Away Football Game Update

There was some confusion earlier this season regarding the Band’s transportation to away football games. In the past, athletics through ASB has funded the away football games. This year, athletics is no longer using ASB to hold transportation money, so that funding had ceased unbeknownst to the program. However, for this year, Mr. McFeat has found some funding to cover the costs for the last two away football games for this year.

So, mark your calendars – there are two remaining away football games – Monrovia next Friday, and Temple City on October 26th.

We will review the transportation costs again prior to next year’s football season.

Go Spartans!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

For the past two Friday Orchestra classes, we have been joined by the 7/8 Orchestra plus many wind and percussion players from the Band. One of the pieces for our upcoming Orchestra Concert on Wednesday, October 17th, is from a video game and this is what the students are practicing on Friday mornings. The kids are enjoying playing a piece with all of their buddies. I get to walk around and listen to all the different sections, since Mr. Myers is conducting. I love seeing this – because this is such an important aspect of playing music – making great sounds with friends! I hope everyone has a fun week!