7/8 & 9-12 Winter Drumline Information

The following information was sent via Constant Contact. Please note, a lot of information can be found on the 7/8 Winter Drumline and 9-12 Winter Drumline Ensemble pages, and the calendar, which is on the Front Page.


9-12 Drumline

We’re excited for the season to begin! We have a bigger group this year and are anticipating a great year!

This year the cost for the program will be $500 per student. This amount includes costs for competitions, instructors, uniform, floor painting, food for lunches and snacks, and transportation to and from the competitions.

Checks should be made payable to “LCHS MPA” and placed in an envelope with your student’s name and group, and deposited in the black box in the band room. As always, if you have financial concerns and questions, please let Mr. Stone know.

7/8 Drumline

We are ready to start learning the show… This is our first year with a 7/8 Drumline, and we’re excited your student will be participating!

We are asking for a small donation of $50 per student for 7/8 Drumline. This amount will help cover costs for competitions, instructors, uniforms, food for lunches and snacks, and transportation to and from the competitions.

Checks should be made payable to “LCHS MPA” and placed in an envelope with your student’s name and group, and deposited in the black box in the band room. As always, if you have financial concerns and questions, please let Mr. Stone know.


If you are interested in helping out this season, we we will need bus riders, truck drivers, food planning/prep/serving… Please contact our Drumline parent rep, Dino Lorenzana.


All rehearsals and competitions are also on the front page calendar.

Download 7/8 Winter Drumline Calendar

Download 9-12 Winter Drumline Calendar


To help offset the costs we encourage your student to participate in the fundraising for the Instrumental Music Program. Currently, we have several fundraisers in progress:

Instructor Contacts

Marching Spartans – Disneyland – January 11th

The Marching Band and Guard will be going to Disneyland on Friday, January 11th. The cost is $100. They will be participating in the backstage Soundtrack Session, recording movie cues for Disney films. It’s a great experience that no one should miss.

If your student has funds in their student account, these funds may be applied to the Disneyland costs.

If you prefer to write a check, please make checks payable to “LCHS MPA” and note “Band Disney” with your student’s name on the check. Place in an envelope and put in the black box in the band room.

Weekly Schedule – 12/10

Tuesday, December 11th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, December 12th

7/8 & ALF Winter Concert

NOTE: Volunteers are needed to help serve dinner to the 7/8 and ALF students, 4:45-6:45pm. Please contact Nadia Ali if you are available.

  • 5pm: Call Time to band room
    • Concert dress
  • 5:15-6pm
    • Band – Dinner in Cafeteria
    • Orchestra – Rehearse in Auditorium
  • 6-6:45pm
    • Orchestra – Dinner in Cafeteria
    • Band – Rehearse in Auditorium
  • 7pm: Concert Begins

Thursday, December 13th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 7pm: Dinner Show Committee Meeting (Home of Sheryl Madonna)

Weekly Schedule – 12/3

Tuesday, December 4th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, December 5th

  • 6:30-8:30pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal

Thursday, December 6th

  • *Note: No Winter Drumline or Winter Guard Rehearsals today.
  • Zero Period: Combined 7/8 Band & 7/8 Orchestra
  • 3-6pm: Poinsettia Pick Up & Delivery Day
  • Winter Spectacular
    • Performances by the 9-12 Orchestra, 9-12 Band, and Jazz band
    • 6pm: 9-12 Orchestra Call Time
    • 6:30pm: 9-12 Band Call Time
    • 6pm: Call Time – All Performers
    • 7pm: Concert Begins
    • Concert Wear
    • Refreshments
      • After the performance, refreshments will be served outside the Auditorium for the audience and performers.
      • Orchestra – Please click to sign up
      • Band – Please bring desserts such as cookies, cupcakes, holiday treats, etc.

7/8 Winter Concert

Next week is the 7/8 Band & Orchestra’s combined Winter Concert with the ALF on Wednesday, December 12th!

For planning purposes, call time will be at 5pm. We’ll have rehearsals and then the MPA will provide a pizza dinner. The concert will begin at 7pm.

A detailed schedule will be sent next week, but it will be Concert attire.

Weekly Schedule – 11/26

Tuesday, November 27th

  • 5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Parent Meeting – Band room
  • 7:30pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline & Winter Guard Parent Meeting – Band Room

Friday, November 30th

  • Marching Band & Guard takes home uniforms and instruments for the parade on Saturday.
  • 9-12 Band Concert Wear Distribution – 1st Period

Saturday, December 1st

Montrose Christmas Parade

  • 5:30pm: Call Time
    • Full Uniform, no shako, yes gloves, holiday hat
  • 6pm: Parade start time
  • 8pm: Approximate end time

Helpful Hints:

  1. Please drop off your student at the parade staging area at the corner of Honolulu and La Crescenta Ave. at 5:30pm. Please leave instrument cases in the car as we will not be returning to the staging area at the end of the parade.
  2. Students will be dismissed at the end of the parade at the corner of Honolulu and Verdugo Blvd. All instruments and uniforms should be returned to the band room on Monday, December 3rd.
  3. Students are encouraged to wear holiday hats instead of their shakos.
  4. Instrument decorating (lights, tinsel, holly, etc.) is fine as long as the instrument can still be played properly.