Weekly Schedule – 10/8

Tuesday, October 9th

  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Thursday, October 11th

  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5-8pm: Parent Volunteers adjust shakos
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Friday, October 12th

Elementary Tour

  • 7am: Load truck
  • 7:45am: Load bus
  • 8:30am: PCY
  • 10:30am: LCE
  • 1:30pm: PCR
  • Lunch in Montrose
    • Bring money for lunch
  • approx. 2:30pm: Return to High School, unload truck
  • Wear show shirts and dark shorts/jeans

Away Football Game vs. Monrovia

  • 5:45pm: Call time
  • 6pm: Bus departs
  • 7pm: Game time
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over
  • approx. 10pm: Return to High School, dismissal
  • Please go home when we return, Saturday is a competition day!

Saturday, October 13th

Ayala Competition Day

  • 9am: Rehearsal on the field
  • 10:30am: Load truck
  • 11:15am: Lunch is served
  • 12:00pm: Load bus
  • 12:30pm: Depart LCHS
  • 1:30pm: Arrive Ayala High School
  • 3pm: Begin warm-up
  • 4:15pm: Parent Volunteers arrive
  • 4:25pm: Pit Departs
  • 4:40pm: Pit at Gate
  • 4:40pm: Plume, gauntlet, tune
  • 4:50pm: Band Departs
  • 5pm: Band at gate
  • 5:15pm: Performance time
  • 5:30pm: Awards for 1A, 2A, 3A
  • 6pm: Change, load truck
  • 6:30pm: Snacks
  • 7pm: Depart Ayala High School
  • 8pm: Arrive at LCHS, unload truck, hang uniforms
  • 8:30pm: Dismissal

Helpful Notes for Parents:

  1. Students will remain with the group from the start of rehearsal through dismissal at the end of the day. Students may have the opportunity to leave after the truck is loaded in the morning, but MUST be back at the High School no later than 12:30pm to load the bus — and ONLY with prior approval from Mr. Stone.
  2. NO STUDENTS may leave the group and must stay on campus at each competition site! NO EXCEPTIONS!
  3. With #1 in mind, please make sure your student has the appropriate clothing and shoes for the entire day – at rehearsal, to wear under the uniform, and to return home. Students will change into uniform on the bus (in public).
  4. Students should bring a water jug and sunscreen to the morning rehearsal. Sometimes it’s pretty toasty out there!
  5. Please remember that all times listed are approximate. Sometimes things need to change depending on the circumstances of the day and we do our best to keep to a schedule so everyone is on the same page. However, things always come up including, but not limited to, the traffic situation. This is especially true this week. It’s our first time at competition this year, so we ask for your cooperation and understanding.
  6. If your student is taking the PSAT, please have them join the group whenever they are finished. Your student should also let Mr. Stone know that they are taking the PSAT.

Competition Info:

Ayala Music in Motion
Ayala High School
14255 Peyton Dr.
Chino Hills, CA 91709

  • Ticket prices: $12 adults / $7 children ages 5-12
  • Performance time: 5:15pm
  • See competition schedule for all the bands performing

Marching Band & Color Guard Picture Day

Marching Band & Color Guard Group Picture Day

Tuesday, October October 16th

After School

Hahamonga Park

The students will report to the band room and change into uniform at dismissal and then walk over to Hahamonga for the photos.

All band/guard members will receive an 8×10 group photo included as part of the donations you gave. If you are interested in ordering additional photos, please check out the order form. The photographer will do individual photos as well as section photos or buddy photos.

Please note that ALL students must fill out an envelope from the photographer in order to receive their photos… even if you are not ordering additional photos. Envelopes will be available in the band room from Mr. Stone.

Just an FYI… the photographer is kind of picky about this so please have your student either pick up an envelope or have them fill one out. It just makes the picture taking time go a little quicker if the envelopes are filled out prior to walking over to Hahamonga.

If you have questions, please contact Mr. Stone or Sandy.

Schedule Update – Marching Band

This Friday morning, October 5th, the LCHS Marching Band will participate in the Grand Re-Opening of Ralphs! (And a nice perk to that is Ralphs is donating to the Instrumental Music Program!)

Please drop your student at the Ralphs parking lot at 7:45am with instrument, and music if needed. We will perform at 8am and be finished by 8:30am. The students will then walk back to the high school to finish out first period. Guard will not be performing.

Mr. Stone will arrange getting the large instruments to Ralphs.

Students should wear their show shirts.

Weekly Schedule – 10/1

Monday, October 1st

  • Application for Rose Parade Band must be post-marked today!

Tuesday, October 2nd

  • Band from Norway visits during 1st Period
  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Thursday, October 4th

  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Friday, October 5th

Ralph’s Re-Opening Performance

  • 7:45am: Call Time
    • Bring instrument, and music if needed
    • Wear show shirt
  • 8am: Perform
  • 8:30am: Walk back to high school
  • Guard will not be performing
  • Mr. Stone will arrange getting the large instruments to Ralphs

Home Football Game vs. San Marino

  • 5:30pm: Call time, change into uniform
  • 6pm: Warm-up in front of North Gym
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game
  • 7pm: Game time
  • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time performance
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over
  • approx. 10pm: Hang uniform, Dismissal

Away Football Game Update

There was some confusion earlier this season regarding the Band’s transportation to away football games. In the past, athletics through ASB has funded the away football games. This year, athletics is no longer using ASB to hold transportation money, so that funding had ceased unbeknownst to the program. However, for this year, Mr. McFeat has found some funding to cover the costs for the last two away football games for this year.

So, mark your calendars – there are two remaining away football games – Monrovia next Friday, and Temple City on October 26th.

We will review the transportation costs again prior to next year’s football season.

Go Spartans!