Weekly Schedule – 10/28

Tuesday, October 29th

  • 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
  • 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal

Wednesday, October 30th

  • 7pm: 7/8 & 9-12 Fall Orchestra Concert
    • Call time is 6:30pm
    • Concert Attire
    • Admission is Free – LCHS Auditorium

Thursday, October 31st

  • 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
  • 5-7:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal (Note: Revised Time)

Friday, November 1st

Away Game v So. Pasadena

  • 6pm: Call Time
  • 7pm: Game Time
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over & return to LCHS

Saturday, November 2nd

Don Lugo Competition
*Please note that the students will be served lunch at the high school before departing for the competition. Light snacks will be served after performance. There will be concessions available at the event.*

  • 9am: Rehearsal on the field
  • 11am: Load truck
  • 11:45am: Lunch is served
  • 1:40pm: Load bus
  • 2pm: Depart LCHS
  • 3pm: Arrive Don Lugo HS
  • 4pm: Begin Warm-up
  • 5pm: Plume on way to Ensemble
  • 5:05pm: Full Ensemble
  • 5:30pm: Pit Departs
  • 5:30pm: Uniforms, tune, water
  • 5:35pm: Pit at Gate
  • 5:40pm: Band Departs
  • 5:45pm: Band at Gate
  • 6:04pm: Performance time
  • 6:30pm: Change, load truck
  • 7:15pm: 4A Begins
  • 8:15pm: 5A Begins
  • 9:35pm: Awards
  • 10:05pm: Depart Don Lugo HS
  • 11:05pm: Arrive at LCHS, unload truck, hang uniforms
  • 11:40pm: Dismissal

We will need Parent Helpers to help with lunch, donations for lunch, and at the competition. Please use this sign-up link to indicate where you would like to help.

Competition Info:

Conquistador Classic
Don Antonio Lugo High School
13400 Pipeline Ave.
Chino, CA 91710

Tickets: $12 adults / $7 seniors & children ages 5-12

Performance time: 6:04pm

Weekly Schedule – 9/16

Tuesday, September 17th

  • Deadline for 9-12 Band concert wear exchanges
  • 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
  • 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal

Thursday, September 19th

  • 3:30-4:30pm: 7/8 Color Guard Rehearsal
  • 5-7pm: 9-12 Orchestra Concert Wear Pickup
  • 5:30-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal

Friday, September 20th

  • Deadline to order LACO tickets
  • Deadline to order parent wear

9-12 Orchestra Concert Wear Has Arrived

Pickup Date: Thursday, September 19th, 5-7pm

To pick up your items, bring cash or check payable to “LCHS MPA.” Please note “Concert Wear” and your student’s name in the memo. Put payment in the lock box.

  • Women’s Dress: $62
  • Men’s Ensemble $151:
    • Tuxedo Jacket: $65
    • Men’s Pants: $30
    • Men’s Vest: $45
    • Men’s Tie: $10

Returning students may exchange pre-owned concert wear. Your final cost for new concert wear will be discounted 40% with return of your gently used, professionally cleaned concert wear items at pick up. Please email a list of items and sizes you will be returning/exchanging and your preference for brand new or pre-owned items to Lori Silverman. There is no cost for exchanging pre-owned items for in-house pre-owned stock, if your size is available).

Please contact Lori Silverman if you have questions. For payment assistance, please contact Ms. Munday.

9-12 Orchestra Concert Wear

Our first Concert is just around the corner!

Advanced orchestra students are required to purchase coordinated formal wear for concerts. Our volunteers have already fitted new students and placed an order from Southeastern Performance Apparel. Please read on for all you need to know:

Continuing Students

Please try on your dresses and suits this week to be sure all required clothing fits, and all pieces are present, cleaned, and ready for the season. If you need another size, or are missing items, please contact Lori Silverman ASAP to be scheduled for a fitting.

New Students

Orchestra Reps have completed fitting new students for concert wear clothing. A future payment and pick up date for Concert Wear will be scheduled. Payment will be required according to the list below.

Concertwear Items & Costs

The prices for new concert wear are similar to last year. Please contact Ms. Munday if assistance is requested.

  • Women’s Dress: $62
  • Men’s Ensemble:
    • Tuxedo Jacket: $65
    • Men’s Pants: $30
    • Men’s Vest: $45
    • Men’s Tie: $10


Payment is not needed for fitting, but will be required prior to picking up items. A future pick up date will be scheduled. Payment can be cash or check payable to “LCHS MPA.” Please note, “concert wear” in the check memo.

Returns & Exchanges

If a new item does not fit, we will return/reorder at no cost. Please note: concert wear is loose, NOT custom fitted clothing – hemming needs to be provided by student/family.

If a continuing student needs a new size, which is not in our pre-owned inventory, their professionally cleaned, usable clothing can be returned to the Concert Wear Representatives and the new clothing order will be discounted 40%.

Students may exchange professionally cleaned, gently used items for another size at no cost if that size is available in our limited in-house inventory of almost new clothing.

Please contact Lori Silverman if you have questions.

Weekly Schedule – 9/2

The week is 9-12 Jazz Band Auditions. See this post for more details.

Tuesday, September 3rd

  • 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal

Wednesday, September 2nd

L.A. County Fair – 9-12 Marching Spartans

  • Students dismissed from classes at Break
  • 10:30am: Load truck/Bus
    • Gather items needed for parade:
      • Instruments
      • Uniform
      • Please wear lightweight shorts and band shirt under uniform.
      • Shako
      • Gloves
      • Long black socks
      • Marching Shoes
  • 11am: Depart LCHS
  • 12pm: Arrive at the Fair
  • 3:30pm: Meet back at the bus/Change into uniform/Warm-up
  • 4:30pm: Line up for parade
  • 5pm: Parade
  • 6pm: Back at bus/change/load truck
  • 7:30pm: Depart Fair
  • 8:30pm: Return to LCHS

Thursday, September 5th

  • 5:30pm-8:30pm: 9-12 Band & Guard Rehearsal

Friday, September 6th

  • Advanced Orchestra Registration Due

Home Football Game – 7/8 Night!

  • 5pm: 9-12 & 7/8 Band Rehearsal in front of the North Gym
  • 5:30pm: Pizza Dinner served
  • 6:10pm: Front of North Gym
    • instruments
    • full uniform – 9/12
    • band shirts & jeans – 7/8
      • shirts will be distributed following dinner
  • 6:25pm: Tailgate performance
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game (both 7/8 & 9-12)
  • 7pm: Game time
  • approx. 8pm: Half-time performance
  • 7/8 students dismissed after half time
    • 7/8 Parents will need to pick-up their student back at the band room.
  • 9:30pm: Game over/change/go home

9-12 Orchestra Registration

Forms/Registration Due Friday, September 6th

Please complete the online registration form, read the syllabus, and complete the Field Trip Form.

Note: For future reference, all forms and information can be found here.


All families are asked to complete the registration. We use this information for keeping you informed of all activities and to communicate with you. This form also shares with you the financial info that is needed to make the program successful. (The Financial Assistance form is also included.) Please take a moment to complete the registration.

Registration Form

Orchestra Syllabus

Please read the syllabus.  It contains all the information and program requirements that you will want to know. Please complete, sign, and return the 3rd page of the syllabus to Ms. Munday. Please put all the dates on your calendar now – most everything for the entire school year is already set.

Field Trip Form

Please complete, sign, and return to Ms. Munday.