Spartan Booster Raffle Ticket Sale
Sale Starts: Monday, September 11th
Sale Ends (Tickets Due): Monday, October 16th
Drawing: Saturday, October 21st
Winner need not be present to win.

To purchase, contact a student in the Instrumental Music Program, or email Sarah Nagel.

We are again selling raffle tickets from the Spartan Boosters. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the Instrumental Music Program.

Raffle items include:

  • Six (6) one-day park hopper passes for California Adventure/Disneyland
  • Apple Watch Nike+
  • Four (4) tickets to the Lakers vs. Clippers game on Nov. 27 (Section 219, Row 9)

The cost is $20 each. Checks can be made payable to, “LCHS Boosters.”