7/8 Concert Wear

The 7/8 Band and 7/8 Orchestra will perform at the Fall Concert on Wednesday, October 25th. Concert dress will be:

7/8 Band
Girls: Black skirt/pants, white top/blouse, and black dress shoes.
Boys: White button-down-the-front collared shirt with dark tie, black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes. Please, no tennis shoes.

7/8 Orchestra
Girls: Black skirt/pants, white top/blouse, and black dress shoes.
Boys: Tux jacket (to be borrowed and provided by the MPA), White button-down-the-front collared shirt with dark tie, black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes. Please, no tennis shoes. **The tux jackets were fit two weeks ago. Please check with your student to see if they brought it home. Several were left in the hallway on Friday. The tux jackets will be borrowed by your student and will be returned in the Spring.

Championship Trip Info

With the competition season beginning, we need to make final plans for our Championship trip to Clovis, CA!

If you haven’t yet paid the Championship costs, now is the time.
The $250 amount covers your student’s transportation to/from Clovis, as well as while in Clovis; two nights hotel stay, and a group dinner on Saturday. This cost is not a fundraiser for the program, it only covers the expenses that are incurred.

The following is a brief glance as to how the weekend is planned, so you are aware of your student’s schedule. There are a few details to figure out yet and we will share a more detailed itinerary as we get closer.

Friday, November 17
The students will have rehearsal after school from 3:30pm until 5:30pm. The students will then get into full uniform for the Friends & Family show which begins at 6pm. Invite all your friends, neighbors and family! After the show, the students will load the truck and bus, and will head to Clovis. We will arrive in Clovis about midnight.

Saturday, November 18
The student’s will have a music rehearsal in the morning, be free to grab lunch, have a little down time, and then depart for competition in the late afternoon. LCHS will perform at 9:17pm at Buchanan High School in Clovis. (We are currently looking at dinner options for the entire band as this is usually a group meal — we’ll keep you posted.)

Sunday, November 19
If our Marching Spartans place well in Saturday’s performance, they will perform on Sunday (usually late morning, early afternoon) at Fresno State. Depending on awards timing, we will load and head for home, usually stopping for food along the way. We should arrive back at the band room around 8pm.

Please remember, this is a basic guideline, more details will follow.

Chaperones will be Needed
Chaperone will be needed to ride the bus (it’s a charter bus) and to check rooms at lights out. We will also need volunteers to help plume, gauntlet, and push equipment just like at all the competitions. It really is a great weekend to enjoy the students and all the work they have done throughout the season. Please consider making the trip and joining us.

Hotel Info
This year the band and color guard will be staying at:
Homewood Suites
835 Gettysburg Ave.
Clovis, CA

The parent block is set. We have seven rooms at the rate of $145/night + tax. The rooms are king suites. Please contact our group reps directory to reserve one of these rooms. Please do not call the front desk. State that you are with the, “La Canada High School Marching Band Parent Block.”
Noemi Garza Emel
Sales Manager
559-312-1022 x 505
Stephanie Rodriguez
Director of Sales

It’s first come, first serve, and all are welcome. (We may ask you to help us out with room checks if you are part of this block.) The deadline to reserve a room as part of the parent block will be Friday, October 20th.

If you have questions, please contact Sandy Miller.

Marching Band/Color Guard Professional Photos

Marching Band/Color Guard professional photos will be taken on Tuesday, October 17th, at 3:45pm in Hahamonga park.

Click Here for the Order Form.

These pictures will be in full uniform and are quite impressive. New this year… as part of your donation to the program, each student will receive one 8×10 group photo (a $26 value)! If you would like to apply this amount to a larger photo or package, please indicate on the form. The form is for your info – the photographer prefers the envelopes be handed in at the time of the picture. Mr. Stone will have the envelopes for students in the band room.

The group photo should be finished by 4:15pm, and individual pictures will follow. Since rehearsal begins at 5:30pm, it might be a good idea to arrange some sort of dinner or snack for your students — whether it’s pack or drop off, the students are always hungry!

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Performance is what we work hard for. Playing for a crowd is the best. As we work this week to get ready for band’s first competition, and orchestra works toward their first concert, keep in mind that performance level rehearsals produce performance level performances. We only get better by working harder and performing each time we approach our music. It’s what makes rehearsals more fun than the performance sometimes. Performances are amazing because we finally get to share our music and show all within earshot. Have a great week preparing and performing!

Ms. Munday’s News & Notes

Winter Retreat:
From after school on Friday, January 19th, until early afternoon on Sunday, January 21st, we will be at our 2018 Winter Retreat at the Angeles Crest Christian Camp, about 45 minutes up Angeles Crest Highway. It’s a fun time of rehearsing and having fun playing games and hanging out! This is a group activity and everyone in orchestra should go.

Click Here to Register

The camp also requires a participation form that can be downloaded here, printed out, signed and taken to school and put in the black box. The cost is $185. Super Fun!

Fall Concert
Wednesday, October 25th
LCHS Auditorium

Our first concert of the year is coming right up and it would be great to have a full house to see and hear all the amazing work these musicians have done!

Please join us and the 7/8 Orchestra for an evening of beautiful music created by your students!

9-12 Concert Wear

Before you know it, marching season will be over and we’ll be in concert season! Please have your student try on last year’s concert wear and see if it fits.

Sandy will be fitting concert wear for girls on Wednesday, October 11th during 1st and 3rd periods. Please discuss with your student if you would like new concert wear or slightly used. (We do have some donated concert wear items in limited sizes from our alumni that we can give to you at a discounted price.) Please bring any cleaned concert wear that doesn’t fit on Wednesday.

Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…

Seven weeks into the school year.

Two weeks until the Marching Spartans first competition.

Four weeks until the Fall Concert.

October has arrived!

This is one of my favorite months since it is the cumulation of everyone’s hard work coming together in amazing performances. It’s also when warm night rehearsals cool off and sweatshirts, not t-shirts, become the norm. You must come and see one or all of these great events and support our students’ display of all the hard work they have been doing since the beginning of school. It is truly remarkable seeing the transformation of the orchestra’s initial sight-reading rehearsal, or band’s first run with drill and music together, until a polished performance.

I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing all of these great events and hoping to see all of you there. Have a great week