Dinner Show Meeting – December 13th

Dinner Show Committee Meeting

Thursday, December 13th

7pm – Sheryl Madonna’s Home

It’s not too late to get involved, please consider helping! Contact Sheryl for address and any other questions.

We are still looking for a Silent Auction Chair to head up the task of gathering donations and organizing the auction.

Poinsettia Sales Update

It’s not the North Star that you are seeing. It is the light at the end of the tunnel. Just a few more poinsettias to sell to benefit the Music Parents Association that helps fund Orchestra, 7/8 Band and Orchestra, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Concert Band, Drumline, and Color Guard. If it weren’t for MPA, the music program as we know it would not exist.

We understand that not everyone can donate financially as they would like, so we provide opportunities for parents to donate their time, which can be just as valuable. Here is the latest Sign Up and your participation is always appreciated.

Weekly Schedule – 12/3

Tuesday, December 4th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, December 5th

  • 6:30-8:30pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal

Thursday, December 6th

  • *Note: No Winter Drumline or Winter Guard Rehearsals today.
  • Zero Period: Combined 7/8 Band & 7/8 Orchestra
  • 3-6pm: Poinsettia Pick Up & Delivery Day
  • Winter Spectacular
    • Performances by the 9-12 Orchestra, 9-12 Band, and Jazz band
    • 6pm: 9-12 Orchestra Call Time
    • 6:30pm: 9-12 Band Call Time
    • 6pm: Call Time – All Performers
    • 7pm: Concert Begins
    • Concert Wear
    • Refreshments
      • After the performance, refreshments will be served outside the Auditorium for the audience and performers.
      • Orchestra – Please click to sign up
      • Band – Please bring desserts such as cookies, cupcakes, holiday treats, etc.

Poinsettia Pick Up and Delivery Information

Thank you for your poinsettia order!

Pick Up

Thursday, December 6th


We ask that you do your best to pick up after school, but if you cannot collect at that time, you may pick up after the Winter Spectacular.


Thursday, December 6th


If you are not home, flowers will be placed at your front door or in the most secure area that is safe and accessible to our drivers.

If you have any questions regarding pick up or delivery only, please text Tiara Nappi at 818-395-7909, and remember to include your first and last name in the text and the quantity of flowers you ordered.

Thank you for your support and happy holidays!

If you have any questions, please contact Tiara Nappi.

Poinsettia Distribution Volunteers

The poinsettias are almost here and we need volunteers to help get them unloaded, distributed, and, the extras sold. Please sign up at the link.

Please consider helping, and as always, we greatly need and appreciate your help. It doesn’t just take a village for an instrumental music program. It takes a village, all their relatives, and anyone else in the near vicinity.

Dinner Show

We’re still looking for a Silent Auction Chair to head up the task of gathering donations and organizing the auction.

And while we’re thinking Silent Auction… If you have anything that you would like to donate to benefit the Instrumental Music Program, please let Sheryl Madonna (our Dinner Show chair) know. Use your imagination! Any donation is appreciated.

In years past we have had donations of Disney/California Adventure passes, Lakers tickets, Dodgers tickets, Gift cards to restaurants, Music lessons, tickets to Jimmy Kimmel, a weekend at Mammoth, and more!

Please contact Dinner Show Chair Sheryl Madonna with any questions.

Gift Card Orders – November 12th

Due date – November 12th
Now is the time to start thinking about your next Scrip Gift Card order! The holidays are just around the corner… Plan ahead now and get your holiday shopping started!
This fundraiser benefits your student’s account.

To Order:

If you have questions, please contact Ceci Nava.