Schedule Update – Marching Band

This Friday morning, October 5th, the LCHS Marching Band will participate in the Grand Re-Opening of Ralphs! (And a nice perk to that is Ralphs is donating to the Instrumental Music Program!)

Please drop your student at the Ralphs parking lot at 7:45am with instrument, and music if needed. We will perform at 8am and be finished by 8:30am. The students will then walk back to the high school to finish out first period. Guard will not be performing.

Mr. Stone will arrange getting the large instruments to Ralphs.

Students should wear their show shirts.

Weekly Schedule – 10/1

Monday, October 1st

  • Application for Rose Parade Band must be post-marked today!

Tuesday, October 2nd

  • Band from Norway visits during 1st Period
  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Thursday, October 4th

  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Friday, October 5th

Ralph’s Re-Opening Performance

  • 7:45am: Call Time
    • Bring instrument, and music if needed
    • Wear show shirt
  • 8am: Perform
  • 8:30am: Walk back to high school
  • Guard will not be performing
  • Mr. Stone will arrange getting the large instruments to Ralphs

Home Football Game vs. San Marino

  • 5:30pm: Call time, change into uniform
  • 6pm: Warm-up in front of North Gym
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game
  • 7pm: Game time
  • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time performance
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over
  • approx. 10pm: Hang uniform, Dismissal

Away Football Game Update

There was some confusion earlier this season regarding the Band’s transportation to away football games. In the past, athletics through ASB has funded the away football games. This year, athletics is no longer using ASB to hold transportation money, so that funding had ceased unbeknownst to the program. However, for this year, Mr. McFeat has found some funding to cover the costs for the last two away football games for this year.

So, mark your calendars – there are two remaining away football games – Monrovia next Friday, and Temple City on October 26th.

We will review the transportation costs again prior to next year’s football season.

Go Spartans!

Tickets for LACO Concert Still Available

Tickets are still available for the LACO Concert this coming Saturday! This is your chance to experience this amazing performance! You can’t beat the ticket price of $8!

Please send in your payment by Wednesday, September 26th. Checks should be made payable to Yvonne Lim and marked with your student’s name. Yvonne will be distributing the tickets.

We have the awesome opportunity to see renowned violinist Hillary Hahn who will be performing with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra on Saturday, September 29th at 8pm at the Alex Theatre in Glendale.

Our very own Ms. Munday will be performing in the orchestra as well!

Event Details

Balcony tickets start at $52 but due to our special connection to LACO through Ms. Munday, MPA families pay just $8 per ticket!

Please email Yvonne Lim, Orchestra Parent Rep, with any questions you may have.

Tickets for LACO Concert

We have the awesome opportunity to see renowned violinist Hillary Hahn who will be performing with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra on Saturday, September 29th at 8pm at the Alex Theatre in Glendale.

Our very own Ms. Munday will be performing in the orchestra as well!

Event Details

Balcony tickets start at $52 but due to our special connection to LACO through Ms. Munday, MPA families pay just $8 per ticket!

Please send in payment, check or cash clearly marked with your student’s name, via Ms. Munday, Student Rep Ellie Lim, or Mr. Stone to get first dibs!

Please email Yvonne Lim, Orchestra Parent Rep, with any questions you may have.

Weekly Schedule – 9/10 – Band & Color Guard

Tuesday, September 11th

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Thursday, September 13th

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Friday, September 14th

Football Game

  • 5:30pm: Arrival, change into full uniform
  • 6:00pm: Warm Up in front of North Gym with instruments/music
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game
  • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time performance
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over, hang uniform, dismissal