9-12 Orchestra Concert Wear Update

Orchestra concert wear has been ordered and is expected to arrive the week of September 18th. An evening pick up date and time will be scheduled.

New Students:

Please look for future information in the newsletter for pick up date and instructions. Cost and payment is noted below.

Continuing Students:

If you have not already tried on your clothing, please do so this week to be sure all required clothing fits, and all pieces are present, cleaned, and ready for the season. If you need another size or are missing items, please contact the Orchestra Concert Wear Reps (information below).


We order coordinated concert clothing from Southeastern Clothing. The prices for new concert wear are expected to be similar to last year. Please contact Ms. Munday if financial assistance is requested.


  • Dress: $60

Men (all items required – $150):

  • Tuxedo Jacket: $65
  • Pants: $30
  • Vest: $45
  • Tie: $10

Payment can be cash or check payable to “LCHS MPA,” with “concert wear” and student’s name noted in check memo. Bring your payment to the pick up time, or put it in the black lock box. Payment is needed to pick up items.

Returns and Exchanges:

New Items: If a new item does not fit, we will return/reorder at no cost. Please note that concert wear is loose, NOT custom fitted clothing – hemming needs to be provided by student/family.

Return Concert Wear Discount: If a continuing student needs a new size, which is not in our pre-owned inventory, their professionally cleaned, usable clothing can be returned to the Concert Wear Representatives and their new clothing order will be discounted at 40%. Please add your name to each item and bring it to the Orchestra room THIS WEEK.

Slightly Used Concert Wear: Students may exchange professionally cleaned, gently used items for another size at no cost if that size is available in our limited in-house stock of almost new clothing.

If you have questions, please contact our Concert Wear Representatives Gayle Wilkinson and Lori Silverman.

9-12 Band/Guard & 7/8 Band Volunteers Needed

We will need several helpers for Friday evening:

7/8 Night Dinner

If you are interested in helping set-up, serving, and/or clean-up for the dinner for 9-12 Band/Guard and 7/8 Band on Friday night, please contact Nadia Ali. She will let you know the timing and details.

Football Game

If you are interested in helping fill water jugs, covering the bleachers, pluming, gauntleting, or pushing equipment prior, during, and after the game, please contact Pierre Echternach. Helpers will meet in the band hallway at 5:45pm.

Weekly Schedule – 9/3

Tuesday, September 4th (Marching Band/Guard)

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Wednesday, September 5th (Marching Band/Guard)

L.A. County Fair

  • 1st Period: Load truck
  • 11am: Band/Guard students dismissed from class
  • 11:15am: Load bus
  • 11:30am: Depart LCHS
  • 12:15pm: Arrive, eat lunch, enjoy the Fair
  • 3:30pm: Meet back at bus to change into uniform
  • 4pm: Warm-up
  • 5pm: Parade
  • 6pm: Return to bus, change, load truck
  • approx. 8:30pm: Arrive back at LCHS, unload truck
  • approx. 9pm: Dismissal

Thursday, September 6th (Marching Band/Guard)

  • 5:30-8:30pm: Evening rehearsal

Friday, September 7th (Marching Band/Guard & 7/8 Band)

Football Game – 7/8 Night

  • 5pm: 9-12 and 7/8 meet in front of the North Gym with instruments and music for rehearsal
  • 5:30pm: Dinner is served for all students
  • 6:10pm: Meet in front of North Gym with instruments/music
    • 9-12 in full uniform
    • 7/8 in band t-shirts and dark-colored pants/jeans
  • 6:20pm: 9-12 and 7/8 combined performance at Boosters tailgate on Oak Grove field
  • 6:45pm: Pre-game (combined 9-12 and 7/8 on the field performance)
  • 7pm: Game time
    • All 9-12 and 7/8 students will play stand tunes during the first half of the game
    • approx. 8:15pm: Half-time performance by 9-12
    • approx. 8:35pm: 7/8 students return to band room and will be dismissed to parents
  • approx. 9:30pm: Game over, hang uniform, dismissal

Extra Notes:

7/8 students will be rehearsing with the 9-12 students at 5pm, will eat with the 9-12 students, and will then perform with the 9-12 students at the Boosters tailgate, on the field during pre-game, and in the stands during the first half of the game.

After the 9-12 students perform their show at half-time, the 7/8 students will return to the band room with Mr. Myers and will be dismissed. The students may return to the game with parents if you choose or you may go home.

7/8 t-shirts will be distributed either Thursday or Friday.

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…

I find that the cooler days and nights are turning my mind away from summer and to the fun that is fall. Also, I understand that Starbucks is now serving the Pumpkin Spice Latte, so summer must be on its way out! I am listening to the band practicing their show, and it’s great! I see the 7/8 groups learning all about notes and scales and see the more advanced kids helping beginner kids — so awesome! In the high school orchestra, we are planning for the Fall Concert, determining the concert name, making posters, having sectionals figuring out this year’s sweatshirt design, and learning how to listen and play music with each other! I wish you all a wonderful week of fall anticipation.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

September has arrived! I remember the days when school would start this week, while nowadays, we are in full swing with our school year. All classes are working hard on their next performance pieces, building skills, and having fun. 7/8 Band and the Marching Spartans will be entertaining the crowds this Friday at the football game. Come see this huge band at the tailgate and in the stands and watch the latest version of the field show. If you’re at the fair on Wednesday at 5pm, cheer on the band as we march through the L.A. County Fair representing La Cañada. Have a great week and have fun!

Gift Card Orders

It’s time to sign up for the Scrip Gift Card Program! Money raised through gift cards benefit the MPA and your students’ account… Now is the time to start! It’s easy…

To Order:

If you have questions, please contact Ceci Nava.