Jun 4, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, Concerts, HS Band, Weekly Schedule
Monday, June 3rd
- Zero Period: Instrument Rental Return
Tuesday, June 4th
- Zero Period: Instrument Rental Return
8th Grade Promotion
- 7th grade Band and 7th grade Orchestra will perform
- Call time: 6pm
- Dress nicely
- Promotion begins at 6:30pm at the stadium
Wednesday, June 5th
- Zero Period: Instrument Rental Return
- All 7-12 lockers must be cleaned out and locks removed. If you wish to keep your current locker, fill out this form.
- Locks remaining will be cut off on June 6th.
- 9-11 grades Band will perform
- Call time: 5:45pm with instruments and music on the field
- Dress nicely
- Graduation begins at 6:30pm at the stadium
Jun 2, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, HS Band, Parents
If you have not paid for “stuff,” now is the time. Have you paid for your students’:
• Yearly Donation?
• Concert Wear?
• Instrument Rental?
• Drumline?
• Color Guard?
• Disneyland?
• Dinner Show meal?
If you’re not sure if you paid – or not sure on the amount owed – please contact Accounts Receivable Treasurer Jason Northrop and he will be happy to check for you.
Instrument Rental Returns
If your student has rented/borrowed an instrument this school year, now is the time to return it.
Parent Wear
We have just a few parent shirts and jackets still available. Please let Sandy Miller know if you are interested.
Sizes Available:
- Women’s shirt: 1 L
- Women’s jacket: 1 S
- Men’s jacket: 1 XXL
Concert Wear Donations
If your student is graduating, please consider donating the concert wear back to the program for use by future students. Please have it cleaned prior to donating. Students may place all donated items (jackets, pants, vests, ties, dresses) on the rack in the hallway.
7/8 Orchestra Jacket Returns
Please return your borrowed tux jackets prior to the end of the school year. Please have the jackets cleaned prior to returning and mark your student’s name on the plastic cover so we know who has returned their jacket. Students may return the jackets to Mr. Myers.
May 28, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, HS Band, Parents, Trips, Weekly Schedule
Tuesday, May 28th
- 7pm: New York Trip Informational Meeting
- All interested parents and students in grades 9-12 for the 2019-2020 school year should attend.
Thursday, May 30th
- Zero Period: Instrument Rental Return
Friday, May 31st
- Zero Period: Instrument Rental Return
May 20, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, Concerts, Fundraising, HS Band, Jazz Band, Parents, Rehearsals, Volunteers, Weekly Schedule
Monday, May 20th
- 3:30-5:30pm: Percussion Workshop
Tuesday, May 21st
- 3:30-5:30pm: Percussion Workshop
- 7pm: 9-12 Orchestra Awards (Parents welcome!)
- 8pm: 9-12 Band Awards (Parents welcome!)
- (7/8 Awards will be presented during the school day)
Wednesday, May 22nd
Thursday, May 23rd
- Zero Period: Instrument Rental Return
Friday, May 24th
- Zero Period: Instrument Rental Return
- Marching Band & Guard: Take uniforms, equipment, and instruments home after school. Return them Tuesday.
- 7/8 Band: Take instruments home after school. Return them Tuesday.
Sunday, May 26th
Jazz Band in the Park
- 5pm: Call time at the High School
- 6pm: Performance, Memorial Park
Monday, May 27th
Fiesta Days Celebration
Service (9-12 Band)
- 8:15am: Call Time at LCE
- Enter the playground from the La Canada Blvd. side
- Leave cases in the car – we won’t be returning to LCE
- Full Uniform – no shako/gloves
- Sunscreen!
- 9am: Memorial Park Service
- Proceed to parade staging after service ends
Parade (7/8 Band, 9-12 Band, 9-12 Color Guard)
- 10am: 7/8 Band Call Time at the parking garage at the corner of Foothill and Cornishon
- Band T-Shirt and Shorts
- Leave cases in the car, we will not return to staging area
- Sunscreen!
- 10:30am: Parade Start
We need four cases of water bottles dropped off at Memorial Park on Monday Morning prior to the service. Please let Sandy know if you’re able to provide.
Tuesday, May 28th
- Bring uniforms and instruments back to school.
May 13, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Concerts, Fundraising, HS Band, MPA Board, Parents, Rehearsals, Weekly Schedule
Monday, May 13th
- Gift Card Orders Due
- 3:30-5:30pm: Battery Workshop
- 7pm: MPA Meeting – Band Room
Tuesday, May 14th
- 3:30-5:30pm: Front Ensemble workshop
Instrumental Pops Concert
- Call time: 6:30pm for all students
- Concert Begins: 7pm – LCHS Auditorium
- Concert Dress
Wednesday, May 15th
- 3:30-5:30pm: Battery Workshop
May 8, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Rehearsals
7/8 Band and 7/8 Orchestra will have a combined rehearsal tomorrow, Thursday, May 9th at zero period, 7:30am, in the Band Room.
Any questions? Please contact Mr. Myers.
Mar 18, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Drumline, 7/8 Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, Color Guard, Concerts, Drumline, Jazz Band, Rehearsals, School Musical, Trips, Weekly Schedule
Monday, March 18th
- 6:30-9pm: Musical Pit Rehearsal
Tuesday, March 19th
- 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
- 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
Wednesday, March 20th
- 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal
Thursday, March 21st
Friday, March 22nd
7/8 Elementary Tour – Band & Orchestra
- 7:15am: Call time for both 7/8 Band & 7/8 Orchestra
- Dress is Band/Orchestra Tshirt, jeans/shorts
- Performances at PCR, PCY, LCE
- 11:30am: Pizza Lunch in Memorial Park
- 3pm: Return to LCHS, Unload
Saturday, March 23rd
Sunday, March 24th
Winter Guard Competition
- A separate email with specific itinerary sent to Winter Guard families
- 4:13pm: Performance Time
- Los Osos High School, 6001 Milliken Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
Mar 18, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Concerts, Parents, Volunteers
This Friday, both the 7/8 Band and the 7/8 Orchestra will perform at each of the three elementary sites.
Call time for all 7/8 students will be 7:15am to load instruments and load the bus. We will need parent helpers to ride the bus with the students. If you are available and willing, please let Mr. Myers know.
They will perform at PCR and then PCY. At approximately 11:30am the students will have a pizza lunch in Memorial Park. We would appreciate donations of fruit (cuties, apples, etc.), paper plates, napkins, and cookies. We will also need several parents to help serve the lunch in the park. Please contact Sandy Miller if you are available to help or willing to donate.
After lunch, the students will load the bus and travel to LCE to perform. After the last performance, the students will return to LCHS, unload the bus, and be dismissed for the day.
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Myers.
Feb 12, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Orchestra, Concerts
Payment and the field trip form are due NOW. You will NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE BUS without the field trip form completed and signed.
The 7/8 Band and 7/8 Orchestra will travel to Disneyland for a studio session on Thursday, February 14th.
Specific details to be shared soon, but mark the date now!
If you haven’t already… Now is the time to pay for the 7/8 Band and 7/8 Orchestra Registration costs. The Disney trip (ticket and transportation) is included in the Registration costs. If you don’t remember, please contact our Receivables Treasurer, Jason Northrup.
In addition, we must have the field trip form to get on the bus. If you have questions, please contact the 7/8 Parent Rep, Adam Kline.
Feb 12, 2019 | 7/8 Band, 7/8 Drumline, 7/8 Orchestra, Color Guard, Concerts, Drumline, Jazz Band, Rehearsals, School Musical, Weekly Schedule
Monday, February 11th
- 6:30-9pm: Musical Pit Orchestra Rehearsal
Tuesday, February 12th
- 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
- 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
Wednesday, February 13th
- 6:30-9pm: Jazz Band Rehearsal
Thursday, February 14th
- 7/8 Band & 7/8 Orchestra to Disney
- 7:15am: Call time for all 7/8 students, load truck
- Wear band/orchestra shirts
- 7:45am: Depart LCHS
- 10am: Soundtrack session
- 7am: Meet at the steps to the Main St. Train Station
- 8:30am: Arrive LCHS, unload truck and go home
- 3:30-5:30pm: 7/8 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
- 5-9pm: Winter Guard Rehearsal
- 6-9pm: 9-12 Winter Drumline Rehearsal
Saturday, February 16th
- Winter Guard Competition
- 6am: Call time, rehearse, load truck with props
- 7:30am: Depart LCHS
- 9:30am: Mira Monte High School
- 10am: Warm up begins
- 12:01pm: Prelims performance
- –Watch other groups, eat lunch–
- TBD: Warm-up for Finals performance
- 6:15-7:19pm: Finals performance
- Load truck
- approx. 9:30pm: Return to LCHS, unload truck
- Competition Location: Mira Monte High School, 1800 S. Fairfax Rd., Bakersfield CA 93307
- Tickets: Prelims, $15; Finals, $18; Combo Ticket, $28 (cash only)
- 9/12 Winter Drumline Competition
- 10am: Call time, load truck with props
- 11:15am: Depart LCHS
- 11:45am: Arrive Monrovia HS
- 12:03pm: Unload truck
- 12:30pm: Warm-up begins
- 1:30pm: Pit pushes to gate
- 1:45pm: Pre-stage
- 2:03pm: Performance time
- 2:20pm: Load truck, eat lunch
- 3:30pm: Scholastic A Awards
- — Watch other groups —
- 7pm: Dinner by the truck
- 7:50-8:30pm: Watch Scholastic World groups!
- 8:50pm: Load Bus
- approx. 9:15pm: Return to LCHS, unload truck
- Competition Location: Monrovia High School, 845 W. Colorado Blvd., Monrovia, CA 91016
- Tickets: $10 for the full day (cash only)