Band Camp Update

In a normal year our marching season would be ready to begin. But it’s 2020 and things just aren’t the same, unfortunately.

We will NOT be having our first week of band camp next week – August 3 through 7. You get one extra week of summer this year!

We will, however, be having some sort of Band Camp the following week of August 10 – 14. We’re not sure yet what Band Camp will look like, but more details will be available next week as soon as we get all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Stay tuned!

We will also hopefully have more details about the school year as a whole as it works within the Instrumental Music Program.

Hope you all have been enjoying the summer break and we look forward to doing as much as we can safely and within the District guidelines.

See you soon!

Best of LCHS Watch Party

Join your bandmates for a Zoom watch party of past shows of the LCHS Marching Spartans!

Saturday, August 1st – 7pm

Zoom Info Below

Topic: Best of LCHS Watch Party!
Time: Aug 1, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 821 8313 5795
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Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

I hope that everyone is having a good summertime experience and that all are well. During these uncertain times, I wanted to reach out to you and let you know my thinking for when school re-opens.

By now, you are probably aware of what the district has proposed for the reopening of school. In this scenario, Orchestra would remain at 0 period, with half of the students coming on M/W and the other half on T/Th. We could actually play orchestra music with each student having their own music, stand, mask and sitting 6 feet apart. Also, chamber music would be another good music-making task for us. I can see opportunities for us to give concerts in other ways and venues than we have in the past. The takeaway is, that we can still play music, and that’s the important thing!

It’s not for certain that school will open up like this. If we are not physically at school, rest assured that Orchestra will continue. I am looking at lessons that delve into music and the important issues of today.

I very much want to hear from the students about topics and music that interest them and that they would like to explore. Write to me at

The choices that we all are having to make now are difficult. I know that we will all come through. We are OrcaStrong.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer and staying safe. While the final details of what the opening of school looks like in August is still being determined by the district, LA County of Public Health, and the State, there was an announcement by the Western Band Association, our marching circuit.

With lots of input from the directors in the association and looking at the current climate, WBA has decided to cancel all of their fall marching season events. While that brings great sadness to me, I think it’s the right decision at this time to keep everyone safe. However, we will continue to pursue our musicality and musicianship in spite of the cancellation.

What does this mean for the fall Mr. Stone?!? (I know that’s the next question.)

I have been thinking a lot about this and we will, with staff help, come up with a plan to incorporate some of our marching skills we’ve been honing in all summer and continue to build our musical abilities as well. However, we are going to put our current proposed fall show Diamonds on hold and try it again for next year when we can give it the proper treatment it deserves.

Please stay tuned for more posts in the coming weeks as more information about the fall comes about. We will still have band in the fall no matter how we start. Music is the thing we need in these crazy times.

Virtual Bake Sale – July 19th Delivery

LCHS Instrumental Music Program Bake Sale!
DELIVERY DATE: July 19th, 3-5pm

We take orders Monday-Thursday.

Click here to order.

Thank you so much for your support. Your contribution will go far in the band and will positively impact the members’ experiences throughout the year. Bakers and Delivery Drivers will be following sanitary guidelines and will make your order super yummy!

Thank you!