Nov 25, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
What a great finish to the Marching Season! The students were amazing and performed beautifully for the crowd. Thank you to each and every parent who helped push, dish out food, and just being a loud spectator throughout our season. You make the whole experience better for the kids and staff. Thank you! Now I’m off to bed!
Nov 18, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
I love this week! Championship week is the best as I get to see our show grow and blossom into it’s finished form.
The students have been working hard and I’m excited for their show this weekend! Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday for the Friends and Family show! The more fans we have, the better we play! Have a great week!
Oct 28, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Commitment to hard work, learning from mistakes, and seeking the best information all help in every stage of making music. The highs and lows, challenges, and goals achieved are the constant carrot that is before every musician and drives us to be better. Better isn’t perfect. Better is just improving little by little knowing that each step gets you closer to a great performance. It’s the thing I love about music and teaching. All the hard work always pays off. Great for music. Great for life! Have a great week!
Oct 14, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
What a great weekend for the Marching Spartans. First show under our belt and two more weeks before the next one. Lots of fixes and new learning over these next two weeks to continue to build our show. Thank you parents for all your help and support! It’s always great to see our community come together to make our program great. Have a great week!
Oct 1, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
What a crazy week we have in store for us as Homecoming week lands on LCHS. Lots of music and fun all week. Come out and see the band on the parade route or during the football game. We will be keeping everyone smiling and having a good time.
October has arrived, so hopefully you have all signed up for the New York trip. This is a hard deadline as we are getting plane seats and such together soon. Sign up today.
October also means that the first string concert is coming soon. I know both groups are working hard to prepare a great concert! Can’t wait to hear them as well.
Sep 23, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Progress is a wonderful thing. Watching students develop new skills and master old ones, and then in return help the next generation of students learn, is one of my favorite parts of my job. I always enjoy the performance, but I truly enjoy each step of the way and seeing the progress we are making. It lets us all know that with hard work and the right information, we can all accomplish great things.
Have a great week and make progress towards achieving great things!
Sep 3, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Happy Labor Day! Hope you all enjoyed your day off! It’s a busy week this week for all groups as we dig deeper into our learning routines and music.
The Band and Color Guard have two performances this week. A parade at the L. A. County Fair on Wednesday and our first Friday Home Game. Come see both! Wednesday, the parade begins at 5pm and Friday, the football game begins at 7pm. It’s also 7/8 Night and a huge tailgate is happening pre-game, so it will be an amazingly fun and exciting night. Half time is game time in the band and color guard world, so come see the progress we’ve been making on our show, Synesthesia: The Color of Sound. You won’t be disappointed.
Have a great week and see you all at the shows!
Aug 26, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
The first full week done! Whew! That first week is always tough and stressful as we all get settled into schedules and new routines. I hope you all are scheduling in downtime as that is so valuable in all of our hectic schedules. My house went to Disneyland on Friday and had a wonderful time together flying the Millennium Falcon! It was truly relaxing!
Have a great week and don’t stress… It’s only week two.
Aug 19, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
I am looking forward to our first full week. It’s an action-packed week of informative meetings, rehearsals, and getting into the groove of school. I’m looking forward to seeing you all Monday night in the band room. The construction is still incomplete, but you’ll definitely see the direction and vision of the improvements. It’s going to be a great space to work in. Have a great week and keep smiling!
Aug 12, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
What a crazy two weeks! The Marching Spartans have been working long hours and are off to an amazing start!
The preview show last Friday was a huge success and gave a taste of this year’s show. It’s going to be one of best. Come to the football games and see how the show is developing.
The Band Room is almost finished. The big reveal is this week and we can finally move back in! Looking forward to see the final look of the new remodel.
Enjoy your last few days of summer and looking forward to our first day of school this Thursday! Have fun and see you soon!