December 12th at 7pm in the LCHS auditorium.

You will be able to enjoy traditional holiday music played in classical and jazz styles. Audrey L. is the amazing violin soloist in the concerto, “Winter,” from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons accompanied by our chamber orchestra, Camerata La Canada.

I guarantee you will enjoy this special holiday concert! I’ll see you there!