Nov 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
It’s time! Less than two weeks and we’re off to Clovis for Championships. Your students have been working hard and are amazing! You should be very proud of all they have accomplished!
The tentative itinerary is now available. Please click and take a look. We’re still in the process of finalizing all the little details and times, but this is the basic guideline. The next email will be on Monday, November 13th and we’ll have it all together.
- When you drop your student off at school on Friday, November 17th, they must come with all of their luggage ready for Clovis. Everything will be stored in the back room during the school day and the room will be locked.
- Immediately after school, the students will be on the field for one last marching rehearsal. This is an important rehearsal for fine-tuning and mental preparations.
- At 5:30pm, the students will change into full uniform for the Friends & Family Show. Please join us at the field at 6pm for the final home performance of “Rapunzel.” You don’t want to miss it!
- After the show, there will be a brief time for photos and visiting, and then the students will load the truck, have dinner provided by the MPA, and load the buses for our trip to Clovis.
Please review the itinerary for further details.
We are planning to arrive back at LCHS on Sunday around 7:30pm. We will send updated arrival info when we depart Clovis, and as always, the truck will need to be unloaded and the props properly stored before the Thanksgiving Break.
It’s an exciting, fun time for the students and we’re looking forward to a great trip.
Nov 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
The 9-12 Orchestra is in the thick of practicing for the Winter Spectacular. The program that we have chosen to play is very challenging and I am very proud of the students for hanging in and learning what needs to be learned. This program is a big step for these kids and I am so proud of them for having a good attitude and working towards the performance! I hope that you will all be able to come and hear the 9-12 Orchestra and 9-12 Band on Friday, December 8th at the LCHS auditorium at 7pm.
9-12 Orchestra Picture Day is this Wednesday, November 8th, during 0 period. Bronson Photography will once again come and take a group shot of us. Order forms will be available so that you can buy the photo. Students should come to 0 period in their full concert dress — EVEN SHOES AND SOCKS! There will be time to change into school clothes after the photo shoot.
Please keep registering and signing the medical form for the Winter Retreat. Click here for the medical form. Your student should register on Google Classroom. The fee is now due. Please make out a check for $185, payable to, “LCHS MPA.” Please put the check and form in the block lock box in the band room. Thank you to everyone who has already completed this. We would like to have everyone signed up and paid before Thanksgiving Break.
There are still spots open tor volunteers for the elementary tour on Friday, December 1st; for the Winter Spectacular on Friday, December 8th; and for chaperoning the Winter Retreat January 19th-21st. It’s lots of fun, please join us! To volunteer, please contact Cecilia Cheng.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Ireland Tour, March 14th-21st! We need to have these completed before Thanksgiving Break. Your child will definitely want to go on this trip! Parents are also welcome!
Nov 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
The 7/8 Orchestra will have pictures taken on Wednesday, November 8th during 0 Period.
Your student should arrive in their concert attire. They will have time to change for the school day after the pictures are taken.
Note: If your son does not have the jacket he was issued, please have him speak to Mr. Myers BEFORE Wednesday morning.
Order forms for the pictures will be available Wednesday morning.
Nov 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
This Saturday’s competition is a late one, and a long day…
We will need volunteers to donate lunch items, and serve lunch, prior to departure, helpers at the competition, and items/helpers for the snack after the performance.
Items to Donate: monetary donations for sandwiches, chips, cookies, water bottles, cup-o-soups, cheese sticks, etc. If you are interested in donating any items, please contact Sheryl Madonna, and let her know what you would like to bring.
- We will need help serving the students lunch at approximately 1pm at the high school.
We will need a few parents to ride the bus to/from the competition. Bus riders will need to be at the high school no later than 2:15pm.
We will need parent helpers to plume, gauntlet, and push equipment at the competition. We would ask that you meet us in the warm-up area no later than 6:30pm.
No experience is necessary – just jump in and we’ll train you as we go.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sheryl Madonna and let her know you are available.
Crowd Supporters:
As always, a nice, loud, cheering audience is great support for our students. (And the judges notice too!) Thanks in advance for your support!