Apr 27, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
As we all are getting used to distance learning, zoom meetings, webinars, video assignments, and finding out how a house can suddenly feel four times smaller each day, I am still excited by the work being done by all our musicians to continue to be better musicians and students. It’s an insane situation, but we are fortunate for the time we have to build our individual skills and creatively connect with each other in so many new ways.
Keep up the good work! Keep the hope alive that the end to this separation is closer than it appears! Keep smiling!
Have a great week!
Apr 13, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
I hope you are all safe and secure! In this crazy time, I hope we all can find those positive outcomes in our lives from this surreal moment in time. At the Stone house we are getting to slow down as a family during time we are normally running so fast we barely get to high five each other. Hopefully, you are finding the same. Don’t get me wrong, our house gets smaller by the day, but we are making the best of the situation.
In regards to moving forward in this environment, we will keep practicing, find ways to promote our musical spirit to others and work hard to make this new normal an efficient and effective way to be better musicians. In band, we are in the midst of leadership training and applications during this time as we prepare for next year. We will also be holding our show reveal in the coming weeks, as well as possibly having our fall season information meeting both via zoom or google meet. I would prefer to be in the same room with everyone, but these are the times we are in and we still have to move forward.
I hope you all take care, stay safe and keep trying to be better musicians. I am truly looking forward to the day we can all meet face to face once again.
Until then, keep working and we will all get through this together.
Mar 9, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Looking forward to seeing you all at the Concert this Wednesday night. You’ll get to see the fruits of all the hard work the students have been putting in to make great music.
Also, New York meeting Monday night. Come find out all the info for the trip.
Feb 26, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Thank you all for a great Dinner Show! It was a wonderful night of music and fun.
See you all at our Festival concerts in March!
Thanks again for the support!
Feb 17, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Dinner Show is this weekend. Thank you all who have helped get this event planned and set up. Looking forward to seeing you all for a fun evening of music and community. See ya Saturday!
Jan 27, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Looking forward to some great Dinner Show concerts coming up. 7/8 will be shining brightly on February 1st, while 9-12 shows their musicianship on February 22nd.
Thank you all for the help and support in making these great events successful! See you all this weekend!
Jan 13, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
What a great time on Friday for the Marching Spartans! Marching down Main St. in Disneyland is always a highlight for me every time we get the chance to do it. Looking forward to the Orchestra’s performance this week at California Adventure! I’m sure it’ll be magical! Have a great week!
Jan 6, 2020 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
What a way to start the New Year! A day off, and trips to Disneyland! I’m looking forward to all the fabulous music making as we get deep into concert season and prepare for Dinner Show, Festival Concerts, and Carnegie Hall in New York.
Can’t wait to see you all on Tuesday and hope you’ve all practiced a little bit here and there (a lot hopefully). Happy New Year and see you soon!
Dec 16, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
Thank you all for a great first half of the year. Every performance, rehearsal, and sectional was wonderful to hear and be a part of.
My favorite part of making music is the growth that happens in learning and perfecting a piece of music so that we can share it with others. It’s the best! Well done this year to all our groups!
Have a great finals week and an even better holiday season!
Dec 9, 2019 | Mr. Stone's Thought Of The Week
I’m looking forward to this week of events and celebrations. Our musicians have wonderful concerts planned for all of you this week and I look forward to seeing you all at each event. It’s going to be wonderful way to get in the holiday spirit and finish up our first half of the year! Have a great week and see you at the concerts.