Championship Trip Information
The $250 amount covers your student’s transportation to/from Clovis, as well as while in Clovis; two nights hotel stay, and a group dinner on Saturday. This cost is not a fundraiser for the program, it only covers the expenses that are incurred.
Chaperones will be Needed
We still need at least two additional bus riders — Remember, they are charter buses, and the traveling is pretty nice. Please let Sandy Miller know if you are available and willing.
Hotel Info
ALL parent rooms at Homewood Suites have been reserved. Thank you!
Ms. Munday’s News & Notes…
It’s finally here — our first concert of the year! This Wednesday, October 25th at 7pm, in the LCHS Auditorium, will be the 7/8, 9-12, Fall Strings Concert. I invite the parents to come and see what getting your child to all those early morning practices have produced! They really sound great, and I am so looking forward to this performance! It really means a lot to your children that you to come to hear them. They may say otherwise, but I know from personal experience. It still makes me really happy when I know that my friends and family are in the audience for a performance. So please come and bring relatives and friends!
On Thursday morning, after the performance, we will have a special Halloween breakfast in the band room during 0 period for all the performers. Thank you to all the parents who are bringing food for us. No instruments that day. Friday, though, bring your instruments and we will begin rehearsing for the Winter Spectacular on December 8th.
Winter Retreat forms are now available to complete. Have your child go to Google Classroom and fill out the questionnaire about their food preference. There is a form for you to download and sign and have your child bring back to school. The cost for this trip is $185. If you haven’t already paid this, please do so now. The check should be made out to, “LCHS MPA.” Your child can bring that to school and put it in the black lock box. This is a required trip, so please complete these tasks as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact me. This s a really wonderful trip for the kids. They don’t miss any school, they have a fun weekend in the mountains, and the food is great!
Have a great week and see you on Wednesday night at the concert!
Last Home Football Game – Senior Night – October 27th
All seniors and their parents will line up in front of the North Gym at 6pm on Friday, October 27th. FYI – High School office is asking that the senior parents first purchase a ticket to the game for $8 first.
7/8 Band Concert Update
More Info on Saturday’s Competition
We are still looking for monetary donations to cover the cost of the sandwiches we’re purchasing. Please contact Sheryl Madonna. if you’re available and willing to help in any way.
With the addition of some pretty amazing props, we would like additional manpower to help disassemble the castle tower at 10am and load it onto the truck. We will then need additional manpower at the competition to unload and assemble the tower in the warm-up area, and then disassemble and load onto the truck after the performance. You don’t have to commit to both sites!
Championship Room Signups
Mr. Stone’s Thought of the Week…
Advanced Orchestra – Winter Retreat
The camp also requires a participation form that can be downloaded here, printed out, signed and taken to school and put in the black box. The cost is $185. Super Fun!
Gin & Jazz – Fundraising for our Music Program
The Spartan Boosters Club is working hard to raise funds to update the LCHS Music / Band Room area to include recording studio equipment, and converting one of the small practice rooms into recording mix room… as well as new carpeting and new paint. This is a HUGE help to our own MPA fundraising for this! The Spartan Boosters and the Music Parents Association working together for the Instrumental Music Program.
Currently, all musicians are taught performance, however a huge part of job opportunities in music are actually in recording. By adding recording studio equipment, students would be exposed to how to perform for recording, how to record music, microphone placements, arrangements for recordings, music composition, music mixing, and post production music for film and television.
Students can learn how to lay down music tracks for them to play along with at home. Students can learn how to work with the LCHS TV class and theater arts departments recording and scoring music for student / school productions. This would allow our music department to grow and be contemporary with how music is performed today and the music industry. It is very exciting!
We’re hoping to raise enough to install the recording equipment that will help our kids learn practical music skills beyond music performance. However, we won’t be able to reach our goals without your help.
PLEASE come to “BoosterFest – Gin and Jazz” on Saturday, October 21st, starting at 5:30pm at the La Canada Country Club. In addition to a dedicated Music Room fundraiser, there will be delicious food, cocktails, dancing, great auction values, and GREAT FUN.
We need MUSIC Parents to be at BoosterFest. Unfortunately, the Marching Band Field Competition at Mission Viejo High School is earlier the same day. If you are not going to the Marching Band event, please come to BoosterFest (or maybe Mom goes to one event, and Dad goes to the other). Please tell your friends to attend as well.
Keep in mind, there are two ways to get tickets to BoosterFest.
1. The easiest way to get tickets (and best value) is to join Boosters at the “Spartan Club Level” ($350) or higher and get 2 free tickets (2 tickets by themselves are $135 x 2=$270). Join Boosters Now
2. You can purchase individual tickets using the link for $135 each. Purchase your tickets now!
Please support this event that has earmarked specific fundraising and auction items to our mission to improve and update the Music Program facilities, and increase the music educational and creative offerings to our students.
If you have any items to donate to the auction, or any other questions, please contact Wayne Page.