2020-2021 Registration Live
The online registration forms are now available for 9-12 Orchestra, 9-12 Band/Guard, 7/8 Orchestra, and 7/8 Band.
Just click on the appropriate link below, complete the form and if possible, donate to the program.
The information collected is used for communications as well as volunteer sign-ups and all donations are appreciated to make the Instrumental Music Program possible.
Donations can be made online with a credit card or by check sent to:
P.O. Box 1307
La Canada, CA 91012
We would appreciate EVERYONE completing the registration information by October 1st so we can update our records.
If you have any questions, please contact your student’s instructor:
Mr. Stone
Ms. Munday
Mr. Myers
Financial assistance is available, just please complete the form available in the registration link.
Special note to all high school families… There are two donation opportunities this year. The first one is the program contribution to help maintain the Instrumental Music Program as we currently know it. The second one is a student donation which is a straight donation to the program. Please remember that this year there will be no transportation costs or uniform costs. (Concert wear will be purchased separately on an as-needed basis.)
Your donations are the needed financial support to make our program work. The Instrumental Music program receives minimal district funding and we rely heavily on your generous hearts and keen investment in your child’s musical experience. Thank you!
7/8 Band & Orchestra Registration Link
Cohorts – Updated Information
Thank you all for your patience in trying to restart our in person regular rehearsals in small cohorts.
On Friday, the LCHS administration asked me to hold as the LA County Department of Health may be issuing changes that would effect the ability to hold these small cohort gatherings.
As more information is available, we will be reaching out to everyone for a large information meeting to present the protocols for rehearsals and answer any questions.
Thanks again for your patience as we try to navigate this situation.
Cohort Information for the Instrumental Music Program
October 12th starts the opening of conditioning and training for many of our teams on campus. In discussing this with our LCHS administration team, here are the highlights:
- One coach/instructor per 10 students is considered a cohort
- Coach/Instructor can only work with one cohort
- Students are to be in one cohort only
- Training to take place outside. No access to the interior of buildings.
- There is a waiver to sign and health protocols in place each time the cohort comes onto campus to train.
What does that mean for Instrumental Music Programs?!?
As long as we follow the protocols and all students remain in masks while in a rehearsal, we can meet in-person, outdoors in small groups for those students and parents who are comfortable with in-person rehearsals.
Wind players playing their instruments is still not allowed at this time.
We will be assessing this new system this week and come up with a plan for the Instrumental Program groups that can meet (Drum Line, Color Guard, Orchestra).
Please be patient with us as we discuss the protocols that need to be in place to keep staff and students safe. We will have a plan soon. Once we have a plan, we will have a mandatory meeting for all parents and students to go over the plan and answer any questions.
Thanks again for your patience!
9-12 Orchestra:
9-12 Band:
Topic: The Stone Center for Learning and Awesomeness
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 965 8514 1690
Passcode: 8QxaCc
7/8 Orchestra:
7/8 Band:
Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…
Thank you to Orchestra students and parents for a great first week of school! The enthusiasm of the students was wonderful and I loved seeing all of them. This week, we start playing again and see how that will work. I am so encouraged by everyone’s can-do attitude! Great job, Orcas!
Parents, you are invited to attend the Music Parents Association (MPA) Zoom meeting this Wednesday at 7pm. This is our LCHS instrumental music support group and it’s great to have Orchestra parents join in!
Ms. Munday’s News & Notes
I hope that everyone is having a good summertime experience and that all are well. During these uncertain times, I wanted to reach out to you and let you know my thinking for when school re-opens.
By now, you are probably aware of what the district has proposed for the reopening of school. In this scenario, Orchestra would remain at 0 period, with half of the students coming on M/W and the other half on T/Th. We could actually play orchestra music with each student having their own music, stand, mask and sitting 6 feet apart. Also, chamber music would be another good music-making task for us. I can see opportunities for us to give concerts in other ways and venues than we have in the past. The takeaway is, that we can still play music, and that’s the important thing!
It’s not for certain that school will open up like this. If we are not physically at school, rest assured that Orchestra will continue. I am looking at lessons that delve into music and the important issues of today.
I very much want to hear from the students about topics and music that interest them and that they would like to explore. Write to me at jmunday@lcusd.net.
The choices that we all are having to make now are difficult. I know that we will all come through. We are OrcaStrong.
Senior Band & Orchestra Grad Cord & Concert Wear
If there are any seniors who have not yet picked up their graduation cord, please stop by and see Mrs. Miller at the District Business Office from 8am-1pm.
If there are any seniors who still have Concert Wear that they would like to donate, you may also drop that off to Mrs. Miller at the District Business Office from 8am-1pm. Thank you for your donation to the program.
7-12 Rental Instrument/Guard Equipment Return & Pickup
Rental Instruments
For those that are returning to LCHS in the Fall, you can just keep the instrument you have for practicing over the summer. Anyone that needs to turn in an instrument because they are not returning to LCHS in the Fall can drop off their instrument in the back parking lot by the band room at 9am on Tuesday, June 2nd.
Marching Instrument/Guard Equipment
Those that are needing a marching instrument or guard equipment for mini-camp, you can come and pick them up at that time as well. (Tuesday, June 2nd at 9am.)
Please stay in your cars initially as you pull up and wear a mask. Thank you!
Please fill out this form so we know to expect you, even if you have filled it out before.
This is also the form if you have textbooks stranded in your music lockers. Thank you!
Senior Cord Pickup & Concert Wear Donations
Senior (Band & Orchestra)
4-year Graduation Cord Pick Up
& Concert Wear Donations
Tuesday, May 26th
Seniors may stop outside the band room and pick up their graduation cord.
Seniors that would like to donate their Concert Wear back to the program, may place their Concert Wear on the rack outside the band room. (Thank you for your donation.)