Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Congratulations to the Marching Spartans for an amazing season! Although we were cancelled on at the end, the show was an amazing success and will be a favorite for years to come. Thank you all for those who helped in any capacity to make this season amazing!

Moving into December means the Montrose Christmas Parade, Winter Spectacular, 7/8 Winter Concert with ALF, and a light at the end of the tunnel on December 21st. Come see all our talented groups perform this month and allow them to get you in the holiday mood!

Music makes every day better and we have a ton of music to last the entire month. See you at the concerts!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Hard work and detailing is the name of the game for musicians. An easy looking performance is backed by hours of hard work as an ensemble and more hours as individuals. Details equal emotional reaction by an audience (and performer… it’s why we play as much as we can!) and details come through the constant focus and attention musicians put into their craft each and every rehearsal, practice session, or performance.

As we go through the year, from performance to performance, enjoy the fruits of these fine student musicians’ hard work and attention to details. Not only does it make amazing performances, it makes amazing students.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

Thank you to all the senior parents who came out to walk with their Seniors on Friday night. It was a great way to celebrate the last home game for our seniors. And thank you also for your patience in the late night, the underclassmen wanted to show their love and support to the seniors, which took time.

If you attended the Orchestra’s Forte of the Silenced concert last week, you were treated to some amazing music and fine playing. We are very blessed to have such talent and creativity in our program.

Thank you all for your constant support of the Instrumental Music Program. It means a lot to a lot of people, so thank you!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

This weekend was a great start to the Marching Spartans’ competition season… A strong start to an already great season. I’m looking forward to the Fall Orchestra Concert this Wednesday entitled Forte of the Silenced. It is an event not to be missed!

Concerts and competitions are our time to share our music with everyone who is present and in earshot of our groups. The beauty of these events are the temporary moments that are shared by performer and audience members that bring us all together for that instant, that hopefully lingers in the mind for a lifetime. Make sure you are joining us for these special moments, they are truly a sight to behold and make life that much richer.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

This is a great week for the Marching Spartans as they venture this Saturday to their first competition. If you saw the show on Friday night, you know they’ve been working hard to make their show better, cooler, and more exciting. We are working hard this week to fine tune those moments and make sure it all looks amazing for this weekend. Please remember that attendance is vital for our success and safety of all. I would love to see a huge contingent of LC parents and friends at Ayala cheering and helping push on equipment to our first show of the year.

For Orchestra, next week is our first concert and Forte of the Silenced will be featured in the Outlook sometime this week. Look for the article highlighting this great event and some of our student orchestra members. Be sure to mark October 17th in your calendar as a day to come and hear our great orchestras play.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

October has arrived! I can’t believe how fast September goes each year.

The first Orchestra concert of the year is on October 17th. Forte of the Silenced will be an amazing night celebrating women composers as played by our amazing 7/8 and 9-12 Orchestras.

At the October 5th football game, will see the first complete performance (fingers crossed) of the Marching Spartans show Altered Perspectives, and the following week, October 13th, at Ayala High School will begin the marching competition season.

Lots of amazing music and performances for everyone to experience together. What an exciting month!

Looking forward to seeing you all at any and all of these great music events.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

7/8 night was a blast for everyone! I always enjoy seeing the connections made at 7/8 that continue when they slowly become the high school band. It’s a great evening to celebrate the joy of music present in our community and schools.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the MPA meeting this Monday night. Without this amazing group of parent volunteers, our program would be lacking in so many things. Thank you all for your continued support of our music.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

September has arrived! I remember the days when school would start this week, while nowadays, we are in full swing with our school year. All classes are working hard on their next performance pieces, building skills, and having fun. 7/8 Band and the Marching Spartans will be entertaining the crowds this Friday at the football game. Come see this huge band at the tailgate and in the stands and watch the latest version of the field show. If you’re at the fair on Wednesday at 5pm, cheer on the band as we march through the L.A. County Fair representing La Cañada. Have a great week and have fun!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

What a busy first full week of school! The Orchestra has been working hard in the early hours, Marching Band and Guard performed wonderfully at the football game and the band provided the music for the smash hit “Musical Chairs” during the assembly. What a great start to the school year! So many more great things to come!

Thank you all for attending the MPA informational meeting on Monday night. It was a great turnout and hopefully gave all of you insight into how you can be a part of this great community of music supporters. While many think it’s the kids having all the fun, many parents, past and present, will confirm that the parents have more fun being a part of the process throughout the year and working together to help make LC music an amazing experience for everyone. Come be a part of the fun and experience!