7pm via Zoom
All Parent Instrumental Music Meetings Wednesday
All Parent Mandatory Meetings
Wednesday, September 2nd
6:30pm: 7/8 Band & Orchestra Parents
7:30pm: 9-12 Band, Guard, & Orchestra Parents
Please join us for the all parent meetings this Wednesday, September 2nd.
At this meeting, there will be an overview of the program – as it is right now – but always subject to change. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have as well as find out how you can support the program.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 832 0903 1208
Passcode: 376650
MPA Meeting – 8/26
MPA Meeting
Wednesday, August 26th
7pm – via Zoom
Please join us for the first MPA meeting. All 7-12 Instrumental Music parents and families are invited and encouraged to attend.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 832 0903 1208
Passcode: 376650
MPA Meeting – June 1st
We will be having our June MPA meeting via Zoom on Monday, June 1st at 7pm.
This will be our final board meeting for this school year and we will be voting in our new board for 2020-2021 so please plan to attend.
Message from MPA President
I hope everyone and your families are all doing well and staying healthy.
I wanted to update everyone on the current financial status of the Music Parents Association. The MPA had a strong first half of the year with our fundraisers. The fall Boosters Raffle, Poinsettia Sales, ACT/SAT Practice Tests, Scrip/Gift Cards and Dine Out at Doña Maria all performed at or above expectations. Thank you to the many parents who volunteered and supported all these events to raise much needed funds for our programs.
We are also ahead for the year in donations/grants that we solicit from 3rd party companies.
Our most important fundraiser of the year is the Dinner Show and this year for the first time we held one for 7/8 and a second for 9-12. The two shows allowed us to better highlight all our programs and were a great success! Congratulations to the entire Dinner Show committee for your amazing commitment and hard work. A special thank you to our co-chairs Michelle Lynskey and Julie Pao!
Despite all this wonderful momentum and the support from many of our families, we like many organizations right now are facing a tough time. With the closure of school activities, we are missing not only all the fun events and performances of our students but important fundraisers to our program and overall planned budget. These events include the loss of income from the Band/Orchestra Festival, Club LC, the second semester Boosters Raffle, and the plan for two more SAT/ACT Prep test fundraisers this spring.
Most importantly, we are down significantly in student family contributions to help cover the cost of the program.
Due to this loss of expected income to our annual fiscal budget we are currently projecting a deficit for the year of $15,000-$20,000. While we have the reserves to cover this loss it will have a significant negative impact on the financial health of our organization.
It still seems surreal to me that our school year is ending in a way none of us could have imagined just six weeks ago. Last week our students and teachers were to have been in NYC on an amazing and educational trip. This week our Winter Drumline would have been competing at WGI World Championships in Dayton, Ohio.
This is a difficult time for all of us. I know many people are out of work (my husband and I included). However, as I write this I think of the important things in my life. I am grateful that my extended family and friends are all safe and healthy, and I hope yours are too. I am grateful that our school district has done a herculean job in getting our students through this with distance learning and an ability for our kids to finish their school year. I am grateful for our teachers who are quickly adapting and working hard through this crisis to deliver educational learning and keep our students engaged. I am grateful to all our amazing students. Over the past four years I have been to all the concerts, competitions, events, parades. I have been in and out of the band room too many times to count. I have always been so impressed with the positive attitude, leadership, and camaraderie of our students. I have watched my own children who have learned so much, matured and benefited greatly by being a part of the Instrumental Music program. I am so grateful to have been a part of this program, it has brought great joy to my life and I hope it will continue to do the same for all of you.
I know we are not yet finished with our school year. The MPA will have a board meeting to finish this school year on June 1st. However, I wanted to take the time now to alert everyone to our current status. More importantly, I want to thank all the parents who have sacrificed so much of their time and money to help our program succeed. Thank you for your amazing hard work and commitment to our students. The Instrumental Music Program cannot survive without the support of the MPA and the MPA cannot survive without the support of the parents. The time and effort you all put in to support our students is deeply appreciated and the reward is the smiles on the faces of our kids at every performance, competition, and event.
Finally, I want to thank Jason Stone, Jennifer Munday, Jimmie Myers, and Sandy Miller. While the Instrumental Program needs the MPA our students need these instructors. They are incomparable in their expertise, teaching and commitment to our kids. They work tirelessly and engage and connect with our students in ways that ensure our kids stay involved in school even through difficult times such as we have now. I am profoundly grateful to have had the opportunity to work with all four of them and feel blessed that my children have had the opportunity to work and learn from them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Stay safe and I hope to see you all someday soon!
Elizabeth Bohannon
LCHS MPA President
MPA Business and More
- As with all non-profits and families alike, this time has become somewhat financially stressful. Thank you all for your donations throughout this year, but we still have some obligations to cover moving forward. If you have outstanding donations due for Band, Orchestra, 7/8, Drumline, and/or Color Guard, please consider still contributing. We know that the seasons for some was cut short, but expenses still remain. Thank you.
- We would encourage each of you, the next time you shop online from Amazon – which is pretty often these days – to use AmazonSmile. Amazon will donate a small percentage of each purchase to our Music Parents Association. (Look for La Canada High School Music Parents in the list.)
- Also, gift cards are another way to raise funds. All the information is below for purchasing them. Contact Ceci Nava if you have any questions.
- Booster Raffle Tickets are still available and can still be sold. Boosters are willing to still contribute the funds to our program for all tickets sold. Please contact Elizabeth Bohannon if you would like additional tickets.
- The New York trip has been rescheduled for March 5-9, 2021, provided we’re back to “normal” by then. Today is the deadline to fill out the google form. See this post for full information.
As we have witnessed, the effects of the Covid-19 virus on our community has things changing by the minute. By increments, this has had an impact on our program in major ways and you need information. This note is a reminder that we have several options for you.
- Subscribe to our newsletter which is sent via Constant Contact emails. Sandy Miller sends these out weekly on Sunday evenings, and on an as needed basis.
- This website has a Latest News blog. I handle posts there.
- The Facebook Group. Sandy Miller and I are moderators there, and you can find reminders as well as notes from parents and students. Note: to join that group, you must answer screening questions to be accepted, as our students (who are minors) are welcomed there.
Our faculty, staff, and MPA Board volunteers are doing our best to give you accurate information as we obtain and verify, as it pertains to our program.
Michele Wilcox
MPA VP of Communications
Weekly Schedule – 3/9
Monday, March 9th
- Gift Card Orders Due
- 7pm: MPA Meeting – Band Room
- 8pm: NY Trip Meeting – Band Room
Tuesday, March 10th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Beginning Drumline
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal
Wednesday, March 11th
Festival Concerts
- 6:15pm: Call time for 7/8 Orchestra
- Concert Wear, per Mr. Myers’ instructions
- 6:30pm: Call time for 9-12 Orchestra
- Concert Wear
- 7pm: Orchestra Concert Begins
- 7:15pm: Call time for 7/8 Band
- Concert Wear, per Mr. Myers’ instructions
- 7:30pm: Call time for 9-12 Band
- Concert Wear
- 8pm: Band Concert Begins
Thursday, March 12th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Beginning Drumline
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal
Weekly Schedule – 2/10
Monday, February 10th
- Gift Card Orders Due
- 7pm: MPA Meeting – Band Room
- 8pm: Dinner Show Committee Meeting – Band Room
Tuesday, February 11th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Beginning Drumline
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 5-6pm: Winter Concert Percussion Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal
Wednesday, February 12th
- 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal
Thursday, February 13th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Beginning Drumline
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching Percussion Rehearsal
Friday, February 14th
- No School
- Last day for early bird Dinner Show Tickets
- Last day for Senior Tribute purchases for Dinner Show
- Last day for Sponsorship program recognition & advertising for Dinner Show
Saturday, February 15th
Concert & Marching Drumline Competition – Monrovia High School
- 8am: Call time – rehearsal
- 9:30am: Load truck
- 10:50am: Depart LCHS
- 11:20am: Arrive Monrovia HS, Unload truck
- 1:37pm: Marching performance
- 2pm: Load truck/lunch
- 3:41pm: Awards for Marching Scholastic A
- 4:49pm: Concert unloads
- 6:49pm: Concert performance
- 7pm: Load truck
- 7:50-8:34pm: Watch shows
- 9pm: Awards for Concert
- 9:30pm: Depart Monrovia HS
- 10pm: Arrive at LCHS, Unload truck
Monrovia High School
845 W. Colorado Blvd.
Monrovia, CA 91016
Tickets: $10
Volunteers: We need parents to help out at this competition. Please contact Dina Lorenzana and let him know if you’re available.
Weekly Schedule – 1/13
Monday, January 13th
- 7pm: MPA Meeting – Band Room
- 8pm: Dinner Show Committee Meeting – Band Room
Tuesday, January 14th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-5pm: Winter Concert 7-12 Percussion Rehearsal
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching 9-12 Percussion Rehearsal
Wednesday, January 15th
- 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal
Thursday, January 16th
- 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
- 3:30-4:30pm: Winter Concert 7-12 Percussion Rehearsal
- 5:30-8:30pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: Winter Marching 9-12 Percussion Rehearsal
9-12 Orchestra to California Adventure
- 7:15am: Arrive in Concert Attire, Load truck (instruments and clothes for the day)
- 8am: Depart LCHS
- 9am: Arrive Disney/Security
- 11:30am: Performance at California Adventure stage
- 12:30pm: Dismissed back to the park (CA Adv. or Disneyland)
- 7pm: Meet at the Compass in the Esplande (the space between the entrances of the parks)
- 7:30pm: Depart Disney
- 8:30pm: Arrive at LCHS, unload truck, dismissed
- Students need to bring everything for a concert performance:
- Concert Wear
- Black socks
- Dress shoes
- Instrument
- Music