Virtual Bake Sale – June 21st Delivery

LCHS Instrumental Music Program Bake Sale!

We take orders Monday-Thursday.

Click here to order.

Thank you so much for your support. Your contribution will go far in the band and will positively impact the members’ experiences throughout the year. Bakers and Delivery Drivers will be following sanitary guidelines and will make your order super yummy!

Thank you!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2020! We are going to miss your music, hard work and smiles that you’ve shared with us over the years! Good luck moving forward and know that it’s okay to look back and visit your music teachers at any time!

Thank you to everyone for making our first ever virtual Mini-Camp a huge success! As strange and odd as that environment is for all of us, we accomplished some great work towards our future success. Thank you for being positive, hard working and amazing in this crazy camp.

It is now summer! A time to relax, practice your instrument, take a lesson or five, swim, play video games, improve your marching skills, connect with your band mates, Thursday game nights, Saturday watch parties, and generally just have fun. Please find time to have fun, even though we will continue to ask you to think towards the fall. Section leaders will be contacting their sections for sectionals (both for work and fun) and staff will be sending out summer challenges to improve marching and musicianship throughout the summer. Remember that we would love your participation, but understand that you are entitled to have fun as well, so please try and balance these as much as you can. All work will help our success next season, but all the fun will be an equal partner in that success too. Balance is the key so that the work will be fun and the fun will be funner (I know it’s not a word… it just makes me laugh!).

For our fall plans, we are meeting Monday, August 3rd to begin our band camp at LCHS. However, all those plans are contingent upon the District’s plan for opening school in the Fall. There are no clear answers at this time, but we will have a plan and relay that information to you as soon as the District makes their announcement for the Fall, which could be late July. I’m keeping my positive, happy outlook on this situation to keep hope alive that we are meeting in person soon, but I will defer to the District’s decisions and protocols and make sure everyone is safe and secure in whatever we do. Thank you for your patience in all this, I know we are all waiting to see what the future holds.

Virtual Bake Sale

LCHS Instrumental Music Program Bake Sale!

We take orders Monday-Thursday.

Click here to order.

Thank you so much for your support. Your contribution will go far in the band and will positively impact the members’ experiences throughout the year. Bakers and Delivery Drivers will be following sanitary guidelines and will make your order super yummy!

Thank you!

2020-2021Marching Spartans Mini-Camp

2020-21 Marching Band & Color Guard (Marching Spartans)

June 8th-11th

Mini Camp goes Virtual!

Mini-Camp includes all 9-12 students for the 2020-2021 school year interested in Marching Band or Color Guard!

Mini-camp will happen on June 8-11 from 9am-1pm each day. During this time, we will be working on the preparations needed for our Fall Marching Show.

We will be meeting in Zoom meetings with staff instructing in Music, Visual, Guard and also time to connect with each other. Please schedule in this time into your days now as it is vital that everyone shows up and participates.

Freshmen families, this is the most important rehearsal you will attend as it will get you connected to your section leader and other students leadership, who will be doing sectionals throughout the summer. It is also the time where staff can focus on your training and becoming a true member of the La Cañada Marching Spartans!

The zoom info is in the LCHS Instrumental Music calendar Instrumental Music website, Looking forward to seeing all 100+ members (yes we are over a 100 now) on June 8th.

Here are the details as well:

Meeting ID: 954 9441 7667
Password: 5sGAwW

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Congrats to the Class of 2020! I know it wasn’t the end you wanted to see, but it is an ending you won’t forget! Good luck as you move on to college and whatever life has in store for you! I know you all will be amazing!

Congrats to the rest of you for moving up a notch and getting ready for another memorable year in the Instrumental Music program. I can tell you that it will be a year unlike any other. For starters, Mini-Camp is online this year, which will give us the chance to continue the training and work we have been doing at the end of this school year, and to get our newest members included into the Instrumental Music Family! While I have zero answers to what August will look like, I do know that we will continue to prepare like we always do and build our musical and visual skills for future use. Thank you all for your professionalism, optimism and dedication to the program and your own growth. I look forward to seeing you all face to face!

Congrats and Enjoy your Summer!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

Congratulations! Especially to our Seniors! You have reached the finish line of high school and we celebrate you and what you have accomplished! The silver lining of these past few months is that it has taught us to persevere and stay optimistic in times of uncertainty. We will all miss your buoyancy and leadership, but you are well-equipped to take on your future challenges. ❤️

Congratulations to everyone else, too; students and parents! Everyone deserves a fun summer! Let’s keep working together as school starts up again in August. Please email me  with any questions, thoughts, comments you may have. I look forward to us all being together and making music again! Be well❤️

Senior Band & Orchestra Grad Cord & Concert Wear

If there are any seniors who have not yet picked up their graduation cord, please stop by and see Mrs. Miller at the District Business Office from 8am-1pm.

If there are any seniors who still have Concert Wear that they would like to donate, you may also drop that off to Mrs. Miller at the District Business Office from 8am-1pm. Thank you for your donation to the program.

7-12 Rental Instrument/Guard Equipment Return & Pickup

Rental Instruments

For those that are returning to LCHS in the Fall, you can just keep the instrument you have for practicing over the summer. Anyone that needs to turn in an instrument because they are not returning to LCHS in the Fall can drop off their instrument in the back parking lot by the band room at 9am on Tuesday, June 2nd.

Marching Instrument/Guard Equipment

Those that are needing a marching instrument or guard equipment for mini-camp, you can come and pick them up at that time as well. (Tuesday, June 2nd at 9am.)

Please stay in your cars initially as you pull up and wear a mask. Thank you!

Please fill out this form so we know to expect you, even if you have filled it out before.

This is also the form if you have textbooks stranded in your music lockers. Thank you!