Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

What a great start to the year! All the groups in full swing learning, being musicians, and getting back into the school groove. Come see the Marching Spartans this Friday and see how our show has progressed. The potential of the show this year is amazing and the hard work of all our students is bringing that potential to life.

I look forward to seeing you all at the meetings on Monday night. It’s a great way to start the year with all the information you need and to make connections to the Music Parents Association. The MPA is the group that makes it possible for us to operate at such high levels. It’s a great way to get connected to your community and to the music program. I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Welcome Back! Band Camp and Workshops were extremely successful and I’m so excited for the marching season and all the potential that is before us. Come see the Marching Spartans at our first home game to see how the show is progressing!

I hope everyone is looking forward to the start of school and a new year of fun and music. All groups have a tremendous year planned and we are looking forward to hearing all the great music all year long. Mark the calendar and concert dates now so you don’t miss them!

As much as I hate the end of summer, I love the beginning of school and all that is laid before us. Enjoy the ride as the year will fly by us!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

World Cup is the best! There were so many games that were amazing and I could honestly cheer for either team at times. Made it a fun summer of sport. I love the team aspect of soccer. Each person on the field makes a difference and an impact, all working to make that final goal. It is truly a team effort.

As we get ready for band workshops to begin, please remember that everyone has an impact on our show. Preparation, practice, and performance are all linked to build our successful season. I am looking forward to every aspect of the season and all the new and old things we continue to master and make better. See you soon! Enjoy the end of summer! Play your instrument! Learn your music!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Summer has been awesome! As the end of summer draws near, I’m equally excited for the new school year. The season is already off to a wonderful start with music in students’ hands, leadership working hard to prepare for workshops and band camp, crazy cool props and stages being built for the show, and we already have drill for the first movement. It’s going to be a good year!

I love that our show takes an army to put together the final product. Each part is as important as the next as they all work to the same goal of making a great show for the kids to perform and show their talents. It’s amazing to see how our community comes together to support and set-up our students to be great! Thank you all for your help and support. Looking forward to showing you all the first glimpse of this year’s show on Friday, August 10th!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Tuesday night is our awards and final, official, public goodbyes to our Seniors. It’s always great to see them grow up and become amazing young adults, but also sad to see them go. Good luck, Seniors, in your next adventure in life. Keep pressing forward, but always remember where you were. See you all on Tuesday!