Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Congratulations to all our performing groups doing an amazing job at Festival this past Friday. You represented our music program and school so well. Also, a big thank you to all the parent volunteers who gave of their time to make the festival a tremendous success. We received so many positive comments about our festival and how enjoyable the experience was. A final, gigantic thank you to all the students who made the festival run so smoothly. You all were such a shining example of professionalism and class throughout the entire day. Thank you for your awesomeness!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

March! I can’t believe it’s here. Festival concerts and Festival around the corner with our Orchestras and Bands working hard to be the amazing groups that they are. Winter indoor seasons are in full swing with our amazing guard and drumline have stellar beginnings while continuing to work hard towards an amazing finish.

Come support all these great groups by seeing them live… you will not be disappointed. Thank you all for your help and support and I look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming events.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

As I was driving to go pick up my kids from school one day this past week, I saw a crossing guard, for lack of a better word, practicing his job. He was crossing absolutely no one. There was no one around, just him and the sign in the middle of the crosswalk. It made me laugh out loud and later think that this professional crossing guard is working at bettering his craft.

As musicians, as people, we should always be practicing and improving ourselves to be better and stronger at our chosen craft. As we spend the next weeks preparing for festival, we will all need to practice a bit alone, so that when we rehearse together, we will be at our best.

Have a great week!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Thank you all for your support for the Dinner Show! It was such a great evening of music and community!

Winter Guard and Drum Line are off to an amazing start. Their hard work is being showcased at many local shows this month and next. Take time to go and support these amazing groups. Meanwhile, Orchestra is heading to San Diego to represent our program in a national festival. I am sure they’re going to be the toast of the festival. Good luck, Orchestra.

I love seeing all these groups progress and showcase themselves all over the state and country. It’s a tribute to their hard work that they are able to be recognized and compete at such high levels. I’m looking forward to seeing all these groups progress!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

What a great week and weekend we have ahead of us. The Dinner Show is such a great time of music and community, and I look forward to the long fun evening each year. See you all at this great event and thank you all for your support of our instrumental music program.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

I love the idea that music is a common thread and binding element in all cultures. It brings people together, allows sharing of deep emotional moments or shallow fun that breaks through language barriers. It brings communities together and connects the members through a shared experience. There is no other force that can do so much for all of us. It doesn’t even matter if you are performing or if you are listening, everyone is a participant and everyone has an important role in making a musical moment. It truly is the best thing in the world! Hope you come and join in!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

I always think that marching season is the busy time of year, but there is so much going on in the program now that I feel like this season rivals the marching season.

  • Dinner show preparations are underway. Please support our program to make this the best dinner show ever! I know I am looking forward to a fun night.
  • Orchestra is heading out to the winter retreat in the snow and I know they’re are all looking forward to a time to bond with each other through music and fun.
  • Drumline and Color Guard are busy learning their winter shows in anticipation of the season starting next month.
  • Jazz Band and Musical Orchestra are working hard to fine tune their music as they are working on hours of music for Club LC and the Musical “Mamma Mia!”
  • Symphonic Band, Advanced Strings, 7/8 Concert Band and 7/8 String Orchestra are working on Dinner Show and Festival music.

It’s a great time of year for music, learning, and fun. Thank you all for your support of this amazingly vibrant and active program.

See you at all the shows!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Happy New Year to you all!

Happy Second Semester to everyone (especially Seniors!)!

I love the beginning of the year as we prepare for new musical adventures, great experiences, and opportunities of growing musically. As our groups visit Disneyland over the next few weeks, those experiences are the memories that we hold beyond high school. It is with each new experience that I ask everyone to embrace the newness, find the joy and excitement, and learn something new!

Looking forward to a great second half of the year!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Good luck to all on your finals! I do hope everyone gets time over the next two weeks to relax, refresh, and enjoy some fun time with friends and family.

For me, I look forward to the times I get to just hang with family and friends with no pressing rehearsals, or meetings, or really anything but fun. Make sure you all carve out some time. See you all on the other side of the holidays and I hope your Holidays are filled with fun and smiles!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

I’m so looking forward to the Winter Spectacular this Thursday night! It is a great time to come and see how talented these student musicians truly are.

It will be a fantastic concert with a massive full orchestra sound with over 130 musicians on stage coming at the end of the night.

I always enjoy the festive, giving mood of this concert and hope that it settles upon the audience and lingers throughout the holiday season. It can be a stressful time during these holidays, so hopefully this concert can soften up all of us to care and look out for others, and just treat everyone with a smile and a joyous spirit.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the concert on Thursday, and feel free to purchase a few more poinsettias that night as well!