2020-2021 Registration – 9-12 Orchestra

The online registration forms are now available for 9-12 Orchestra.

Just click on the link below, complete the form and if possible, donate to the program.

The information collected is used for communications as well as volunteer sign-ups and all donations are appreciated to make the Instrumental Music Program possible.

Donations can be made online with a credit card or by check sent to:

P.O. Box 1307
La Canada, CA 91012

We would appreciate EVERYONE completing the registration information by October 1st so we can update our records.

If you have any questions, please contact your student’s instructor, Ms. Munday.

Financial assistance is available, just please complete the form available in the registration link.

Special note to all high school families… There are two donation opportunities this year. The first one is the program contribution to help maintain the Instrumental Music Program as we currently know it. The second one is a student donation which is a straight donation to the program. (Concert wear will be purchased separately on an as-needed basis.)

Your donations are the needed financial support to make our program work. The Instrumental Music program receives minimal district funding and we rely heavily on your generous hearts and keen investment in your child’s musical experience. Thank you!

9-12 Orchestra Registration Link

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

Yes, it is almost December in our new world! I hope that everyone had a great holiday break and is looking forward to completing this first semester with some beautiful music from our middle school and high school musicians. Music is such a part of holiday celebration and we are blessed to have wonderful musicians who are keeping the music fires burning. Have a beautiful first week of December!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Welcome back! I hope you all had a great week off from the computer and Zoom meetings! These next three weeks are usually busy with winter activities and concerts and tons of fun music. While we can’t do this all in person, we still have a ton of music to share and perform over these next few weeks. Look for our release of the Winter Spectacular later this month and see the wonderful work our students are still doing. Have a great week!

Percussion In-Person Cohort Information – Updated

We have started in-person rehearsals for Drumline. If you are a parent of a member of either of these groups and missed the meeting with Principal Ito and Mr. Stone, please click on the link and watch the recorded meeting.

Link to recording of meeting regarding the cohorts/rehearsal

At this time, Upper Battery will be meeting in-person on Thursday. Basses and Front Ensemble are not meeting in-person, but will be on zoom both days.

Guard is still on zoom at this time.

These forms MUST be delivered upon arrival at rehearsal.

Word Format

  1. Supplemental Coronavirus Waiver, Release And Indemnification Agreement
  2. Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless, Indemnity And Release Of Liability

PDF Format

  1. Supplemental Coronavirus Waiver, Release And Indemnification Agreement
  2. Assumption of Risk and Hold Harmless, Indemnity And Release Of Liability

If you have questions, please contact Mr. Ito or Mr. Stone.


Please save Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 6:00pm for BOOST-A-THON!

“Boost-A-Thon: La Canada’s Got Talent” is a virtual fundraising event premiering on YouTube.

The 2-hour show will feature LCHS and 7/8 student performances in music, choral, theatre, comedy videos, sports highlights, and more. Please mark your calendars!

If your students haven’t yet sent in their film clips and sports highlights for Boost-a-thon, we‘ve extended the deadline to Monday December 7th. After that, we can’t guarantee consideration for the show.

Please go to www.Boostathon.com and click UPLOAD to submit your videos.
Make short videos (15 seconds to 1 minute in length) with your iPhone or home video camera and send us the digital files as MP4 or QuickTime Movie. Please click here for ideas on what to film and more detailed instructions.

Despite the uncertain environment, the Booster Club is determined to continue its mission.

Thank you for your support!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I am truly thankful for the great kids, parents, and staff that I get to work alongside off each and every day. Thank you all. I am even more thankful for the time I have been gifted through COVID, to hang with my family more during a Marching Season. It has truly been a blessing for our family and my mental health! Truly thankful for the little gifts in strange places! Have a great week!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

It isn’t too early to think of Christmas coming and getting some beautiful poinsettia plants for yourself. They are a great price for what large and beautiful plants they are, plus they last throughput the whole season. I always get several and now my friends buy them too. It really helps out the Instrumental Music program in a very nice way. Thank you, in advance, for supporting our program in this way!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

It’s been a bit of a wild ride this year and it’s looking like we are heading into the last four weeks of school for 2020 (next week and three after Thanksgiving break) with a lot of projects to finish and premiere. Look for our virtual performance videos in the next few weeks and for our entire Winter Spectacular Concert (date TBD). Our music students have been working extremely hard to get you the best music possible. Thank you students for all your hard work! Looking to another fun week of music!