Weekly Schedule – 9/10 – Band & Color Guard

Tuesday, September 11th

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Thursday, September 13th

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Friday, September 14th

Football Game

  • 5:30pm: Arrival, change into full uniform
  • 6:00pm: Warm Up in front of North Gym with instruments/music
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game
  • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time performance
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over, hang uniform, dismissal

9-12 Band/Guard Volunteers Needed

Uniform Prep

We’re adding a little twist to our show, Altered Perspectives, this year. Not only do we have the most awesome props ever, but we will be modifying our uniforms by covering the gold front with silver and making skirts that will be hidden at the start of the show and then revealed during the show. It’s going to be so cool!

Which means… We have a little work to do.

This Thursday, September 13th, 5:30-7:30pm, we will meet at the home of Christy Stephen to start the process of covering the golds. We need help with tracing, cutting, pinning, and some machine sewing.

If you are available and willing, please let Christy know. Hope to see you there!

Football Game

If you are interested in helping fill water jugs, covering the bleachers, pluming, gauntleting, or pushing equipment prior, during, and after the game, please contact Pierre Echternach. Helpers will meet in the band hallway at 5:45pm.

9-12 Band/Guard & 7/8 Band Volunteers Needed

We will need several helpers for Friday evening:

7/8 Night Dinner

If you are interested in helping set-up, serving, and/or clean-up for the dinner for 9-12 Band/Guard and 7/8 Band on Friday night, please contact Nadia Ali. She will let you know the timing and details.

Football Game

If you are interested in helping fill water jugs, covering the bleachers, pluming, gauntleting, or pushing equipment prior, during, and after the game, please contact Pierre Echternach. Helpers will meet in the band hallway at 5:45pm.

Weekly Schedule – 9/3

Tuesday, September 4th (Marching Band/Guard)

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Wednesday, September 5th (Marching Band/Guard)

L.A. County Fair

  • 1st Period: Load truck
  • 11am: Band/Guard students dismissed from class
  • 11:15am: Load bus
  • 11:30am: Depart LCHS
  • 12:15pm: Arrive, eat lunch, enjoy the Fair
  • 3:30pm: Meet back at bus to change into uniform
  • 4pm: Warm-up
  • 5pm: Parade
  • 6pm: Return to bus, change, load truck
  • approx. 8:30pm: Arrive back at LCHS, unload truck
  • approx. 9pm: Dismissal

Thursday, September 6th (Marching Band/Guard)

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Friday, September 7th (Marching Band/Guard & 7/8 Band)

Football Game – 7/8 Night

  • 5pm: 9-12 and 7/8 meet in front of the North Gym with instruments and music for rehearsal
  • 5:30pm: Dinner is served for all students
  • 6:10pm: Meet in front of North Gym with instruments/music
    • 9-12 in full uniform
    • 7/8 in band t-shirts and dark-colored pants/jeans
  • 6:20pm: 9-12 and 7/8 combined performance at Boosters tailgate on Oak Grove field
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game (combined 9-12 and 7/8 on the field performance)
  • 7pm: Game time
    • All 9-12 and 7/8 students will play stand tunes during the first half of the game
    • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time performance by 9-12
    • approx. 8:35pm: 7/8 students return to band room and will be dismissed to parents
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over, hang uniform, dismissal

Extra Notes:

7/8 students will be rehearsing with the 9-12 students at 5pm, will eat with the 9-12 students, and will then perform with the 9-12 students at the Boosters tailgate, on the field during pre-game, and in the stands during the first half of the game.

After the 9-12 students perform their show at half-time, the 7/8 students will return to the band room with Mr. Myers and will be dismissed. The students may return to the game with parents if you choose or you may go home.

7/8 t-shirts will be distributed either Thursday or Friday.

7/8 Night on 9/7

7/8 Night

Friday, September 7th

The 9-12 Band and Guard always enjoy welcoming the 7/8 Band students for this event. It’s a busy, but fun night.

7/8 students will be rehearsing with the High School students at 5pm, will eat with them, and then perform with them at the Boosters tailgate, on the field during pre-game, and in the stands during the first half of the game. After the High School students perform their show at half-time, the 7/8 students will return to the band room with Mr. Myers and will be dismissed. The students may return to the game with parents if you choose or may go home.

The 7/8 students are voting on their t-shirt design this week and t-shirts will be distributed prior to next Friday evening.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Looking forward to a great evening!

Schedule for 9-12 Band/Guard and 7/8 Band:

  • 5pm: 9-12 and 7/8 meet in front of the North Gym with instruments and music for rehearsal
  • 5:30pm: Dinner is served for all students
  • 6:10pm: Meet in front of North Gym with instruments/music
    • 9-12 in full uniform
    • 7/8 in band t-shirts and dark-colored pants/jeans
  • 6:20pm: 9-12 and 7/8 combined performance at Boosters tailgate on Oak Grove field
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game (combined 9-12 and 7/8 on the field performance)
  • 7pm: Game time
    • All 9-12 and 7/8 students will play stand tunes during the first half of the game
  • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time performance by 9-12
  • approx. 8:35pm: 7/8 students return to band room and will be dismissed to parents
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over, hang uniform, dismissal

L.A. County Fair – Volunteers Needed

L.A. County Fair Parade

Volunteers Needed

Wednesday, September 5th

We will need several parent volunteers to help with getting to/from the L.A. County Fair by riding the bus, as well as pluming, gauntleting, etc. when at the fair.

We will be leaving the High School at 11am and will return at 8:30pm. Please let Sandy know if you are available and interested. It’s a fun day!

Weekly Schedule – 8/27

Marching Band and Color Guard

Tuesday, August 28th

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Thursday, August 30th

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Saturday, September 1st

  • The band will NOT attend the away football game.

Program Instrument Rental

There are instruments available for rental throughout the year. The string instruments have all been recently refurbished and are ready to go. For Band rentals, please contact Mr. Stone or Mr. Myers. For String rentals, please contact Ms. Munday.

Rental procedure for string instruments:

  1. Talk with Ms. Munday, Mr. Myers, or Mr. Stone to make arrangements to check out an instrument.
  2. At that time, a check for $200, payable to “LCHS MPA” is due. You will need to hand in the check before you can take the instrument.
  3. If you are renting 2 instruments, the second instrument is $100.

Volunteers Needed for Friday

Friday Football Game

We will need some helpers at 6pm to help fill the water coolers and cover the bleachers. Please meet in the band hallway.

We will also need helpers to plume and gauntlet prior to our half-time performance. Please meet in the end zone on the snack stand side towards the end of the second quarter.

We will also need helpers to push equipment on the field. Please meet in the end zone near the restrooms towards the end of the second quarter. The students in the front ensemble will give you all the details.

No prior experience is necessary, please join us.