Weekly Schedule – 12/3

Tuesday, December 4th

  • 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
  • 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
  • 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal

Wednesday, December 5th

  • 6:30-8:30pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal

Thursday, December 6th

  • *Note: No Winter Drumline or Winter Guard Rehearsals today.
  • Zero Period: Combined 7/8 Band & 7/8 Orchestra
  • 3-6pm: Poinsettia Pick Up & Delivery Day
  • Winter Spectacular
    • Performances by the 9-12 Orchestra, 9-12 Band, and Jazz band
    • 6pm: 9-12 Orchestra Call Time
    • 6:30pm: 9-12 Band Call Time
    • 6pm: Call Time – All Performers
    • 7pm: Concert Begins
    • Concert Wear
    • Refreshments
      • After the performance, refreshments will be served outside the Auditorium for the audience and performers.
      • Orchestra – Please click to sign up
      • Band – Please bring desserts such as cookies, cupcakes, holiday treats, etc.

Orchestra Photos

The 9-12 and 7/8 Orchestras will have their group photo taken on Friday, November 9th.

Orchestra students should come to Zero Period in concert attire and bring clothes to change into for the remainder of the school day.

Picture order information will be handed out Friday morning and you will be able to view the photos and place your order online.

9-12 Orchestra Elementary Tour

The 9-12 Orchestra will tour all three elementary sites on Friday, November 2nd.

We are looking for several parents to ride the bus with the students. If you are interested, please contact Yvonne Lim.

We will depart LCHS at 7:30am and return at approximately 3pm. We will have lunch in Montrose. It’s a great day and it’s so fun to observe the high school students and the elementary students be excited about music!

Weekly Schedule – 10/15

Tuesday, October 16th – Band & Guard

Due to the power outage and school closure, schedule is updated.

  • 1:30pm: Music Rehearsal – Band AND Guard
  • 3pm: Band & Guard Picture Day
    •  Change into full uniform – no shako, no gloves
      • Bring black socks and marching shoes
    • Take completed picture order envelope to Hahamonga
    • Order envelopes are in the band room, Click here for order form details. Each student must turn in an envelope to receive the 8×10 photo that is included in your donation amount even if you do not order additional photos.
    • Smile!
    • Back to the Band Room, change, hang uniform
  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Wednesday, October 17th – 7/8 Orchestra, 9-12 Orchestra, and Some Winds & Percussion from Band

  • Fall Concert – Forte of the Silenced
    • 6:30pm: Performer Call Time
    • Concert Attire
    • 7pm: Performance in LCHS Auditorium

Thursday, October 18th – Band & Guard

  • 5-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Color Guard
  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal – Band

Friday, October 19th – Band & Guard

Homecoming & Senior Night

  • 3pm: Meet in Band Room for Homecoming Parade
    • Not all band & guard members will participate. Your student will know if he/she will be going.
  • 5pm: Senior Night Dinner is served in the Cafeteria for ALL Band/Guard students
  • 6pm: Warm-up in front of the North Gym in full uniform
  • 6:15pm: Senior Parents meet their students for pre-game
  • 7pm: Game time
  • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time
    • Please note that Band & Guard will NOT perform their show, but will stand on the field and play background music for the Homecoming Queen festivities.
    • No plumes, no gauntlets, and no equipment needs to be pushed.
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over, hang uniform, dismissal

Parent Helpers Needed:

Senior Night Dinner:

We will need several parent helpers to set-up and serve the dinner. We will begin set-up at 4pm and dinner will be served at 5pm. Please contact Nadia Ali if you are available and willing.

Prior to the game (and after the game too):

Helpers are needed to fill water jugs and cover the bleachers. Please meet in the band hallway at 5:45pm. If you are available and willing, please contact Pierre Echternach.


You will be walking with your student onto the field during pre-game for Senior Night. In years past, High School admins have asked that you purchase a ticket for the game and meet your student in the end zone on the restroom side of the field. You and your student will be announced as you walk onto the field. Please be there by 6:15pm.

2018 Fall String Concert

2018 Fall String Concert

Forte of the Silenced

Wednesday, October 17th

La Canada High School Auditorium


Admission is Free

Please join the La Canada High School Advanced Orchestra in this year’s Fall String Concert, Forte of the Silenced, a concert of solely women composers!

Gateway to Atlantis

By Student Composer, Sydney Wang

E flat Major String Quartet, First Movement

By Fanny Mendelssohn

Of Paradise and Light

By Pulitzer Prize Winner, Augusta Read Thomas

Kingdom Hearts

By Yoko Shimomura

The concert will end with the 7/8 Orchestra playing, as well as additional High School Band musicians joining for Kingdom Hearts.

Every concert attendee will receive a ticket for a chance to win the Door Prize Gift Basket, valued at $50!