Advanced Orchestra Instrument Rental

All string instruments are available for rental throughout the year. They have all been recently refurbished and are ready to go. Here is the rental procedure:

  1. String instruments will be given out after school on Monday, August 20th at 3:15 p.m. in the band room.
  2. At that time, a check for $200, payable to “LCHS MPA” is due. You will need to hand in the check before you can take the instrument.
  3. If you are renting 2 instruments, the second instrument is $100.

Advanced Orchestra Concert Wear

All Orchestra members must have concert wear for the performances. Please have your returning student try on their concert wear and see if it fits. A Concert Wear fitting day will be scheduled in the next couple of weeks for exchanges and fitting of new students. Keep an eye out for the date.

Advanced Orchestra Registration

Online Registration

All Orchestra students/parents must complete the online registration for the LCHS Music Parents Association. The contact information collected will be used to share information with you throughout the year, mainly by email. After you complete the registration, you will have the opportunity to donate to the Music Parents Association. Please remember that the District provides only a very small portion of the funds necessary for a program like ours. The Instrumental Music Program relies on parent donations.

Online Registration

Orchestra Syllabus

Please read through the Orchestra Syllabus for all information concerning the Orchestra: expectations, grading, and important dates. Please read through with your student and then print, sign, and return the Orchestra Agreement form.

Orchestra Syllabus

Orchestra Agreement form

Field Trip Form

Please complete, print, sign, and return the Field Trip form to Ms. Munday. All students must return this form prior to participating in any off-campus Orchestra activities.

Field Trip Form

All Orchestra Forms are due by Friday, August 31st.

Concert Wear Returns and Donations

Returns: If your 7/8 Orchestra student has borrowed a tux jacket, please have it cleaned and return to Mr. Myers prior to the end of the school year. Please attach a tag with their name.

Donations: If your 9-12 Orchestra or Band student is graduating (boys or girls), please consider donating their concert wear back to the program for future members to use. To donate, please have your student’s tux and/or dress cleaned and have your student hang it on the garment rack in the band hallway marked with their name.


Awards Night

Awards Night is this week for 9-12 Advanced Orchestra and 9-12 Band and Color Guard. Please plan on attending… It’s a pretty fun evening.

Orchestra Awards begin at 7pm, and Band/Color Guard Awards begin at 8pm. Both are in the LCHS Auditorium. Hope to see you there.

Just a note: 7/8 Awards are awarded during the school day.